Gordon is a gentleman who runs the item shop at Iksay Village. He joined the Fire Bringers after he found out that they have gentlemen among their ranks, too. Aside from that he seems to like Chris Lightfellow but also chases on other women.
Gordon was a highly acclaimed theatrical actor before but abandoned his fame and glory for an unknown reason. Since then, his wife left him and took their two daughters under her custody. He is personally acquainted with Nadir whom he worked with while he was still performing on stage. They usually talk from time to time.
One particular reason why Gordon joined the army is that he likes people with an aura of being a gentleman. It seems that he found a lot of people like that in the castle such as his friend Nadir, the narcissist Augustine Nabor and the Zexen Knight's tactician Salome Harras. However, he finds the Flame Champion, Hugo, to have a long way to go to become one of them. Thus, he wrote some letters to him that showed great concerns about his welfare. Gordon wanted to make a gentleman out of their rowdy leader and offered his help in any way he deemed necessary.
According to the young private eye, Kidd, Gordon loves to grow sponge cucumbers and has a warbler pet. When he is with the party, Gordon can sold any item while in the fields. He can also easily get a discount on various shops and services, reasonably lowering their price with every purchase made.
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