Elliot is a member of the Saint Loa Knights, a group of youngsters who were trying to become like the Six Mighty Knights of Zexen. He goes by the moniker the "Swordsman of Gale." A title that represents Percival Fraulien, the best cavalier among the Knights.
Elliot's father runs a bakery in Vinay del Zexay where he and Melville used to eat. They spent their time together with Alanis playing in their secret base. Whenever the Saint Loa Knights perform their group's cheer, he felt a little bit awkward and shy to do his part.
Elliot's dream is to become a treasure hunter like Billy. His role in the Fire Bringers is primarily finding treasures with his keen sense of smell. He had a sharp nose particularly for treasures that is even better than dogs. In one event, he beat a dog in a competition wherein they have to identify different types of smell. When in the party, he can add extra Potch received after a fight and sometimes can unveil treasures.