Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
1) Are there characters who can't partake on this mission's conversation?
Yes. All large monsters namely Feather, Sigfried, Abizboah and Rulodia can't participate in the whole conversation even if they are included in the party. Aside from them, General Hauser who leads the rest of the Allied Army in battle outside Rockaxe castle can't participate too.
2) Why do large monsters have no conversation in this particular event?
The order of characters as placed in six slots party formation determines the exact words that they're going to say in the whole event. For example, if Pesmerga is placed in the first slot of the front row, he will be the one to begin the whole conversation. On the other hand, he will be the second character to speak if placed on the second slot-- so on and so forth.
Now, what this had to do with large monsters anyway? Large monsters occupy 2 slots and the whole conversation is only made for single slot characters. This is the reason why they were intentionally excluded for such events. Even though they are currently present in Riou's party, they will never show up nor join in the conversaton.
3) Why does Gadget had missing script?
Gadget will speak gibberish words in one part and there is no way you can understand the whole thing. It must have been another one of those translation errors on the part of the game developers.
4) Where can I find this particular scene?
It's during the mission to liberate the Matilda Domain from Highland control. A small party led by Riou will infiltrate Rockaxe castle to replace the flag raised in the top chambers. The rest of the party advised Riou and Nanami to move forward and finish the mission, while they buy some time for them against the pursuing enemies.
Tips and Tricks:
1) After clearing the event in Rockaxe, return to the place where Nanami was fatally wounded. Go deeper to the right most end of the place until you reached the area where you can find a Blue Knight standing near the stairway. Talk to him to receive a Thunder Rune before moving upstairs. In the next room, search the bookshelves to find Recipe #37 and open the treasure chest to get the Earth Armor.
2) If you're lucky enough you might get Thunder Runes from defeating Cockatrices in Rockaxe.
3) Also in Rockaxe, Recipe #36 is randomly dropped by a group of Highland Soldiers.
Fun Facts:
1) The Matilda Knights was orignally established to protect the City-states from their neighboring nations which waged several border skirmishes with them for quite sometime. Some years later, they began to occupy the northern area of the City-states and become one of the official members of the Jowston Alliance.
2) Rockaxe castle is strategically located in a hill surrounded by mountains. The place is hard to reach by invading enemies and easy to defend from the inside.
3) The Matilda Domain is the frontline of defense against the Holy Kingdom of Harmonia from the north and the Grasslands from the west. Also, they are the first member of the Jowston Alliance that can easily send reinforcements to Muse whenever attacked by the Highland Kingdom from the east.
For the purpose of this guide, Riou is the given name for the main protagonist and Tir is for the young McDohl (Suikoden 1 hero).
All names are arranged alphabetically for easy browsing and quick search.
I - First Character
The party has almost reached the tower where the flag should be placed. Then...
Amada: "We'll be there soon."
Anita: "We'll be there soon."
Ayda: "We'll be there soon."
Badeaux: "We'll be there soon..."
Bob: "We'll be there soon."

Greenhill Academy Students
Bolgan: "I think we're getting close!"
Camus: "We should be quite close."
Chaco: "I think we're almost there."
Chuchara: "Kororoooonnn..."
Clive: "A little further..."
Eilie: "We're almost there, Riou."
Flik: "We're almost there."
Freed: "We're nearly there, my lord."
Futch: "We should be just about there."
Gabocha: "I think we're getting close..."
Gantetsu: "It should be just ahead."
Gengen: "We're getting close!"
Genshu: "We'll be there soon."
Georg: "We're almost there."
Gijimu: "We're almost there."
Hai Yo: "We are nearly there!!!"
Hanna: "I think we're getting close."
Hix: "I think we're almost there."
Hoi: "We're almost there."
Humphrey: "Soon....."
Kahn: "We'll be there soon."
Karen: "I think we're getting close."
Kasumi: "I believe we're almost there."
Killey: "We'll be there soon."
Kinnison: "I think we're getting close..."
Koyu: "We're almost there."
L. C. Chan: "I believe it's just ahead."
Lorelai: "I think we're almost there."
Lo Wen: "I think it's just ahead."
Luc: "Just a bit further..."
Makumaku: "Mumuuuuu!!!"
Mazus: "We're almost there."
Meg: "We've gotta be close, right?"
Mekumeku: "Mumuuuuu!!!"
Mikumiku: "Mumuuuuu!!!"
Miklotov: "We should be quite close."
Millie: "I think we're almost there."
Mokumoku: "Mumuuuuu!!!"
Mondo: "We're almost there."
Mukumuku: "Mumuuuuuu..."
Nina: "I think we're almost there."
Oulan: "We'll be there soon."
Pesmerga: "A little further..."
Rikimaru: "We should be getting closer, Sir Riou."
Rina: "I think we're getting close!"
Sasuke: "We're almost there."
Sheena: "We're almost there."
Shilo: "We're almost there."
Shin: "A little further..."
Shiro: "Grrrrrrrr..."
Sid: "Just a bit further!!!! We're almost there!!!"
Sierra: "We'll be there soon."
Simone: "We are nearly there."
Stallion: "We are almost there."
Tai Ho: "We'll be there soon."
Tengaar: "Just a bit further."
Tir McDohl: "A bit further..."
Tomo: "I think we're getting close."
Tsai: "I believe we're nearly there."
Tuta: "We must be getting close!"
Valeria: "We're almost there."
Viki: "We should be there soon, right?"
Viktor: "We're almost there."
Vincent: "We are nearly there."
Wakaba: "I believe it's just ahead."
Yoshino: "We're nearly there, my lord."
Zamza: "We're getting close!"
II - Second Character
Suddenly, a new batch of pursuing Matilda Knights have coped up with them.
White Knight: "Don't let them get away!!!"
Thus, an ally voluntered to remain and hold back their pursuers.
Amada: "More guards? That's okay. I'll take care of them, you two go on ahead."
Anita: "My sword is tingling... Riou, Nanami, leave this to me. You two go and get the flag."
Ayda: "There are more following us... I will stand guard here... You two get the flag..."
Badeaux: "There's no other way... I'll stay here and stop them... You two, go after the flag..."
Bob: "WRROAR!!!!! Here!!!! Me!!!!! Leave it to me!!! Get the flag!!!!!"
Bolgan: "Riou, Nanami, get the flag! Bolgan will stop these fiends!"
Camus: "Lord Riou, please take Miss Nanami and get the flag. I will stop them from pursuing you."
Chaco: "Riou!!! Nanami!!! Leave this to me!!! You go on ahead!!!"
Chuchara: "Koroooonnn!!!"
Clive: "They're still coming, eh...? Riou, Nanami, you two take care of the flag..."
Eilie: "There are more of them! Riou! Nanami! I'll do what I can while you two get the flag!"
Flik: "They're still following us! Riou, you and Nanami go on after the flag! We'll stay behind and deal with our pursuers."
Freed: "Lord Riou!!! Lady Nanami!!! Please leave our pursuers to me!!! Quickly the flag...!!!"
Futch: "They're still coming, eh? I'll handle things here!!! Lord Riou, Lady Nanami, take care of the flag!!!"
Gabocha: "They're still coming... But... I'll stop them somehow... Mr. Riou, Miss Nanami, please take care of the flag!!!"
Gantetsu: "Riou, Nanami, go on ahead!!! Leave this to me!!!"
Gengen: "They're after us!!! Riou, Nanami, you go ahead. Leave everything to Gengen! That's a Captain's order!!!"

Humphrey, Futch and Bright
Genshu: "I will handle this. You two take the flag."
Georg: "They're still coming, eh? I'll handle things here!!! Riou, Nanami, you guys go get the flag!!!"
Gijimu: "We split up here, Riou! You two go after the flag, I will stop them from pursuing you!"
Hai Yo: "Riou, Nanami!!! Go on ahead!!! Leave this to me!!!"
Hanna: "They're still coming! Riou, Nanami, you get the flag, and leave this to me!"
Hix: "They're still coming... Lord Riou, Nanami, please take care of the flag. I'll try to handle things here..."
Hoi: "It's looking bad kids... You two, go get the flag! Me? I'll... I'll handle them somehow."
Humphrey: "They're following us..... Lord Riou, Miss Nanami, please take care of the flag. I will stay behind....."
Kahn: "They're still coming... Riou, Nanami... Leave this to me. You two go ahead..."
Karen: "Mr. Riou!!! Please get the flag!!! I'll stay here... I'll beat them somehow!!! Trust me!!! Now, go!!! Riou, Nanami!!!"
Kasumi: "They're still after us!!! Sir Riou, Lady Nanami, I'll handle them somehow... You go after the flag, quickly!"
Killey: "They're still coming... Riou, Nanami, you two go ahead... I'll stand guard here..."
Kinnison: "They're still coming... Riou, Miss Nanami, you take the flag... I'll watch your back..."
Koyu: "Lord Riou, Lady Nanami, I will stop the ones pursuing us by the honor of the Lampdragon bandits. You go after the flag!!!"
L.C. Chan: "Riou, Nanami!!! Go on ahead! Now they will see the true force of my Dragon-style combat."
Lorelai: "They're still coming? Damn... I'll hold them back here, so you two go get the flag!"
Lo Wen: "Riou, Nanami, go on ahead. I will stay behind and prove myself as one of the three Lampdragon bandits!"
Luc: "I guess this is the only way... I'll stay here and stop them... You two, go after that flag."
Makumaku: "Muuuuuu, Mumumuuuuuu!!!!!"
Mazus: "So they're following us... Riou, Nanami, go on ahead. I won't let them get near you."
Meg: "They're following us!!! Mr. Riou, Miss Nanami, you go ahead!!! Meg will handle this!"
Mekumeku: "Muuuuuu, Mumumuuuuuu!!!!!"
Miklotov: "I will show them the power of a true Knight! Lord Riou, Lady Nanami, leave them to me!"
Mikumiku: "Muuuuuu, Mumumuuuuuu!!!!!"
Millie: "Ah! They've found us!!! Mr. Riou, you get the flag! I'll be okay here... As long as Bonaparte is by my side!"
Mokumoku: "Muuuuuu, Mumumuuuuuu!!!!!"
Mondo: "So they're following us... Well, now it's my turn... Lord Riou, Lady Nanami, you two take care of the flag."
Mukumuku: "Muuuuuu, Mumumuuuuuu!!!!!"
Nina: "Riou, Nanami... I'll stop them somehow!!! You go get that flag!!!"
Oulan: "They keep coming... Riou, go ahead without me!!! I will stop these vermin or die trying!"
Pesmerga: "They're still coming... Riou, Nanami, go ahead..."
Rikimaru: "Damn, they just keep coming! I'll stay here and hold them off, Lord Riou, please get the flag!"
Rina: "They're still coming... Riou... Nanami... I'll hold them off, you two get the flag..."
Sasuke: "They're following us! Riou, Nanami, go on ahead. I will head them off here! Hurry!"
Sheena: "They're still coming!!! I'll handle those fools!!! Riou, Nanami, go ahead and take care of the flag!!!"
Shilo: "They're following us? Sheesh! You two go on ahead, I'll be okay. This is the gamble I've lived my whole life for!"
Shin: "There are more coming... I will stay here and fight... You two, the flag..."
Shiro: "Arrrooooo!!!!! Arrooo!!!"
Sid: "We're in trouble now... They've been following us... You two go on ahead. I'll stay here and have some fun. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!"
Sierra: "You two, hurry!!! Watch yoursleves."
Simone: "They're following us? My friend, Riou... Leave things here to me. I'll be okay. I swear I'll protect you... I bet my life on it."
Stallion: "Riou, Nanami, go on ahead!!! If things get too rough, I'll save you with my super fast legs!"
Tai Ho: "They just keep coming... Well, I'll kill some time here, you two take the flag."
Tengaar: "They're still coming... Sir Riou, Lady Nanami, I'll stay here and do what I can while you get the flag..."
Tir McDohl: "I'll do what I can here... You two, try to take the flag..."
Tomo: "They're still coming!!! We have to split up: I'll handle them, and you get the flag!!!"
Tsai: "Lord Riou, Lady Nanami. Please take care of the flag! I'll show them why I'm called the 'Divine Spear'!"
Tuta: "Mr. Riou, you and Nanami take care of the flag... I'll do what I can here..."
Valeria: "They're still coming! Lord Riou, Nanami, go ahead!!! I'll handle things here!!!"
Viki: "Are they still following us? Mr. Riou and Miss Nanami, please take care of the flag. I'll stay here and take care of our pursuers... somehow... It may be dangerous, but with my magic... probably..."
Viktor: "They're still following us! Riou, you and Nanami go on after the flag! We'll stay behind and deal with our powers."
Vincent: "Riou, Nanami, go on ahead. I will handle things here. Don't give me that look... I swear I'll return home alive."
Wakaba: "They're still coming! Mr. Riou, Miss Nanami, go on ahead!!! I'll protect this area with my Dragon-style combat!"
Yoshino: "Lord Riou!! Lady Nanami!! I will defend this area with the honor of the Yamamoto clan! Please find the flag!!!"
Zamza: "It seems we must fight. I shall show them my power!!! Riou, and the young lady, you two take care of the flag. Even alone, I can surely best these fools in battle!"
III - Third Character
Nanami: "Okay, good, let's go! Come on, Riou! Be careful, everyone!!!"
An ally advised them to be careful.
Amada: "Be careful now!"
Anita: "Be careful..."
Ayda: "Be careful!"
Badeaux: "Please be careful..."
Bob: "Arrrooo!!! Be careful!!!!"
Bolgan: "Riou, Nanami! Be careful!"
Camus: "Be careful, Lord Riou."
Chaco: "Riou!!! Be careful, and hurry back!!!"
Chuchara: "Kororooooonnnn!!!"
Clive: "Be careful..."
Eilie: "Riou, Nanami! Be careful!"
Flik: "You be careful too!!!"
Freed: "Lord Riou, Lady Nanami, please be careful!!!"
Futch: "You be careful too!!!"
Gabocha: "Please be careful!!!"
Gantetsu: "Watch your back!!!"
Gengen: "Be careful! Riou! Nanami!!!"
Genshu: "Be careful!"
Georg: "You be careful too!!!"
Gijimu: "Be careful back there..."
Hai Yo: "Be careful!"
Hanna: "Be careful!"
Hix: "Mr. Riou, please be careful."
Hoi: "Be careful!"
Humphrey: "Be careful!!!"
Kahn: "Be careful..."
Karen: "Please be careful!"
Kasumi: "Please be careful!!!"
Killey: "Be careful..."
Kinnison: "Please be careful!!!"
Koyu: "Be careful back there..."
L.C. Chan: "You be careful too!!!"
Lorelai: "Be careful!"
Lo Wen: "Be careful back there..."

Miklotov and Camus
Luc: "Be careful now..."
Makumaku: "Mumumuuuuu!!!"
Mazus: "Be careful!"
Meg: "Be careful, and come back soon!"
Mekumeku: "Mumumuuuuu!!!"
Miklotov: "There may still be enemies, so please be careful!"
Mikumiku: "Mumumuuuuu!!!"
Millie: "Be careful and come back for us!"
Mokumoku: "Mumumuuuuu!!!"
Mondo: "Lord Riou, please be careful!"
Mukumuku: "Mumumuuuuu!!!"
Nina: "Riou, Nanami! Be careful!!!"
Oulan: "Damn... I hate to leave you two alone... Well, please be very careful!!!"
Pesmerga: "Be careful!"
Rikimaru: "Lord Riou, please be careful!"
Rina: "Mr. Riou, Miss Nanami, please try to be careful."
Sasuke: "You be careful too!!!"
Sheena: "You be careful too!!!"
Shilo: "Be careful, and come back alive!"
Shin: "Be careful!"
Shiro: "Arroooo..."
Sid: "Ha ha ha ha... Be careful, be very careful..."
Sierra: "My, they're persistent... Riou! You and Nanami go ahead. Don't worry about me, I'll deal with these worms!"
Simone: "It is such pain to part with a friend... So please be careful."
Stallion: "Be careful!"
Tai Ho: "Be careful, and hurry back!!!"
Tengaar: "Be careful, Mr. Riou!"
Tir McDohl: "Be careful... Riou..."
Tomo: "Please be careful!"
Tsai: "Please be careful..."
Tuta: "Please be careful!"
Valeria: "You be careful too!!!"
Viki: "Please be careful!"
Viktor: "Watch yourself!!!"
Vincent: "As a friend, I beg you to be careful."
Wakaba: "Please be careful!"
Yoshino: "Please be careful..."
Zamza: "You be careful too!!!"
Disclaimer: All Suikoden II's images, arts, logos, names and related characters are properties of Konami.
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