Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs):
1) Who wields the strongest weapon in the game in terms of damage?
The characters with the highest weapon damage are Gijimu, Koyu and Lorelai. All their weapons reach 175 damage when upgraded to the maximum level of 16. Next are Viktor, Riou and Jowy who have max weapon damage of 170.
2) Who wields the most unique weapon?
There are actually dozen of unique weapons in the game. Riou, for example, is the only known character who use tonfa in the entire original Suikoden series. Others who probably use unique weapons include Shilo, Lo Wen, Siera, Badeaux, Clive, Millie, Tuta, Simone, Gabocha, Sasuke and Rina. Personally, I vouch for the Star Dragon Sword as the most unique. Clive's Storm may have been sentient and has soul but it can't talk like the Star Dragon Sword.
3) Where can I find the strongest hammer?
The Gold Hammer, which is the strongest hammer known, is only available in the rare finds of Sajah's item store. It can raise the weapon to its maximum level of 16.
4) Are there characters who use other weapons aside from their first one?
Yes. Early in the game, Viktor will use his first weapon, the Shiko Sword. Later in the game, he will replaced it with a far more special sword, the Star Dragon Sword. Some characters, on the other hand, will use a different weapon in major battles. For example, Lorelai uses a halberd during a normal fight while she lead a unit of archers in the battlefield. Another one is Zamza, who uses his fist in figthing while he leads a magic unit in major battles.
Tips and Tricks:
1) In order to convince Genshu to join the Allied Army you have to bring along with you an ally that has a weapon level of 14 or higher. The best way to get him is to recruit Pesmerga and bring him along in Riou's entourage. Or else, you need to find either the Silver Hammer or Gold Hammer and recruit Tessai in the Allied Army.
2) Embedding the Kindness Rune increases the weapon damage based on the kindness factor of an ally to the main protagonist, Riou. If a particular ally with the Kindness Rune embedded on his weapon is always at Riou's party during normal fights, then its kindness factor increases over time. However, when the same ally got knockout in the fight, his kindness factor drops, thus, decreasing its weapon damage too.
3) Embedding the Friendship Rune increases the weapon damage of a particular character based on how many members are present in the current party. In other words, having six members in the party has greater weapon damage than having less members.
Fun Facts:
1) A character like Riou who began with a minimum weapon level had to spend 336100 Potch to get his tonfa to its maximum level. Good thing some characters have their weapons upgraded to higher levels when they joined the Allied Army.
2) Storm, according to Richmond's investigation, is a gun which has a soul of its own. That is why it sometimes refused to fire in the hands of Clive whenever Elza commanded it to do so. The weapon originally chose Elza to be its master but the Howling Voice Guild chose otherwise.
3) Futch's third weapon name is called "Sigurd." It is a name adopted from a Scadinavian epic poem "Nibelunglied." In Suikoden IV, it is also a name of one of the Star of Destiny in Island Liberation Navy. Sigurd is a pirate under Kika who had a strong friendly rivalry with his co-pirate, Hervey.
For the purpose of this guide, Riou is the given name for the main protagonist, Tir for the young McDohl and Lazlo en Kuldes for the Suikoden 4 hero.
Some translation errors and misspelled words were edited to avoid confusion. Names of characters are also arranged alphabetically for easy browsing and quick search.
Weapon Growth Guide and Trivia
1) Amada
Race: Human
Class: Sailor/Fisherman
Weapon Type: Club/Oar
Range: Medium
Max Damage: 140
Pine Oar
Level: 8
Attack: 48
Oak Oar
Level: 9
Attack: 53
Teak Oar
Level: 16
Attack: 140
Pine, Oak and Teak are all types of durable lumber.
2) Anita
Race: Human
Class: Swordsman
Weapon Type: One-handed Sword
Range: Short
Max Damage: 150
Star Sword
Level: 4
Attack: 12
Seven-Star Sword
Level: 5
Attack: 15
Rival Star Sword
Level: 11
Attack: 67
Anita and Valeria have the same type of swords which they probably received during their training under Roundier Haia. Although similar, yet their swords' third names are slightly different. The word "Rival" in Anita's sword is probably an open indication of her rivalry with Valeria.
3) Ayda
Race: Human
Class: Archer/Forest Guardian
Weapon Type: Bow
Range: Long
Max Damage: 147
Wooden Bow
Level: -
Attack: -
Forest Bow
Level: 7
Attack: 33
Earth Bow
Level: 12
Attack: 73
As a forest guardian, Ayda obviously named her weapon after the things significant to nature.
4) Badeaux
Race: Human
Class: Beastmaster
Weapon Type: Whip
Range: Medium
Max Damage: 165
Beast Whip
Level: -
Attack: -
Whip of Fury
Level: 7
Attack: 33
Whip of Love
Level: 13
Attack: 89
Badeaux's whip is considered as one of the unique weapon in Suikoden 2. However, there is another Star of Destiny in the Allied Army who is seen using the same weapon once. It is during the Two River City mission when General Ridley almost punished Fitcher with 100 lashes for breaking the law of the three Houses of Parliament.
5) Bob
Race: Lycantrophe
Class: Vagabond
Weapon Type: Rod
Range: Medium
Max Damage: 165
Level: -
Attack: -
Beast Rod
Level: 7
Attack: 33
Beast Lord Rod
Level: 13
Attack: 89
The fact that Bob's original form is not his human form may have been the reason why his rod is called the "Beast" and "Beast Lord." His race, the lycantrophes, is popularly known as werewolves in folklores.
6) Bolgan
Race: Human
Class: Circus Performer/Gypsy
Weapon Type: Claws/ Gloves
Range: Short
Max Damage: 135
Level: 2
Attack: 8
Level: 4
Attack: 10
Level: 10
Attack: 53
If you noticed, the first and second names of Bolgan’s weapon are the same except for the small letter “g” on the first, while the second has a capital letter “G”.
7) Camus
Race: Human
Class: Knight/Swordsman
Weapon Type: One-handed Sword
Range: Short
Max Damage: 140
Level: -
Attack: -
Level: 8
Attack: 42
Level: 11
Attack: 67
Uriah, originally a Hebrew name, was probably adopted from one of the 30 Mighty Men of David as told in the Bible.
8) Chaco
Race: Winger
Class: Spearman
Weapon Type: Spear
Range: Medium
Max Damage: 140
Wing Spear
Level: -
Attack: -
Air Spear
Level: 8
Attack: 48
Sky Spear
Level: 9
Attack: 53
Chaco’s weapon names are all attributed to wind element. Bartholomew of the Island Liberation Navy, who is another spearman, also attributed his weapon to water element.

Hai Yo
9) Clive
Race: Human
Class: Knight Class Gunner/Executioner
Weapon Type: Gun
Range: Long
Max Damage: 140
Level: -
Attack: -
Level: 8
Attack: 43
Level: 9
Attack: 48
Storm originally chose Elza as its wielder but was later fell into the hands of Clive after the death of Kelley. In some occasion, Storm refused to fire in a duel as it heeded to Elza’s commands.
10) Eilie
Race: Human
Class: Circus Performer/Gypsy
Weapon Type: Dart/Dagger
Range: Long
Max Damage: 140
Level: -
Attack: -
Slash Knife
Level: 3
Attack: 12
Razor Knife
Level: 9
Attack: 48
Sarah the laundry maid of the Liberation Army, also named her weapon “Slash Knife”.
11) Flik
Race: Human
Class: Warrior/Mercenary/Swordsman
Weapon Type: One-handed Sword
Range: Short
Max Damage: 150
Level: -
Attack: -
Odessa +
Level: 10
Attack: 59
Odessa ++
Level: 11
Attack: 67
Odessa was Flik’s lover who happened to be his official during the early days of the Liberation Army.
12) Freed Yamamoto
Race: Human
Class: Swordsman
Weapon Type: One-handed Sword
Range: Short
Max Damage: 150
Level: -
Attack: -
Level: 5
Attack: 15
Level: 11
Attack: 67
Freed was probably the only character among the Stars of Destiny who bears a one-handed sword on his back.
13) Futch
Race: Human
Class: Dragon Knight/Spearman
Weapon Type: Spear
Range: Medium
Max Damage: 140
Level: -
Attack: -
Level: 7
Attack: 42
Level: 9
Attack: 53
Sigmund and Sigurd are names adopted from a famous epic poem from Scandinavia, “The Nibelungenlied” or “The Song of Nibelung.”
14) Gabocha
Race: Kobold
Class: Shooter
Weapon Type: Darts/Slingshot
Range: Long
Max Damage: 140
Level: -
Attack: -
Level: 6
Attack: 31
Level: 9
Attack: 48
This Kobold lieutenant is the only one who wields a slingshot among the Stars of Destiny. Although he's a sharpshooter, yet he belongs to the infantry unit instead of being in the archer units.
15) Gantetsu
Race: Human
Class: Monk/Priest
Weapon Type: Staff
Range: Short
Max Damage: 100
Level: -
Attack: -
Iron Staff
Level: 7
Attack: 26
Iron Rock Staff
Level: 12
Attack: 64
Staves are commonly wield by great mages such as Mazus, Viki and Luc. Therefore, Gantetsu is a character who belongs to mage type regardless of his constant boasting about his brute strength.
16) Gengen
Race: Kobold
Class: Swordsman/Mercenary
Weapon Type: One-handed Sword
Range: Short
Max Damage: 150
Level: 3
Attack: 9
Good Sword
Level: 5
Attack: 15
Great Sword
Level: 11
Attack: 67
The Kobolds Gengen and Kuromimi of the Liberation Army, both shares the same weapon names except for the third. Gengen called his weapon the “Great Sword,” while Kuromimi called his weapon the “Excellent Sword”. Although the translation is slightly different, yet they are synonymous.
17) Genshu
Race: Human
Class: Swordsman/Bodyguard/Hireling
Weapon Type: Katana
Range: Short
Max Damage: 160
Level: -
Attack: -
Level: -
Attack: -
Level: 11
Attack: 73
Although a type of katana, Genshu’s sword has similar names with the greatswords brandish by Kreutz from the Liberation Army and Duke from the Fire Bringers.
18) Georg Prime
Race: Human
Class: Swordsman/Knight/Army General/Vagabond
Weapon Type: Two-handed Sword
Range: Short
Max Damage: 160
Level: -
Attack: -
Level: -
Attack: -
Level: 12
Attack: 97
During the Falenan Civil War, Georg Prime wielded a different sword than what he had in the Dunan Unification War. From a one-handed sword he is now wielding a two-handed sword.
19) Gijimu
Race: Human
Class: Bandit Boss
Weapon Type: Axe
Range: Medium
Max Damage: 175
Double Axe
Level: -
Attack: -
Double Battleaxe
Level: 7
Attack: 23
Double Greataxe
Level: 13
Attack: 85
Helga of the Island Liberation Navy also named her axe exactly the same as that of Gijimu.
20) Hai Yo
Race: Human
Class: Chef
Weapon Type: Wok
Range: Medium
Max Damage: 165
Level: 4
Attack: 11
Dragon Wok
Level: 6
Attack: 17
Blue Dragon Wok
Level: 13
Attack: 89
The word "Dragon" in Hai Yo's weapon names may have something to do with his personal background. He is once a member of the clandestine group called the Black Dragon Group which is hailed from the Black Dragon Isle.
21) Hanna
Race: Human
Class: Swordsman/Vagabond/Wildchild
Weapon Type: One-handed Sword
Range: Short
Max Damage: 150
Level: 3
Attack: 9
High Blade
Level: 5
Attack: 15
Steel Blade
Level: 11
Attack: 67
Hanna is one of those characters in Suikoden series whose class belongs to the wildchilds or berserkers, such as Fu Su Lu, Hallec and Gau. Unlike these men, however, she is the only one who uses a sword instead of axes.
22) Hauser
Race: Human
Class: Army General/Swordsman
Weapon Type: Two-handed Sword
Range: Short
Max Damage: 160
Level: -
Attack: -
High Sword
Level: -
Attack: -
Steel Sword
Level: 11
Attack: 73
Jewel, a member of the Island Liberation Navy also named her weapon as Steel Sword.
23) Hix
Class: Warrior/Swordsman
Weapon Type: One-handed Sword
Range: Short
Max Damage: 150
Level: -
Attack: -
Tengaar +
Level: 6
Attack: 27
Tengaar ++
Level: 11
Attack: 67
It is a custom in Warrior’s Village for men to name their weapons after the most important person in their lives. Thus, like Flik before him, Hix also named his sword after his lover-- Tengaar.
24) Hoi
Race: Human
Class: Thief/Con Artist
Weapon Type: Tonfa
Range: Medium
Max Damage: 165
Twin Fang
Level: 1
Attack: 5
Faux Twin Fang
Level: 6
Attack: 18
Twin Fang Nouveau
Level: 13
Attack: 92
"Faux" and "Nouveau" are French words which mean "false" and "recent" respectively. Hoi's second weapon name is Faux, since he is just trying to copy Riou's tonfa. Thus, it is safely assumed as a fake weapon or an immitation. The weapon's third name is Nouveau as it recently reached the status of being a true tonfa after sharpened to higher levels.
25) Humphrey Mintz
Race: Human
Class: Swordsman/Heavy Knight
Weapon Type: Two-handed Sword/Long Sword
Range: Short
Max Damage: 160
Level: -
Attack: -
Level: 10
Attack: 64
Level: 11
Attack: 73
All of Humphrey’s weapon names were adopted from famous Japanese legendary swords. Ironically, all those swords are type of katana and not a European long sword.
26) Jowy
Race: Human
Class: Martial Arts Fighter/Royalty/Army Leader
Weapon Type: Staff
Range: Medium
Max Damage: 170
Star Staff
Level: 1
Attack: 5
Heaven Staff
Level: 6
Attack: 18
Heavenly Star Staff
Level: 13
Attack: 92
During the Rockaxe infiltration, Jowy is seen brandishing a sword instead of his staff when fighting Gorudo.
27) Kahn Marley
Race: Human
Class: Vampire Hunter
Weapon Type: Club
Range: Short
Max Damage: 135
Level: -
Attack: -
Level: 7
Attack: 45
Level: 10
Attack: 53
Both Kahn and Killey use double clubs as their weapon of choice. Not to mention that they attributed their weapons' names to darkness, too.
28) Karen
Race: Human
Class: Dancer
Weapon Type: Claws/Nails
Range: Short
Max Damage: 165
Level: -
Attack: -
Red Nails
Level: 6
Attack: 17
Black Nails
Level: 13
Attack: 89
Karen's mentor, Mina, is the Liberation Army's prominent dancer. Unlike her student, she uses a shawl in battles and not nails.
29) Kasumi
Race: Human
Class: Ninja/Volunteer Army General/Vice-Chancellor
Weapon Type: Claw
Range: Short
Max Damage: 135
Level: -
Attack: -
Big Sakura
Level: 7
Attack: 45
Max Sakura
Level: 10
Attack: 53
Sakura is the Japanese word for “cherry blossoms”.
30) Killey
Race: Human
Class: Seeker of Sindar/Vagabond
Weapon Type: Club
Range: Medium
Max Damage: 165
Level: -
Attack: -
Level: 7
Attack: 45
Level: 10
Attack: 53
Killey's weapon names are obviously named after the darkness. Some players thought that his weapon is some sort of daggers or double swords, but it's actually a club. That explains why he is a medium-range and not a short-range fighter.
31) Kinnison
Race: Human
Class: Archer/Forest Hunter
Weapon Type: Bow
Range: Long
Max Damage: 147
Light Bow
Level: 2
Attack: 6
Ranger Bow
Level: 5
Attack: 13
Hunter Bow
Level: 12
Attack: 73
Kinnison and Shiro are hunters living in the forest of Ryube. Kinnison’s bow was named after what kind of life he had in the forest. Surprisingly, he and his fellow archer in the Allied Army, Stallion, shares the same first weapon name, the “Light Bow”.
32) Koyu
Race: Human
Class: Bandit Boss
Weapon Type: Axe
Range: Medium
Max Damage: 175
One-handed Axe
Level: 5
Attack: 13
One-handed Battleaxe
Level: 7
Attack: 23
One-handed Greataxe
Level: 13
Attack: 85
Koyu’s axe is the same as that of his brother-in-law, Gijimu, except that he only uses a single axe.

33) Long Chan-Chan
Race: Human
Class: Martial Arts Master/Adventurer
Weapon Type: Claws/Knuckles
Range: Short
Max Damage: 135
Level: -
Attack: -
Killer Knuckles
Level: 9
Attack: 51
Power Knuckles
Level: 10
Attack: 53
Unlike his student Wakaba, Long Chan-Chan prefers to use his fists than his legs. This explains why his weapon of choice are knuckles.
34) Lorelai
Race: Human
Class: Archer/Adventurer
Weapon Type: Axe/Scythe
Range: Medium
Max Damage: 175
Level: -
Attack: -
Level: 7
Attack: 23
Level: 13
Attack: 85
Originally, Lorelai’s scythe was owned by Kirke, an executioner who resigned to his job after the Toran Liberation War ended. Kirke gave it to her as memento of their friendship, while they were still members of the Liberation Army. The scythe’s names are adopted from tarot card themes.
35) Lo Wen
Race: Human
Class: Bandit Boss
Weapon Type: Ball-in-Chain
Range: Long
Max Damage: 140
Level: -
Attack: -
Falling Star
Level: 6
Attack: 31
Shooting Star
Level: 9
Attack: 48
Lo Wen’s weapon names must have something to do with the way she executes her attack. Like a star that falls from the sky, reflects the way she wield her ball-in-chain.
36) Luc
Race: Human
Class: Mage
Weapon Type: Magic Rod
Range: Short
Max Damage: 100
Wind Rod
Level: 4
Attack: 7
Gale Rod
Level: 6
Attack: 11
Gust Rod
Level: 12
Attack: 64
Luc’s magic rod was his weapon since the Toran Liberation War and until the Dunan Unification War ended. However, he replaced it during the Second Fire Bringer War with a magic ring called the Guardian’s Eye.
37) Mazus
Race: Human
Class: Arch-mage/Hermit
Weapon Type: Magic Rod
Range: Short
Max Damage: 100
Star Rod
Level: -
Attack: -
Cosmic Rod
Level: 6
Attack: 11
Nova Rod
Level: 12
Attack: 64
Mazus’ magic rod is named after the heavenly bodies just like his former mentor and arch-rival, Crowley.
38) Meg
Race: Human
Class: Trickster Apprentice/Adventurer
Weapon Type: Darts/Dagger
Range: Long
Max Damage: 140
Level: -
Attack: -
Assassin's Dagger
Level: 5
Attack: 25
Silver Dagger
Level: 9
Attack: 48
Fifteen years after the Dunan Republic was founded, Meg had a daughter named Belle who was involved in the Second Fire Bringer War. Unlike her mother, however, Belle does not use a dagger in combat but a hammer.
39) Miklotov
Race: Human
Class: Knight/Swordsman
Weapon Type: One-handed Sword
Range: Short
Max Damage: 160
Level: -
Attack: -
Level: 9
Attack: 55
Level: 11
Attack: 73
Miklotov also named his sword after a person’s name, just like his buddy and co-captain of the Matilda Knights, Camus.
40) Millie
Race: Human
Class: Vagabond
Weapon Type: Boomerang
Range: Long
Max Damage: 140
Level: 1
Attack: 6
Hit Boomerang
Level: 3
Attack: 12
High Boomerang
Level: 9
Attack: 70
The boomerang is a primitive weapon commonly used by the aborigines of Australia for hunting. If thrown in a right way it will eventually return to its wielder.
41) Mondo
Race: Human
Class: Ninja
Weapon Type: Claws
Range: Short
Max Damage: 135
Level: -
Attack: -
Dark Claw
Level: 8
Attack: 48
Tooth and Claw
Level: 16
Attack: 135
In Suikoden 1, some of the martial arts fighters in the Liberation Army have their weapons categorized as claws. Their weapons are blunt and used for fist fighting just like those of Oulan, Zamza and Long Chan-Chan. Mondo and Kasumi's protruding sharp claws, on the other hand, are used for piercing and slashing.
42) Nanami
Race: Human
Class: Martial Arts Fighter
Weapon Type: Rod/Nunchaku
Range: Medium
Max Damage: 145
Flower Rod
Blossom Rod
Eden Rod
The word "Eden" from the third name of Nanami's weapon was probably taken from the Biblical paradise called the "Garden of Eden."
43) Nina
Race: Human
Class: Student
Weapon Type: Book Belt
Range: Medium
Max Damage: 165
Book Belt
Level: -
Attack: -
New Book Belt
Level: 6
Attack: 17
Book Belt of Love
Level: 13
Attack: 89
Nina's weapon of choice has something to do with her current status as a student of the New Leaf Academy in Greenhill. Although her Book Belt can be considered as blunt and ineffective, yet it has 165 weapon damage when upgraded to its maximum level. That is pretty high compared to other weapons made of steel.
44) Oulan
Race: Human
Class: Martial Arts Fighter/Bodyguard
Weapon Type: Claws/Knuckles
Range: Short
Max Damage: 135
Level: -
Attack: -
Iron Fist
Level: 7
Attack: 45
God Hand
Level: 10
Attack: 53
Iron Fist is translated as “Tekken” in Japanese. Zamza, who surprisingly had fighting moves almost similar to that of Oulan, named his weapon Tekken.
45) Pesmerga
Race: Unknown
Class: Unknown
Weapon Type: Two-handed Sword
Range: Short
Max Damage: 160
Level: -
Attack: -
Death Crimson
Level: -
Attack: -
King Crimson
Level: 14
Attack: 129
Pesmerga and Yuber were undoubtedly of the same caliber when it regards to their mysterious past, race, class and even their appearances. Aside from being clad with heavy black armors and horned helmets, they also have the same weapon names.
46) Rikimaru
Race: Human
Class: Swordsman/Avenger/Vagabond
Weapon Type: Two-handed Sword
Range: Short
Max Damage: 160
Level: -
Attack: -
Level: 5
Attack: 19
Level: 11
Attack: 73
“Oni” from the name Onimaru means devil in Japanese.
47) Rina
Race: Human
Class: Fortune-teller/Circus Performer/Gypsy
Weapon Type: Darts/Tarot Cards
Range: Long
Max Damage: 140
Level: 1
Attack: 6
Level: 3
Attack: 12
Level: 9
Attack: 48
Chariot, Empress and World are all themes from a tarot card deck. Lorelai’s scythe was also named after it.
48) Riou
Race: Human
Class: Martial Arts Fighter/Army Leader
Weapon Type: Tonfa
Range: Medium
Max Damage: 170
Twin Fang
Level: 1
Attack: 5
Twin Heaven Fang
Level: 6
Attack: 18
Twin Destiny Fang
Level: 13
Attack: 92
Riou and Lazlo of the Island Liberation Navy, have the same names for their weapons. The only difference is that the former uses a tonfa while the latter uses a double sword.
Race: Human
Class: Ninja
Weapon Type: Darts/Shuriken
Range: Long
Max Damage: 140
Level: -
Attack: -
Blue Comet
Level: 6
Attack: 31
Fiery Blue Comet
Level: 9
Attack: 48
Kage and Fuma, two of Kasumi’s allied ninjas in the Liberation Army also use shurikens just like Sasuke.
50) Sheena
Race: Human
Class: Swordsman/Traveler
Weapon Type: One-handed Sword
Range: Short
Max Damage: 150
Level: -
Attack: -
Kirinji 2
Level: 9
Attack: 50
Kirinji 3
Level: 11
Attack: 67
Kirinji is an heirloom of Lepant’s family which he gave to his son Sheena before his journey to the City-States of Jowston. Sheena’s former weapon was a rapier which he wielded during the Toran Liberation War.
51) Shilo
Race: Human
Class: Gambler
Weapon Type: Darts/Blow Gun
Range: Long
Max Damage: 140
Level: -
Attack: -
Silver Jirommaru
Level: 7
Attack: 37
Gold Jirommaru
Level: 9
Attack: 48
Shilo never touches his blowgun with his bare hands when attacking enemies as seen in Suikoden 2 battles.
52) Shin
Race: Human
Class: Swordsman/Bodyguard
Weapon Type: Two-handed Sword
Range: Short
Max Damage: 140
Level: -
Attack: -
Death Tarantula
Level: 9
Attack: 55
Ray Tarantula
Level: 11
Attack: 79
Shin is notable for his unique skill in swordsmanship, but aside from that he is also an archer captain. The fact that a finicky weapon enthusiast like Genshu befriended him could mean that Shin’s sword, Tarantula, can be considered as a weapon of high value.
53) Sid
Race: Winger
Class: Spearman
Weapon Type: Spear
Range: Medium
Max Damage: 140
Skull Spear
Level: -
Attack: -
Cursed Spear
Level: 8
Attack: 48
Devil Spear
Level: 9
Attack: 53
Sid is a morbid Winger with pathological habit of scaring people or doing peculiar things such as making graves for the fishes he ate. It’s no wonder why he named his spear after gruesome names.
54) Sierra Mikain
Race: Vampire
Class: Vampire Coven Mistress
Weapon Type: Claws
Range: Short
Max Damage: 135
Half Moon
Full Moon
It is no big surprise to know that Sierra's weapon is named after the phases of the moon. Why not? She's the coven mistress of the Blue Moon Village and the inheritor of the Blue Moon Rune, anyway. Aside from that, she's a vampire. In folklore, it is believed that the moon heightened the powers of the creatures of darkness when it appears in the night sky, especially, in a full moon.
55) Simone Verdricci
Race: Human
Class: Narcissist/Nobility
Weapon Type: Darts/Roses
Range: Long
Max Damage: 140
Level: -
Attack: -
Level: -
Attack: -
Level: 11
Attack: 83
All of Simone’s weapon names were part of musical pieces. Prelude is an introductory piece of music. Intermezzo, on the other hand, is a short movement in a longer musical composition. While Rhapsody is commonly a free form of music which denotes high emotional expression.
56) Stallion
Race: Elf
Class: Archer/Escape Artist
Weapon Type: Bow
Range: Long
Max Damage: 147
Light Bow
Level: -
Attack: -
Shine Bow
Level: 8
Attack: 40
Elfin Bow
Level: 12
Attack: 73
During the Toran Liberation War, Stallion was using a different bow other than what he had during the Dunan Unification War. His new bow is believed to be owned by Kirkis, his fellow elf and war buddy in the Liberation Army. He must have given his bow to Stallion as a memento of their friendship.
57) Tai Ho
Race: Human
Class: Fisherman/Sailor/Gambler
Weapon Type: Spear/Trident
Range: Medium
Max Damage:
Level: -
Attack: -
Level: 7
Attack: 42
Level: 9
Attack: 53
Although the third name of Tai Ho’s trident is the same from his trident during the Toran Liberation War, yet his first and second weapon names are totally different.

58) Tengaar
Race: Human
Class: Warrior
Weapon Type: Darts/Dagger
Range: Long
Max Damage: 140
Light Knife
Level: -
Attack: -
Ray Knife
Level: 8
Attack: 43
Shining Knife
Level: 9
Attack: 48
Although it’s a type of dart, Tengaar’s weapon was placed among the rods in Suikoden 1. Her knife shares the same damage with the rods for every level upgraded. Nonetheless, it was appropriately placed to where it should be in Suikoden 2.
59) Tir McDohl
Race: Human
Class: Martial Arts Fighter
Weapon Type: Staff
Range: Medium
Max Damage: 165
Wolf Fang Staff
Level: -
Attack: -
Dragon Fang Staff
Level: -
Attack: -
Heaven Fang Staff
Level: 14
Attack: 124
Tir McDohl's staff has the word "Fang" on his weapon's name. The same word also appears on the weapons of both Riou and Lazlo en Kuldes of the Island Liberation Navy.
60) Tomo
Race: Human
Class: Spearman
Weapon Type: Spear
Range: Medium
Max Damage: 140
Wind Spear
Level: -
Attack: -
Fujin Spear
Level: -
Attack: -
Fujin Long Spear
Level: 9
Attack: 53
Fujin is named after the Japanese mythological god of wind. Tomo's father, Tsai, also named his spear after the deity of lightning.
61) Tsai
Race: Human
Class: Spearman/Blacksmith
Weapon Type: Spear
Range: Medium
Max Damage: 140
God Spear
Level: -
Attack: -
Raijin Spear
Level: 6
Attack: 37
Raijin Long Spear
Level: 9
Attack: 53
Raijin is named after the Japanese mythological god of lightning. Tsai's daughter also named her spear after a Japanese deity.
62) Tuta
Race: Human
Class: Apprentice Doctor
Weapon Type: Darts/Stones
Range: Long
Max Damage: 140
Level: 2
Attack: 9
Level: 3
Attack: 12
Level: 9
Attack: 48
Tuta is already a full-pledged doctor and does not fight in battle anymore during the Second Fire Bringer War. Well, fair enough, since it’s not cool to see some grown up man who plainly throws pebbles, stones or rocks in combat.
63) Valeria
Race: Human
Class: Swordsman/Army General
Weapon Type: One-handed Sword
Range: Short
Max Damage: 150
Star Sword
Level: -
Attack: -
Seven Star Sword
Level: 7
Attack: 35
Conqueror Sword
Level: 11
Attack: 67
Valeria and Anita were both friends and rivals in swordsmanship. However, Valeria was defeated only once in all of their duels. Thus, Valeria’s “Conqueror Star Sword” is an open indication of her superior skill in swordsmanship against her friend.
64) Viki
Race: Human
Class: Teleportress/Mage
Weapon Type: Magic Rod/Magic Wand
Range: Short
Max Damage: 100
Level: 5
Attack: 9
Wow Wand
Level: 6
Attack: 11
Wow Wow Wand
Level: 12
Attack: 64
Viki has been in many major wars before and after the Dunan Unification War. In Suikoden 5, her second and third weapon names are Wa-Wa-Wa Wand and Uwa-Wa-Wa-Wa Wand, which are slightly different from its names in other Suikoden titles.
65) Viktor
Race: Human
Class: Swordsman/Mercenary/Avenger
Weapon Type: Two-handed Sword
Range: Short
Max Damage: 170
Taia Sword
Level: -
Attack: -
Shiko Sword
Level: 9
Attack: 55
Kouten Sword
Level: -
Attack: -
Star Dragon Sword
Level: 9
Attack: 59
After the Toran Liberation War ended, Viktor and Flik journeyed northward and accepted a contract under Muse. It was during this time when Viktor abandoned the Star Dragon Sword in solitude and once again wielded his old weapon way back in the Toran Liberation War, the Taia Sword.
66) Vincent de Boule
Race: Human
Class: Narcissist/Nobility/Swordsman
Weapon Type: One-Handed Sword
Range: Short
Max Damage: 150
Level: -
Attack: -
Level: 10
Attack: 59
Level: 11
Attack: 67
Vincent de Boule is not a playable character in Suikoden 1, but surprisingly was given a bigger role as one of the swordsman in Suikoden 2.
67) Wakaba
Race: Human
Class: Martial Arts Student/Adventurer
Weapon Type: Leg Guard
Range: Short
Max Damage: 140
Leg Guard
Level: -
Attack: -
Killer Leg Guard
Level: 8
Attack: 48
Power Leg Guard
Level: 10
Attack: 53
Unlike her sensei, Wakaba prefers to fight using her legs than her fists. This explains why her weapon of choice is a leg guard.
68) Yoshino Yamamoto
Race: Human
Class: Spearman/Housewife
Weapon Type: Spear/Naginata
Range: Medium
Max Damage: 140
Level: -
Attack: -
Long Naginata
Level: 6
Attack: 37
Great Naginata
Level: 9
Attack: 53
Fifteen years after the birth of Dunan Republic, Freed and Yoshino had a daughter who was fighting under the Fire Bringers. Sanae Yamamoto bears the naginata that her mother once wielded during the Dunan Unification War.
69) Zamza
Race: Human
Class: Magic Instructor/Martial Arts Fighter
Weapon Type: Claws/Knuckles
Range: Short
Max Damage: 135
Level: 3
Attack: 9
Burning Iron Fist
Level: 4
Attack: 10
Iron Fist of Rage
Level: 10
Attack: 53
Zamza’s Fire Lizard Rune produces fire every time he made an attack. This skill rune gives an additional weapon damage but also damages its wielder. Thus, it is best equipped with a Fire Sealing Rune to nullify its adverse effects.
Disclaimer: All Suikoden II's images, arts, logos, names and related characters are properties of Konami.
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