Duke is the leader of the Fourteenth Unit of Southern Frontier Defense Force of Harmonia. He is hostile towards the Twelfth Unit, particularly on their leader, Geddoe. Although, the reason is unknown why he keeps on bugging them, but most likely he sees Geddoe as a worthy rival. However, Geddoe always hold his patience and keep ignoring his insults and taunts. This infuriates Duke further and his hostility towards him go deeper and deeper. He had been constantly beaten by Geddoe's superior skill on their skirmishes.
Duke's unit was formerly led by his father, but after his death, Duke assumed his stead. All the members in his unit are fiercely loyal to him. He once saved Gau from a situation that almost cost his life. In return, he pledged his undying devotion to him. Nicolas, on the other hand, was an old comrade of his father and now working on his side.
Duke's favorite food is hot curry. He eats a lot of it that sweat keeps poring off him. Thomas, who is also an ardent fan of curry, developed a camaraderie on him. After the Second Fire Bringer War, he and Elaine got married but still fighting side by side on the same unit.