V - Taking Down the Poison Moth
The party arrived at the site and found Ko lying on the ground.
Gremio: "Are you all right, Ko?"
Ko: "Ooh... ooooohhh..."
Gremio: "What happened to him...? It looks like he may be poisoned..."
Suddenly a gargantuan Worm rolled towards the party and started attacking them. After exchanging blows and unleashing devastating spells, the Worm entered in a state of metamorphosis. The crawling monster turned into a hovering Poison Moth. The party tried to overcome their adversary but it proves to be more powerful than they anticipated. Thus...
Gremio: "Young Master, we're done for if we stay here!! We've got to take Ko and get out of here! Okay, Young Master? Riou?"
However, both Tir and Riou moved forward to face the monster.
Gremio: "Huh...?"
To save the party from the brink of annihilation, Riou and Tir unleashed the Forgiver Sign and Judgment respectively. The power of the True Runes' ultimate spells proved to be overwhelming for the Poison Moth to resist. Thus, it eventually led to its quick death.
Gremio: "It looks like you did it, Young Master. But Ko..."
Everbody then turned their attention to Ko.
Ko: "It's hot... I'm so hot..."
Gremio: "That monster must have poisoned him. What should we..."
Tir told Gremio something important.
Gremio: "Oh, good thinking, Young Master!! Doctor Liukan in Gregminster will be able to help this child. So let's hurry. Riou, can you accompany us to Gregminster?"
VI - The Return of Toran's National Hero
After a short walk from the site where they rescued Ko, the party arrived at the border of Toran Republic. Varkas, who was also a member of the Liberation Army and now served as the Border Patrol Captain greeted them.
Varkas: "Hey, you there! Past this gate lies the Toran Rep..."
Suddenly, to his surprise, his eyes are fixed to a familiar face.
Varkas: "Is it? It is...! Lord McDohl!! It's Lord McDohl!! You've come back!!"

Gremio: "Varkas, this child is poisoned. We have to get to Doctor Liukan..."
Varkas: "Wh, what?! All right, I understand. I'll take you to Gregminster as fast as I am able!!"
At the throne room in Gregminster Palace, Tir, Gremio and Riou made a private audience with President Lepant and his wife Eileen. Later, Doctor Liukan entered in to give his diagnoses about Ko's condition.
Liukan: "The poison has more or less left the boy's system. You may rest easy."
Gremio: "Ah, thank goodness... Thank you so much, Dr. Liukan."
Liukan: "Come now, this is home I make my living. Well then, if you'll excuse me. A doctor's work is never done..."
Liukan left the throne room.
Lepant: "Lord McDohl, I am greatly pleased to see that you are safe. And I am also glad you've made your way back to the Toran Republic. The office of President has always been rightfully yours... please, come this way."
Lepant gives way for Tir to sit on the throne which is construed as rightfully his by all citizens of the republic. Lepant was chosen on his stead due to Tir's sudden disappearance after the war. However, Tir stepped back showing how he disdained to become the President.
Lepant: "Lord McDohl, why...?"
Gremio: "President Lepant..."
Lepant: "Why did you leave this land in the first place? The Toran Republic is the country you fought and spilled blood to build, the country you made. It would be inappropriate for me or anyone else to hold this office. It is yours."
Lepant drew closer to Tir but he just stepped back further. Showing his uneagerness on the matter.
Eileen: "Dear... Nothing you say will change his mind. McDohl is a boy... Boys always have their eyes set on the distant horizon... There are things more important than being cooped up in an airless room and being called 'President'. Were you not the same, dear?"
Lepant: "..... I see... I won't try and convince you. But please, promise me that you will one day return to us."
Tir came closer to Lepant.
Lepant: "Lord McDohl... I won't detain you any further. I know there are people waiting for you."
VII - The Reunion
Outside Gregminster Palace some members of the former Liberation Army are eagerly waiting to their commander and good friend, Tir McDohl.
Pahn: "Young Master!!"
Riou's party together with Tir and Gremio drew closer.
Pahn: "Young Master, it's been such a long time!! I'm so glad to see you. I had a feeling you'd be back, so I came home as well..."
Cleo: "Oh, come on, Pahn. You only came back because you ran out of money."
Pahn: "Ah, p, please don't mention that in front of the Young Master..."
Cleo: "Welcome home, Young Master. So, how was your journey? Were the countries you visited interesting?"
Marie: "Welcome back, McDohl. You left so suddenly, we were all worried about you..."
Sarah approached Gremio.
Sarah: "Hmph. I wanted to show everyone how much better my cooking got these last three years, but with you around, I won't get a chance!"
Everyone joined the party in McDohl's Mansion. Later, as Riou went downstair from the second floor of the mansion he met Cleo at the entrance door.
Cleo: "My, if it isn't Riou. You don't want to rest?"
A: "Miss Cleo, what are you doing?"
B: "I can't stop thinking about you."
C: "No, I'm going to bed now..."
VII.A - Miss Cleo, what are you doing?
Cleo: "Huh? I... I suppose I'm just... thinking."
VII.B - I can't stop thinking about you.
Cleo: "Heh heh, not a bad line. You resemble the Young Master in many ways."

VII.C - No, I'm going to bed now...
Cleo: "Oh... really...? That's too bad, I would have liked to talk with you awhile..."
Cleo went outside the mansion.
VII.D - Continuation for VII.B and VII.A
Cleo: "Riou... Is waging war painful for you? 3 years ago, the Young Master, I mean, Lord McDohl, fought as our army's leader... He brought many things to many people... But I've been thinking... What did Lord McDohl, personally, gain from that war...?"
D.1: "I have a reason to fight..."
D.2: "I don't know..."
VII.D.1 - I have a reason to fight...
"...Riou... Such a strong child... You really do resemble the Young Master of three years ago... Thank you for speaking with me... Riou."
VII.D.2 - I don't know...
Cleo: "I... I see... You... are your own person... I suppose... nobody can ever really explain... their true feelings... Thank you for speaking with me... Riou."
Cleo went outside the mansion. Meanwhile, Pahn is sleeping tightly on his bed.
VII.E - Hidden Love
Kasumi visited Tir in his room to have a private talk with him.
Kasumi: "Uh, excuse me...... It's been a long... time..."
"It's... it's been three years... We've rebuilt Rokkaku... it's almost like the war never happened... Everyone is leading new lives... Kirkis has rebuilt the Village of the Elves, and Kuromimi's become the chief of Kobold Village... And I... I've grown a bit, but... Lord McDohl, you... you haven't changed at all..."
There was a silence for few seconds.
Kasumi: "..... It's... really... just as Luc said... You really haven't grown at all... A life without end..."
Again, there was a short silence. The resilient Tir never made a reply for the young lady who had a major crush on him since the Liberation Army days.
Kasumi: "I... forgive me... Forgive me... I'm... a fool... Please... Forgive me..."
Kasumi stepped backwards and about to leave.
Kasumi: "Lord McDohl..."
She left in alacrity while blushing in shame. The stoic Tir never ever said a word nor faced her even once.
VII.F - Sleepy-Head Pahn
Pahn is in his room and sound asleep.
Pahn: "Snnnnnnnore... Snnnnnore... Y... Young Master... I'll protect you... Snnnnnnnore..."
VII.G - Preparing Meals
Gremio is busy preparing their meals in the kitchen with Tir accompanying him.
Gremio: "It's been quite a while since we were last in this house... Young Master... Even though this place may hold painful memories, it's still our home."
IX - Going Back to Banner
The day after...
Gremio: "Good morning, Riou. Ko seems to be in great shape. Varkas is waiting for us at the castle, so let's be off. We'll come with you as far as the village."
Inside Gregminster Palace, Ko and Varkas are waiting eagerly for Riou and Tir to arrive.
Gremio: "Ko, are you all better?"
Ko: "Yeah, I'm okay now, mister. They made me drink some awful-tasting medicine though."
Ko draws closer to Riou and Tir.
Ko: "Um, um, mister... You're really General Riou, aren't you!! And you're General McDohl!!! Wow, awesome, I get to meet two heroes at once!!"
Varkas: "Lord Riou, I'll escort you to the national border. Are you ready?"
A: "Yes, thank you."
B: "Not quite yet."

VIII.A - Yes, thank you.
Varkas: "Very well."
VIII.B - Not quite yet.
Varkas: "Then I'll wait here for you."
VIII.C - Continuation for VIII.A
Varkas and the Border Patrol troops accompanied the party until they've reached the outskirts of Banner Village.
Varkas: "Lord Riou, we will part company here. Farewell."
Ko: "Thanks, mister."
Varkas and his troops left. A few steps further...
Gremio: "Riou, I'm sure your battle will continue. However, I know you'll succeed. I know because I see the same hope in your eyes as I did the Young Master's. Whether it's a gift from the heavens or simply destiny I don't know, but... Riou, walk your road, unafraid..."
Gremio and Tir is about to leave.
Gremio: "For the time being, the Young Master and I will stay in Gregminster...... the Young Master wants to spend some time in his true home. If you're ever in Gregminster, please come and see us. I'll make you some of my special stew!."
Tir and Gremio left the party and started to go back in Gregminster.
Ko: "I'm gonna go too! I can't wait to tell my mom I met TWO heroes!!"
Ko hurried back to their inn.
Disclaimer: All Suikoden II's images, arts, logos, names and related characters are properties of Konami.
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