Apple had been part in two major wars in the past before she got involved with the Second Fire Bringer War. She was a student of the late Mathiu Silverberg, the head strategist of the Toran Liberation Army. After his death, she traveled the lands where his master once trod while gathering information and collecting materials about his life. A biography which she is trying to complete for several years.
Apple may not have been one of the best strategist but her heart followed the ideals of her mentor. After the Dunan Unification War, she met one of Mathiu's close relative, Caesar Silverberg. She then took him to become her student and taught him in the ways of her highly revered master. Eventually, she became one of the important minds among the Fire Bringers. Together with Salome Harras, they are responsible for devising complex tactics for every situation, acting as vice-strategists to Caesar Silverberg.