Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs):
1) How many duels in the whole course of the game?
There are 5 enemies but there are 6 duels all in all. You have to fight Amada twice. One is when asking permission to close the sluice gate and the other is during his recruitment.
2) How does duel works?
Riou must figure what proper course of action he has to take in each turn. Duel is like playing rock-paper-scissors. You just need to use the best choice to counter the enemy's move. An enemy's action can be determined by the words he said. It's your only hint to analyze his next move. Just remember this sequence to win a fight:
- Use Attack when the enemy choose to Defend.
- Use Defend when the enemy choose to Wild Attack.
- Use Wild Attack when the enemy choose to Attack.
3) Who is the toughest guy to take in a one-on-one fight?
It's probably Luca Blight. Many players may end up defeated in the fight since they forgot to heal Riou from the previous battles before confronting Luca in a duel. The Highland king's battle quotes are also hard to determine if he's going Attack, Defend or unleash a Wild Attack. It seems like he is always on the go to use Wild Attack because his words are full of insults and demoralizing battle cries.
Tips and Tricks:
1) Heal first before going to a duel. Be sure that Riou's HP is full especially when fighting Luca Blight.
2) Did you know that a sharpened weapon greatly affects the damage of the character in a duel? It is a big factor to win a fight with ease.
3) Sometimes you will see Riou taking the first assault while the enemy follows and vice-versa. This may have something to do with each character's speed and level. The higher the speed status of Riou as compared to the enemy means he'll make the first strike in each turn.
Fun Facts:
1) Luca Blight is considered by many role-playing game fans as one of the best villain ever.
2) In one quote of Amada, he boasted that he is equal to the strength of 100 men. These words are also used by his co-members in the Allied Army, Gantetsu and Chaco.
3) Many wonder what happened to Han Cunningham after his defeat in L'Renouille. Just like Culgan and Seed, he too died during that fateful event. Some prominent members of the Highland Kingdom Army who managed to escape and survive are Leon Silverburg, Yuber, Lucia and Rowd.
For the purpose of this guide, Riou is the given name for the main protagonist and Allied is for the army. The one-on-one fight are arranged chronologically as they appear in the course of the game.

Duel Guide
I - Riou Vs. Flik
1) "This is just a waste of time."
2) "That's how to attack. Got it?"
3) "Hey, be careful how you swing that thing!"
4) "That's the spirit!"
5) "Nice try. I'll go next."
6) "Oops, I might have put too much into that one."
7) "Okay, let's see what you've got."
8) "Whoa, nice stroke. That's the way."
9) "Whoa. Better be careful. Someone's gonna get hurt."
10) "Yes, good. What'll you do next?"
1) "C'mon take a swing at me."
2) "In combat, caution is the best weapon."
3) "That's how to attack. Try it yourself."
4) "Hey, wanna try that again?"
5) "Okay, it's your turn. Let's see what you've got."
6) "Don't get too confident or you'll get yourself killed."
7) "Hey, that was a surprise."
8) "Want to try that again."
9) "Better be more careful. You'll get yourself hurt."
10) "One more time. Don't mess up."
Wild Attack
1) "Here it comes. Better get out of the way."
2) "Here goes! Hope you can handle this!!!"
3) "The next one's going to hurt."
4) "One of us is going to have to finish this."
5) "Ha ha ha! You're something else. Wanna try that again?"
6) "I'm going again. Don't mess up this time."
7) "Now it's my turn. Don't faint on me."
8) "Okay, maybe I should show you what I've really got."
9) "This is how to you deliver a deadly attack....."
10) "You dodged my sword, the kid gloves are coming off..."
II - Riou Vs. Amada
1) "Okay, first a little test..."
2) "Ouch! That musta hurt! Sorry about that."
3) "Hey, you're not gonna win that way y'know."
4) "YOWCH!!!!! Nice one! My hand's all numb!"
5) "Ouch! Pretty good!"
6) "ARGH!!!!..... Nice shot..... But it ain't over yet!!!!!"
7) "Thinking the same thing, eh. C'mon let's go."
8) "Ouch!!! I definitely felt that one!!!"
9) "Ha ha ha ha! Too bad, boy!!! Now it's my turn!!!"
10) "Ouch! I felt that one!"
1) "He he, first show me what you've got, boy."
2) "He he, I guess I'd better hold back a little."
3) "He he, doesn't work so well the 2nd time, eh."
4) "C'mon. It's your turn now."
5) "I won't fall for that one again!"
6) "Damn! Dammit!!! Gotta think!!!!!"
7) "Got to keep your head cool when you're in a fight, y'know."
8) "Dammit!!! I might lose this one!!!"
9) "Woa!!! That was scary!!!!!"
10) "Ha ha! Wanna try that again?"

Wild Attack
1) "Okay, boy, here I go!"
2) "Argh! I'll get ya next time!!!"
3) "Better get ready. Here I go again."
4) "I'm just about ready to take the kid gloves off."
5) "That won't get us anywhere! Try this one on fer size!!!!!"
6) "That was fun!!! Let's go again!!!"
7) "He he, I'll show ya how to attack!"
8) "If ya liked that, I'll give ya some more."
9) "Okay, it's my turn next!"
10) "Way to go, kid!!! But I won't lose that easy!"
III - Riou Vs. Luca Blight
1) "Hah...... A draw.........."
2) "That's nothing!"
3) "Idiot!!!! Is that the best you can do!!!!"
4) "Pretty tricky!!!! You punk!!!!!"
5) "Hahaha!!! Yes! I'll disgrace your head under the sun!!!"
6) "Hah hah hah hah!!! Die! Die!!! Die!!!!"
7) "I'll get you!! You insect!!!!!!"
8) "That's right!!!!! Battle!!!! I just love a good fight!!!!!!!!!"
9) "You impertinent little pig!!!!!"
10) "You little punk!!!!"
1) "Ridiculous!!! You think a punk like you can stop me!!!!!"
2) "Hah... hah hah hah... Fighting is my life....."
3) "Pathetic!!!! That's what you call power!!!!"
4) "Insect!!!! You really thought you could defeat me!!!!!!"
5) "Fool!!!! That can't stop me!!!!!!"
6) "Hahahahahahah!!!!"
7) "I won't let an insect like you get on my way!!!"
8) "Kill!!! I'll kill you!!!!!!"
9) "You fool!!!!!!"
10) "You're nothing!!! Nothing! Nothing!! Nothing!!!!!"
Wild Attack
1) "Pig!!!! Die!!!!!!!!!"
2) "Hah hah hah hah hah!!!!!!!!!!"
3) "Hah........ Are we still doing this...."
4) "You can't take it forever!!! A pathetic insect like you!!!"
5) "I won't be defeated by a mere blade!!!!!!"
6) "Feel my strength!!! Feel my sword!!!!!!!"
7) "I love it! I love it! Riou!!!!! Hah hah hah hah!!!!!"
8) "Pig!! Pig!!! Pig!!!! Pig!!!!! Piiiiiiiiiiig!!!!!!!!"
9) "Insect!!!! You really thought you could defeat me!!!!!!"
10) "Pig!!!!! You dare wound me!!!!!"
IV - Riou Vs. Han Cunningham
1) "I can't let you past here, son."
2) "I may be old, but I haven't lost my sword arm."
3) "You can't defend yourself forever."
4) "You can't win like that, boy."
5) "And now it's my turn."
6) "Unf..... Your father would have been proud to see you today..."
7) "Very good, boy."
8) "You're a tough one...."
9) "Foolish boy!!!"
10) "Ho ho ho.... You taught him well, Genkaku my friend...."
1) "What will you do now, boy?"
2) "Let me see your power, Genkaku's son!!!"
3) "The leader of the Allied Army is cautious I see...."
4) "I should have avoided that cheap little shot..."
5) "Unf... you like to take risks, eh."
6) "What's wrong? Want to try again?"
7) "Try that again, boy."
8) "You think you can beat me, boy?"
9) "Well struck.... It seems I should be more careful...."
10) "Genkaku............. You raised a good son...."

Wild Attack
1) "You've got spirit..."
2) "Yes, but can you defend against my sword!!!"
3) "Can you take this?"
4) "You'll have to do better than that."
5) "Now feel my deadly sword."
6) "You think my sword has lost it's bite!!!"
7) "Let's bury our paast here, boy!!"
8) "Watch closely, boy!!"
9) "Watch and learn, boy. Here's how to wield a sword!!!"
10) "Let's see if you can withstand another of my blows!"
V - Riou Vs. Jowy Atreides
1) "Bad move...... Riou.... That'll get you hurt...."
2) "Here goes.... Riou........"
3) "Just like the old days...."
4) "Why won't you fight, Riou!!!"
5) "Next it's my turn. Riou........."
6) "That's right. That's the way....."
7) "Let's finish this long, long battle...."
1) "Riou...... You......"
2) "You're the leader of the Allied Army, Riou........"
3) "Riou.........."
4) "That's right...... Riou........."
5) "Try again! Riou......."
6) "This reminds me of the old days...."
7) "Let's test your strength.... Riou......."
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