Emily is a wandering martial artist with a Herculean strength. She is the daughter of Mose and Ronnie Bell who played vital roles during the Toran Liberation War. Although not as tall as her mother, but Emily's strength proved to be like hers.
Emily was travelling the land looking for worthy opponents when she got involved in the Second Fire Bringer War. She was hanging around at the bar in Chisha Village when someone from the Fire Bringers beat her in an arm wrestling. Subsequently, she joined up the army and was greatly surprised to find out that there are lots of people who are stronger than her who gathered together in Budehuc Castle.
Emily became friends with Juan quite fast. They are always seen practicing in the dojo honing their skills and duo attack. She also goes out with Koroku in the mornings to jog. After the dog is tired she carries him at her back to continue her routine. When grouped together with her friends, Sanae and Sharon, they can unleash a trio unite attack.