Angel in White

Suikoden Tierkreis

Suikoden Tierkreis - Eunice the Angel of Light

Eunice has a sister and parents living in the Magedom who vanished together with its millions inhabitants during the fusion of the 10th world. It must be tough for her to take care of the former archivists whom she knew were somehow involved with her homeland's destruction. Nevertheless, her personal feelings never casted a shadow on her vocation as a nurse. Thus, without a complain nor any ill-intention for personal vendetta she did her job with fervent zeal regardless of who her patients are.

More Images:
Suikoden Tierkreis - Eunice Nurse of Magedom Suikoden Tierkreis - Eusmil the Roar Warrior Suikoden Tierkreis - Felecca of Lonomakua Pirates

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