Origin of Lilith

Castlevania Portrait of Ruin

Castlevania Portrait of Ruin: Lilith

Lilith is a character in Jewish mysticism believed to be related to a class of demons. Her name was mentioned in Babylonian Talmud (700-500 B.C.) but never mentioned in the highly recognized epic poem Gilgamesh (2500 B.C.). Thus, her origin is somewhat a fabrication of the later texts. According to legend, Lilith is the very first wife of Adam who was also came on the same lump of soil where he was made. This, however, contradicted the earliest Biblical accounts of Eve as the first woman created from the rib of Adam. In Castlevania titles, Lilith is a female winged demon often depicted as naked. Her beauty lures unwanted guests and exploits their most secret fantasies that eventually put them to their untimely death.

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