Estella is a travelling mage whose exceptional skill in magic is equaled by her habitual lying. She is undoubtedly a genuine pathological liar who lives in a world of her own creation. Not much truth is known about her due to the fact that most of her testimonies are nothing but tattle tales fabricated by her own delusion.
She once told the kid detective, Kidd, that she was born from a rock 50 years ago and that Rody was once a water imp who became human after transformed into by her powerful spell. She also told him a hidden village called Gordius whose inhabitants are all male. Seemingly like the male counterpart of the Alma Kinan Clan.
Estella's habitual lying is not limited to people whom she doesn't take seriously. She is also fond of telling lies even to the Fire Bringer's superior, the Flame Champion. Most of her letters to him, if not all, contained pieces of advice which are obviously illogical. Some of which includes getting burned by Bright's fire breath can enhance one's Fire magic. While achieving 20 laps of paddling inside the bath tub can make Water magic more powerful.
After the Second Fire Bringer War, Rody still followed his mentor in a quest to find the 109th Star of Destiny. Of course, not all people believed her nor took her seriously, except for her fiercely devoted apprentice and the gullible young detective.