Hortez VII
A rich man with a poor sense of direction. Hortez VII spend most of his time figuring out where in the world is he and keep asking people the right direction for his destination. While looking for a certain place on his journey he found himself wandering in the vast area of Grassland. After he was given a wrong direction by the Fire Bringers, he ended up in Budehuc Castle. In there, he set up a shop for his incredibly rare skill of turning rune crystals into handy dandy magic scrolls.
Hortez is a bit high-minded and usually treat people as his subordinate. He is a self-proclaimed royalty of a certain rich country that he constantly boast to the Flame Champion. He even challenged Hugo to try and make his country as rich as his.
The scroll maker's lack of sense of direction is equaled only by his lack of common sense. He once wrote a letter asking the Flame Champion, Hugo, about what surprising thing might happen if he sent letters to him. No matter how haughty he seems to be, yet he is a benevolent person. Once he gave Guillaume some of his gold after he caught him stealing his ornaments. He remarked that Guillaume is just poor, so he gave him some gold.
Hortez real name is quite long which was named after his father, Hortez VI. His complete name is Nefentitiri Radames Ampenhetep Iruiktanas Antikoseus Puto Remaios Kureakias Dimetirios Farasmuseian Ishak Saraj Amenenuhet Tatomes Hatshepsut Toto Ank Amen Hortez VII.
After the war ended, he sets on a ship at Vinay del Zexay to open a shop at the Holy Harmonia Kingdom. It seems that he is quite lost track of his next destination, since Harmonia can easily be reached by a journey to Caleria at the east and not in Zexen.
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