Star: Tensui Star
Moniker: Young Reader
Info: Daughter of Danash and 2nd Empress Rizwan. Able to pull information from Chronicles, and always forced by mother to do so.
Manaril (2)
Star: Tensui Star
Moniker: Lost Land Princess
Info: Formerly Janam imperial Princess. Half sister of Shams. Now thought to be Salsabil princess. Chronicle expert.
Star: Tenei Star
Moniker: Childhood Friend
Info: Second daughter of Village Elder Rajim and member of Defense Corps. Friends with Hero since childhood.
Marica (2)
Star: Tenei Star
Moniker: Childhood Friend
Info: Second daughter of Elder Rajim. Friends with Hero since childhood. With Company since its formation.
Star: Chiin Star
Moniker: Weird Girl
Info: Convinced she was reincarnation of the Warrior of the Light from 1000 years ago, and Hero her fated lover.
Star: Tenyu Star
Moniker: One-Eyed General
Info: Once in contention with Diulf for the Furious Roar throne. Megion bowed out so as not to split the tribe's loyalties.
Star: Chiki Star
Moniker: Right-Hand Man
Info: Blades of Night's Veil adjutant. Came to the castle with Chrodechild. Level-headed, and completely loyal to her.
Meruvis (2)
Star: Chiki Star
Moniker: Right-Hand Man
Info: The adjutant of the Royal Knights of the Kingdom of Astrasia. Level-headed, and completely loyal to Chrodechild.
Chikei Star
Moniker: Special Agent
Info: Ritterschild Belfar Agency sharpshooter. Geschutz is her superior. Knows a lot about gun technology.
Star: Chisatsu Star
Moniker: Volunteer Leader
Info: Leader of Salsabil Liberation Army, but suddenly remembered as Self-Defense Volunteers leader instead.

Asad and Chrodechild
Star: Chikai Star
Moniker: Matchmaker Moana
Info: Wanderer who acts as go-between and employment agent, even now that she's a member of Flesaria Company.
Star: Chitan Star
Moniker: Tenacious Chaser
Info: Made a fool out of by Icas, pursued him to exact revenge, but joined the Company when Icas and brother Yovel did.
Star: Chian Star
Moniker: Blademaster
Info: Odd old swordsman found in Citro Plain. Same name as blademaster of long ago, but would be over 100 years old by now.
Star: Chiketsu Star
Moniker: Chronicle Seeker
Info: Former Academy staff member. Decided to break free of Magedom along with Company and continue Chronicle research.
Star: Chizoku Star
Moniker: Red Exile
Info: Scribe expelled for trying to steal the Tatau Council to oppose the Order. Her red tattoo symbolizes her crime.
Star: Chison Star
Moniker: N/A
Info: Young Auster Folk man. Felt his tribe's alliance with the Order was wrong, so left and traveled around the world.
Star: Chiyu Star
Moniker: N/A
Info: Originally a scout for Janam's Second Mage Company under Asad. Shairah gave him an impossible assignment, but Asad rescued him.
Star: Chima Star
Moniker: Devoted Priest
Info: Priest who serves Sea God Ninulneda and Priestess Neira. Decided to join Company after being persuaded by Ninulneda herself.
Star: Tenki Star
Moniker: Sea God Priestess
Info: Porpos-kin leader and priestess to Sea God Ninulneda, tribal guardian deity. Sometimes taken over by the Sea God's spirit.
Star: Chiku Star
Moniker: N/A
Info: A Porpos-kin warior. Always making up songs and singing them on the spot. Skill on battlefield is undeniable.
Star: Tenku Star
Moniker: N/A
Info: Energetic Tehah boy. Looks up to Dogha as master mountaineer. Nhazu believed in him, even when people said he was odd.
Star: Chitai Star
Moniker: N/A
Info: Last of Megion's men to stay by his side. Even when Megion ordered him to accept Diulf as king, Nictis refused to listen.
Star: Chiman Star
Moniker: N/A
Info: The Porpos-kin's greatest warrior. Trusted by Neira. Surprisingly humble and timid-sounding, and easily moved.
Star: Chichin Star
Moniker: N/A
Info: Digs up ruins and robs them of their treasures. Showed up with the 10th World. Believes relics have no value while buried.
Star: Chibaku Star
Moniker: N/A
Info: Porpos-kin warrior who's always sleeping. Despite that, he's known throughout the tribe as a tough fighter.
Star: Tenbou Star
Moniker: Guardian Sword
Info: Father of Sophia and formerly an archivist of the Order. Left the Order to free Sophia from Valfred.
Nova (2)
Star: Tenbou Star
Moniker: Guardian Sword
Info: Ex-archivist. Given mark of Twin Blades, but flew into fury and killed wife and seriously wounded daughter Sophia.
Star: Chiretsu Star
Moniker: Cute Prankster
Info: Young Porpos-kin prankster. He gets on humans' good side only to trick them. Made to work at the castle as a punishment.
Star: Chizen Star
Moniker: N/A
Info: Former Arcane Academy head, and Rizwan and Mubal's teacher. Devised "dreambeasts," illusions just like real monsters.
Nuzhat (2)
Star: Chizen Star
Moniker: N/A
Info: Was Academy head, and Rizwan and Mubal's teacher. Now that Magedom has vanished, her resentment toward Rizwan has faded.
Star: Tenyu Star
Moniker: First Ancestor
Info: A giant thought to be first ancestor of Auster Folk. Appeared when Noble Steel was offered at Lugenik Ancestral Altar.
Star: Chihi Star
Moniker: Assassin
Info: Assassin that came from the East Continent to hunt Icas down. Content to leave Icas at large while he enjoys sightseeing.
Star: Chiyu Star
Moniker: N/A
Info: Amaralicht's brother and anti-Order activist. Furious with Order member Fredegund, until she saved his life.
Star: Tenjyu Star
Moniker: Capable Elder
Info: Citro elder, and Sisuca and Marica's father. Hero's surrogate parent. Sometimes loses cool over kids.
Star: Chiraku Star
Moniker: Nasty Musician
Info: Musician who plays rare plucking bow. His playing sends people into fury. Likes to anger audience, calling them "low-borns".
Star: Chiyu Star
Moniker: N/A
Info: A Wanderer, and Tuhululu's mother. Wanting her son to grow into a full-fledged merchant, she turned to the Company for help.

Hero, Marica and Jale
Star: Tenfu Star
Moniker: N/A
Info: An Auster warrior, always by Vaslof's side. Came to realize the Order deceit, and joined the Company.
Star: Chimei Star
Moniker: N/A
Info: Youngest Blade of Night's Veil. Loyal to Astrasia and Chrodechild. Arrogant, but warming a bit to Hero.
Roberto (2)
Star: Chimei Star
Moniker: N/A
Info: 2 years ago, was low-ranking knight but was determined to help regain his homeland, so trained hard and became a Blade.
Star: Chii Star
Moniker: Enigmatic Girl
Info: Mysterious little girl found in Rarohenga. Can shoo monsters away. Impossible to talk to her, so nothing else known.
Star: Chisou Star
Moniker: N/A
Info: Cynas woman courted by Order soldier Darrow. Found out, but Darrow let himself be caught so she could escape.
Savina (2)
Star: Chisou Star
Moniker: N/A
Info: Boyfriend Darrow arrested by the Order for dissidence, but he managed to escape and now the two are reunited.
Star: Tenkyu Star
Moniker: Steel-Fisted Mom
Info: Jale's mother. Expert in martial arts. Makes her living as bodyguard. Never stayed in Citro Village very long.
Star: Chisyu Star
Moniker: Lifelong Gambler
Info: Gambler who tries to make everything into a wager. Joined the Company because gambling is against Order's principles.
Star: Chikou Star
Moniker: Lightning Claws
Info: A Furious Roar warrior. She and Lycia serve King Diulf. Specialty is stealth. Always calm and never wastes words.
Servillah (2)
Star: Chikou Star
Moniker: Lightning Claws
Info: A Furious Roar warrior. She and Lycia serve King Diulf. Specialty is stealth. Has an intense rivalry with Eusmil.
Star: Tenrou Star
Moniker: Lost-Land Prince
Info: Formerly prince of Magedom of Janam. Son of Danash VIII and Empress Consort Kureyah. Currently the King of Salsabil.
Star: Chiyou Star
Moniker: Would-Be Mommy
Info: Daughter of Citro Elder Rajim, and Marica's big sister. Acts as a mother to Hero. Kind and loving.
Star: Tenkoku Star
Moniker: N/A
Info: Archivist. Nova's daughter, but considers Valfred her father. With mark of the True Chronicle, can erase afflictions.
Star: Chisui Star
Moniker: Living Library
Info: A learned old man who lived in Tehah Village. He has collected a vast amount of information for posterity.
Star: Tenbi Star
Moniker: Ch'olui Fairy
Info: Snow Fairy of the Ch'olui Mountains. Asks travelers if they like snow, and if they answer yes, she visits a snowstorm on them.
Star: Chibi Star
Moniker: N/A
Info: Boy who serves as Sham's protector and attendant. Loves and respects Shams deeply, and would even refuse orders for him.
Star: Tenkou Star
Moniker: Beast Vassal
Info: Diulf's close adviser. Acts in king's behalf when Diulf's away. Joined Company when fight against Order escalated.
Star: Chimou Star
Moniker: N/A
Info: Wanderer. Wanted to make windows in Corridors, but Hero pointed out Gateways were almost same thing.
Star: Tensoku Star
Moniker: Rises Like Smoke
Info: Young Ritterschild man who came to investigate Order. Admits name is fake. Person of some standing. Loves high places.
Star: Chikou Star
Moniker: N/A
Info: Rekareka's son. Rather withdrawn, but started down path to becoming merchant with help of Company and mother Rekareka.
Star: Tenmou Star
Moniker: Brave Strongman
Info: A brave Auster. He was an Order general, but saw the error of the Order's ways and joined the Company.
Star: Chisoku Star
Moniker: Old Guru
Info: Wanderer known as a guru. Travels across Infinity and rarely shows up, but has now settled down to help the Company.
Star: Chizou Star
Moniker: Fighting Cook
Info: Formerly head chef at Magedom's Imperial Palace. Felt Mage Lord and wives didn't appreciate his cooking properly.
Star: Tenpai Star
Moniker: Wise Xebec
Info: Brother of Dromon and Felecca, and brains behind the pirate band. Looks like an ordinary young man, not like pirate at all.
Xebec (2)
Star: Tenpai Star
Moniker: Wise Xebec
Info: Brother of Dromon and Felecca, and brains behind the pirate band. Graduated with honors from Lonomakua school.
Star: Chitou Star
Moniker: N/A
Info: Old farmer who works large field outside Citro. Recommends the work frequently to the youth of the village.
Star: Chisyun Star
Moniker: Mechanical Man
Info: Synthetic android (mechanical figure) created by Balsam. Incredibly strong, with will of his own and real emotions.
Star: Chii Star
Moniker: Graceful Dancer
Info: Empire of North Star dancer. He and Chihaya travel and perform. Feels Order robs people of enjoyment of performing arts.
Star: Chikaku Star
Moniker: Masked Bluffer
Info: Morrin's little brother. Forced to come along on pursuit of Icas. As her bodyguard, wore mask to conceal his youth.
Star: Chikyu Star
Moniker: N/A
Info: Claims to be a simple traveling martial artist. Specialty is using two swords, and skill rivals even Chrodechild's.
Star: Chikyu Star
Moniker: N/A
Info: Some suspect she's actually War Priestess Mayula of the Empire of the North Star, but Yula herself denies this.
Star: Chijyu Star
Moniker: Difficult Doctor
Info: Janam doctor. Shows an abnormal interest in non-human patients. Joined the Company for this very reason.
Star: Tensyo Star
Moniker: Android Version 7
Info: A giant mechanical figure discovered in Rarohenga. Developed in its original world to oppose the One King.

Star: Tenkan Star
Moniker: Malicious Witch
Info: Mysterious woman who suddenly appeared in the castle cellar. Has something to do with the Tablet of the Promise.
Zenoa (2)
Star: Tenkan Star
Moniker: Malicious Witch
Info: Suddenly appeared in castle cellar. Keeper of Tablet of the Promise. Knows a lot about Starbearers, but won't share info.
II - Other Characters
Star: Tenkai Star (Other World)
Moniker: Mystery Visitor
Info: Visitor boy from another world. Was friends with hero in the vision that Hero saw when touched the Chronicle.
Star: N/A
Moniker: Roar Friend
Info: Furious Roar man, Wandered into this world and couldn't get back. Treated like monster, but Hero was firendly.
Star: N/A
Moniker: Citro Mentor
Info: Citro Defense Corps member. Reliable young man. Taught party martial arts, and they look up to him as a mentor.
Star: Tenkai Star (Other World)
Moniker: Mysterious Girl
Info: Looks exactly like Marica. Even her name is the same. Wields a giant axe and defeats monsters the party is no match for.
Marica? (2)
Star: Tenkai Star (Other World)
Moniker: Otherworld Gal
Info: Saw a renegade enter this world and knew she had to do something. She followed it through Gateway to defeat it.
Disclaimer: All Suikoden Tierkreis' images, arts, logos, names and related characters are properties of Konami.
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