Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
1) Do all characters have entries in Richmond's "How to Gain Companions" files?
No. Most characters have entries but only those who are categorized as optional. That means they are not directly needed in order for the story to progress. Those characters who automatically joined the Allied Army, on the other hand, have no known entries.
2) What are the prerequisites in order for a certain character's entry will appear in Richmond's list?
There are several reasons why certain character's names is not yet available in Richmond's "How to Gain Companions" files. One is that you need to talk to the character before it appears in Richmond's entry. Others who have partners such as Meg, Hix, Abizboah and Kinnison will require their entries to be investigated first before their partner's names are included. While some may take time to appear until a particular mission is triggered or cleared. For example, Mondo and Sasuke's entries can only be triggered when Riou's entourage travelled south to forge an alliance with Toran Republic.
3) When a certain character's name appeared in Richmond's "How to Gain a Companion" files, does this mean that such character can be recruited without any delay or obstacles?
Most of the time this is true but not in all situation. Some characters may require more than just by simply recruiting them directly on the spot even though their names are already included in Richmond's list. For example, after Neclord's demise in Tinto, Georg Prime's name entry will appear in Richmond's "How to Gain Companions" files. The fact that his name is already available means he can be recruited anytime you want. However, if he refused to join, that means a certain prerequisite such as upgrading the castle to a higher level and recruiting more allies are not yet achieved.
4) Who should I bring to recruit Bob in Kobold District of Two River City?
None. Although Richmond's investigation tells you so, but there is no one who can convince Bob to join the Allied Army except by his own free will. Just let your castle be upgraded to level 3 or above and he'll eventually join.
Tips and Tricks:
1) In case you don't know how to recruit a certain character, Richmond's "How to Gain Companions" investigation may prove helpful.
2) Checking the currently available names in Richmond's "How to Gain Companions" helps determine the characters that are ready to be recruited. However, in some rare cases, there are names that may appear but the characters themselves may not join the Allied Army yet for certain reasons.
3) Richmond's "How to Gain Companions" may not be as informative as the character investigation, but there are still some juicy information to squeeze that adds color to the character's life, personality and background.

Fun Facts:
1) Jeane is surprisingly found teaching the art of runemastery in Greenhill after the Toran Liberation War ended. But did you know that there are also several runemasters in Suikoden 2 that were given names like her? These are Zenith, Hagure and Yuri. Zenith is the runemaster in Muse who will give a Flowing Rune after retaking the city from Highland control. Hagure is a traveling runemaster who stayed at the White Deer Inn for a while. Lastly, Yuri is the runemaster who replaced Jeane at her shop in Two River City.
2) Templeton is a cartographer from Kanakan. According to Richmond, he always shows up when he needs to change his map. This is true since he did the same thing back in the days of the Toran Liberation War. After the Village of the Elves was reduced to rubbles and ashes by Kwanda Rosman, Templeton immediately went to the place to update his maps.
3) Richmond in his investigation to Adlai called him a "crazy old man." This weird inventor's background and personality is actually a fusion of two characters from Suikoden 1, Sergei and Kamandol. Sergei is the self-proclaimed inventor of the elevator which Adlai also claimed to be. Kamandol, on the other hand, is the old geezer and inventor in Teien who caused a lot of disturbances to his neighbors due to the noises that came out from his house. Something that he and Adlai have much in common.
For the purpose of this guide, the given name for the castle is "Dunan," while "Allied" is the given name for the army.
Names are arranged alphabetically for easy browsing and convenience. Also, some translations in the game that are deemed errors are edited to avoid confusion.
The word "Available" corresponds to the time when a particular "How to Gain Companions" info is ready to be investigated and not to be construed as when a particular character is available for recrutiment.
How to Gain Companions:
"I talked to a guy who heard strange noises coming from the mines in Tinto. It could be....."
Available: After recruiting Badeaux.
"That crazy old man..... I don't know how far you're willing to go to get him to join yer group, but...."
Available: After recruiting Richmond.
"He's friends with Annallee. I heard he's in Tinto right now."
Available: After investigating Pico's How to Gain Companion's info.
"After he was forced to leave the White Deer Inn, I hear he went to South Window."
Available: After recruiting Richmond.
"He's got a lot of confidence in his own strength. I'll bet ya could use that against him."
Available: After recruiting Richmond.
"Hmmm, to get a woman like that, you have to work real hard. Maybe you're still a little too young, eh?"
Available: After talking to Anita in Banner Village.
"Poor girl's got nowhere to go cause of the war, but she's toughin' it out in south window right now. Be extra nice to her."
Available: After Luca Blight's death.
"I heard she lives in the woods somewhere near Forest village, but...."
Available: After recruiting Badeaux.
"He's a beastmaster, so humans just don't interest him if ya know what I mean."
Available: After talking to Badeaux in the Forest Path to Matilda .
"He doesn't trust humans one bit. You need to bring along someone he'll trust if ya want him to come along."
Available: After talking to Bob in Two River City.
"He lives in South Window and keeps a low profile. He must have a good reason, I guess."
Available: After recruiting Richmond.
"Only someone with musical training can use those Sound Sets y'know."
Available: After talking to Connell for the first time in Forest Village.
"She may look hard to approach, but it's best just be direct with that type of woman."
Available: During the rescue mission of Teresa Wisemail in Greenhill.
"Apparently Griffins sometimes show up in Forest Village."
Available: After recruiting Badeaux.
"He's going to the Crystal Valley in Harmonia, but right now it seems he's in a town somewhere in the Matilda Knight's Domain."
Available: After investigating Humphrey's How to Gain Companion's info.
"Maybe if there were another Kobold with you he might come. Also, the castle'll have to be a little bigger."
Available: After forging alliance with Two River City.
"It looks like that thing follows Meg around wherever she goes."
Available: After investigating Meg's How to Gain Companion's info.
"He's proud of his 'power' so maybe if ya can show him your own 'power', he'll join you."
Available: After talking to Gantetsu in South Window.
"That guy's totally obssessed with swords and other weapons. He only talks to folks with high-level weapons...."
Available: After talking to Genshu in Coronet Town.
Georg Prime
"If you want this guy, you'll have to get more companions and make some improvements to the castle, I think."
Available: Forging alliance with Tinto event.
"Well, it wouldn't hurt to try trading for yerself, y'know. With yer luck, you should be able to turn a nice profit."
Available: After talking to Gordon in Gregminster.
"That guy is dying to open his own shop. As leader of the Allied Army, you should be able to help him out, no?"
Available: After talking to Hans in Two River City.
"She never leaves Alex's side. They look like a real happy couple, they do."
Available: After investigating Alex's How to Gain Companion's info.
"He's headed for Kobold Village. Something about becoming a 'true warrior'."
Available: After forging alliance with Two River City.
"He still hanging around Radat Town, but I'm not sure how....."
Available: After Luca Blight's death.

Humphrey Mintz
"He's headed for the Crystal Valley in Harmonia, but he was slowed down by the war. He's somewhere in Matilda right now."
Available: After talking to Humphrey in Highway Village.
"She was a teaching the art of runemastery in Greenhill, but I heard she's back in Two River now."
Available: During the rescue mission of Teresa Wisemail in Greenhill.
"Well, I hear there's a place near Forest Village that has real nice clay."
Available: After talking to Jude in Greenhill.
"She's one hell of a dancer and she's looking for a partner. Maybe it could be you, if you're lucky, Riou."
Available: After Luca Blight's death.
"He's devoted to solving the riddle of the Sindar, but there's someone else who already found the treasure of the Sindar ruins."
Available: After Luca Blight's death.
"He's somewhere in the forest near Ryube, but...."
Available: After recruiting Richmond.
"I hear he's a big collector of antiques. It's 'Celadon Urn' he wants, I hear flying squirrels sometimes carry 'em around."
Available: After talking to Lebrante in Radat Town.
Long Chan-Chan
"Well, Long Chan-Chan is Wakaba's teacher, so maybe....."
Available: After talking to Long Chan-Chan in Rockaxe or Crom Village.
"Looks like you'll have to fix up this castle a bit. You probably also have to find some guy named Killey too....."
Available: After talking to Lorelai for the first time in Gregminster.
"If someone walks around between Greenhill and Two River....."
Available: After recruiting Mukumuku.
"I heard there's an old man in South Window who's telling everyone who'll listen about his old days as a knight."
Available: After Luca Blight's death.
"Mazus is real prideful. I don't think he'll join up with ya unless you've got lots more companions."
Available: After talking to Mazus in Tinto Mines.
"I heard that some girl learning the art of gadgetry is travelling around the Muse-Greenhill checkpoint."
Available: After forging alliance with Two River City.
"If someone walks around the path to the Matilda Knightdom....."
Available: After recruiting Mikumiku.
"If someone walks around between Greenhill and Forest village....."
Available: After recruiting Makumaku.
"She looking for her pet, 'Bonaparte'. She's just a little girl, so ya gotta be nice to her."
Available: After recruiting Richmond.
"If someone walks around the Forest Village....."
Available: After recruiting Mekumeku.
"I heard Rokkaku Hamlet is on the mountain path on the way to Toran. If you're not havin' any luck, it's probably cause ya don't have enough companions yet."
Available: Forging alliance with Toran Republic event.
"If someone wanders around the Greenhill and Muse checkpoint...."
Available: After recruiting Richmond.
"I heard something about a female bodyguard who's hunting for the group of thieves who are preying on all-female parties..."
Available: After recruiting Richmond.
"If you fix up this old castle as good as it'll get and then go find the guy waiting in the Cave of the Wind, it should work out okay."
Available: After retaking Greenhill from Highland control.
"He's a friend of Annallee's, but it looks like he's messing around in Greenhill right now...."
Available: After retaking Greenhill from Highland control.
"Raura is hanging around Tinto. I hear she's old friends with Jeane, but y'know what they say about old girl friends..."
Available: After talking to Raura for the first time in Tinto.
"He's layin' on the ground in Coronet Town. Passed out like a whino, he is."
Available: After recruiting Richmond.
"It looks like there are still a lot of weird noises coming from the mines in Tinto Town."
Available: After investigating Abizboah's How to Gain Companion's info.
"I heard Rokkaku Hamlet is on the mountain path on the way to Toran. A ninja named Kasumi is in charge there."
Available: Forging alliance with Toran Republic event.
"Ha ha. That guy likes a good challenge, I hear."
Available: After talking to Shilo for the first time in Lakewest.
"That dog'll go anywhere Kinnison goes, he will."
Available: After investigating Kinnison's How to Gain Companion's info.
"I heard that he hung around with Chaco alot when they were both little kids."
Available: After forging alliance with Two River City.
"Legends say that Unicorns will only talk to fair maidens.... But you know how hard it is to find one of those these days....."
Available: After recruiting Badeaux.
Simone Verdricci
"If yer looking for a Rose Brooch, they sell'em in Banner Village."
Available: After talking to Simone in Radat Town.
"He's always bragging about how fast he is. If you could show him how fast you are, maybe....."
Available: After talking to Stallion in Radat Town.

Tai Ho
"He's a fun-loving guy, but he's got a real weakness for Chinchirorin, he does."
Available: After talking to Tai Ho in Kuskus Town.
"Well, you know old folks... They're happy just to have people listen to 'em talk."
Available: After talking to Taki in Lakewest.
"I hear he only shows up when he needs to change his maps..... Maybe the mercenary fortress....."
Available: After recruiting Richmond.
"She never leaves Hix's side... Actually, it's more like she pulls him around wherever she goes. She's headed for Kobold Village."
Available: After investigating Hix's How to Gain Companion's info.
"Tenkou is a master window maker. Maybe if ya could bring him even one 'Window Set'....."
Available: After talking to Tenkou in Crom Village.
"Tetsu is just crazy about baths. He trusts folks who look nice and toasty like they just came out of a bath."
Available: After talking to Tetsu in Lakewest.
"Get the castle a little bigger and then head for Tsai's house."
Available: After forging alliance with Toran Republic.
"Poor guy lost his farm. Right now, he's hanging out in the mayor's house in Forest Village and making a nuisance of himself."
Available: After forging alliance with Two River City.
"She won't bother hanging around with weaklings. Ya got to be high enough level to interest that one...."
Available: After talking to Wakaba in Forest Village.
Yam Koo
"Well, he's Tai Ho's little brother, so..."
Available: After investigating Tai Ho's How to Gain Companion's info.
Yoshino Yamamoto
"Everyone in Radat talks about what a happy couple Freed and Yoshino are."
Available: After talking to Yoshino in Radat Town.
"She lost her sheep in Kobold Village. It might not be a bad idea to help her find 'em."
Available: After rescuing Teresa Wisemail in Greenhill.
Disclaimer: All Suikoden II's images, arts, logos, names and related characters are properties of Konami.
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