Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
1) Are there any member of the Liberation Army who will not have a chance to talk to Tir McDohl at the pond in Banner Village?
Yes. All non-playable characters in the game namely Yam Koo, Templeton, Apple, Maximillian and Jeane. Although, Yam Koo is a playable character in Suikoden 1 yet he was dropped in Suikoden 2 for unknown reason.
2) How do I defeat the boss monster in the forest path to Toran Republic?
As long as the Worm already evolved into Poison Moth, you really have a choice to continue fighting or let the monster beat down the party. It doesn't matter at all since the whole event will end up the same. When eventually all are knocked down, Tir and Riou will unleash their True Runes' ultimate spells. These will totally take down the Poison Moth once and for all.
3) How do I recruit Ellie in Banner Village's inn?
Contrary to first impressions of most newbie players, there is no way you can recruit her. The fact that Ellie had a portrait icon led many to believe that she must be one of those Non-stars that can join the army. Ko may have played a bigger role but he never had a portrait of his own. Strange indeed.
4) What's so special about Tir McDohl's story, anyway?
This is really a must see event especially when you are a big fan of Suikoden series. The story is a sidequest just like Clive's adventures and Hai Yo's cook-off challenge. It means the whole event is optional and doesn't directly affect the main story even if not triggered. However, there are lots of things that you are going to miss if you do so. First of all, some characters in Suikoden 1 will have a cameo such as Eileen and Dr. Liukan. Some information about the three silent years gap between the Toran Liberation Wars and Dunan Unification Wars are revealed. Not to mention that you can also get Tir McDohl's cooperation whenever you visit him in Gregminster and ask him to fight alongside the party. Gremio will also give his secret Special Stew recipe if you visit him in McDohl Mansion's kitchen.
5) How many characters in Suikoden 1 who made a cameo or played major roles in Suikoden 2?
With the exception of Tir McDohl, there are about 23 characters who are fighting in the Allied Army who were once members of the Liberation Army in Toran. Other characters from Liberation Army who are not directly involved in the war are Gremio, Pahn, Cleo, Lotte, Lepant, Eileen, Marie, Sarah, Liukan, Hanzo, Antonio, Lester, Alen, Grenseal, Varkas and Tesla. Some members fought on the side of the Highland Kingdom and fought their former allies namely Leon Silverburg and Kage. Other notable characters who are not from the Liberation Army are Yuber, Neclord and Hanzo. Some characters didn't really appeared in the whole course of the game but were mentioned when talking to people, reading books, Richmond's investigations or just mentioned in the story. These people are Sonya Shulen, Milich Oppenheimer, Kwanda Rosman, Kasim Hazil, Sancho, Kai, Camille, Mina, Joshua Levenheit, Mathiu Silverburg, Juppo, Kimberly, Kirkis, Kuromimi, Black, Odessa Silverburg, Teo McDohl, Ted, Barbarossa Rugner, Windy, and Kanaan.
6) Why do Tir McDohl rarely speak in his own sidequest?
The answer is difinitely found in Riou himself. The main protagonists of both Suikoden 1 and Suikoden 2 were given few lines even though they are the most important characters in their respective stories. Fans used to call this type of role-playing game hero as the "silent protagonist."
Tips and Tricks:
1) Bring Kasumi in your party during the whole event in McDohl's sidequest. It will trigger a hidden romantic scene at McDohl's Mansion in Gregminster. The two will have a private talk together as the story unfolds.
2) If you cleared McDohl's sidequest before the friendly cook-off challenge between Hai Yo and Lester takes place, the former will advise you to see Gremio in Gregminster. Just head to the kitchen in McDohl's Mansion and you'll find Gremio preparing their meals. Talk to him at least twice to recieve the Special Stew Recipe (Recipe #39).
3) In case you didn't know, Tir McDohl is one of the playable non-star characters in the game. By clearing his sidequest you can now take him in the party whenever you visit Gregminster. Just talk to him at his room in McDohl's Mansion and he'll gladly join Riou's entourage.

Tir McDohl
Fun Facts:
1) Kasumi is obviously smitten with Tir McDohl ever since she met him in the days of Toran Liberation War. If you read her letter sent to Riou, she asked forgiveness if every now and then she will have to visit Banner Village without prior notice. The reason is not about visiting her hometown of Rokakku Hamlet which is closely located from Banner, but because she heard that Tir McDohl was seen in that place lately.
2) During McDohl's sidequest, Dr. Liukan will cure the little boy Ko from his illness. This famous physician is known from the lands as the "Miracle Doctor" because of his wide knowledge in medicine and can cure almost every known illness. He is actually Dr. Huan's mentor according to Richmond's investigations.
3) Eileen is seen at her husband side during the McDohl's sidequest. She is Sheena's gentle, mild-mannered and loving mother. She pampered and babied him so much when he was young that he grew up as a spoiled lad. Although he was a mother's boy, yet Sheena got his flirtatious personality from his old pa. Yes, the President of Toran Republic was once known as a womanizer in his younger years.
Tir McDohl's Sidequest Script:
I - A Man Who Looks Like Riou?
In Banner Village, Riou speak to the young boy who greatly admires him. He used to dress like him and talks about him all the time. Unknowingly, the boy didn't realized that he is talking to the real guy himself.
Ko: "Hey, wanna hear somethin' cool?? There's this guy that's been staying at our inn... all he does is fish in the pond back there... I think he's called 'McDohl,' but I was thinkin'... maybe he's really General Riou!! It sure looks like him!"
Riou and his entourage left and investigate the matter himself. However, a man is blocking the path before them.
Gremio: "Ah, ah, ah, wait a minute. I beg your pardon, but you can't come through here right now... I hope you don't mind."
Without any other choice, Riou went back to Ko hoping that he'll find another way to the pond.
Ko: "What's up? Oh! I get it, you want to find some way to move that guy with a scar on his cheek? Hey, hey, mister... Do you want to meet General Riou?"
A: "Sure."
B: "Huh? Not really..."
I.A - Sure.
Ko: "Okay then, how's this? I'll run up the hill over there and yell, 'HELP!!!' I'm pretty sure that guy with the scar on his cheek will freak out and come running to help. When he's gone, go see Riou! I'll sneak back into my house, of course. Oh yeah, I live in the inn over there."
Ko left in alacrity towards the forest path that leads to Toran Republic.
I.B - Huh? Not really...
Ko: "Huh? Don't be a chiken! Lord Riou doesn't look that much different than you, you know."
Nothing happened.
II - A Boy Who Cried Help
Riou found little Ko's plan a sound one. So his party returned to Gremio who staunchly stand on the way to the pond.
Gremio: "Ah, I'm sorry, but, if you could just wait a little bit longer..."
Suddenly a cry was heard from the hill above.
Ko: "HEEEELLLPP!!! Somebody, anybody!!! Hey, you over there, mister!! HEEEELLLPP!!!"
Gremio was surprised and tried to figure out where the sound came from.
Gremio: "Wh, what's that? Wait, that voice... is it the boy from the inn?"
Gremio made haste to rescue the kid.
The plan actually worked. Finally, Riou had a rare opportunity to meet the so-called 'McDohl,' the hero of the newly established nation of Toran Republic. Also, some members of the former Liberation Army who are currently in Riou's entourage is now having a chance to see their former commander after 3 years of disappearance.
Tir McDohl is fishing leisurely when the Allied Army members found him in the pond. He was surprised to see his old friends together with some new faces approaching him.
[Below are the words of former members of the Liberation Army in Toran.]
Clive: "Long time no see..."
Flik: "McDohl! McDohl! It's you!! Yes, we got out alive! Let me introduce..."
Futch: "McDohl, it's been a long time! How strange that we should meet here... Oh yes, this is..."
Hix: "Ah, McDohl!! L, long time no see! Oh yeah, this is..."
Humphrey: "It's been awhile..."
Kasumi: "Ah!! Lord McDohl... It's been a long time... How... odd... to meet you here..."
Lorelai: "This is unxepected... How strange to meet you here. Oh yes, let me introduce..."

Luc: "It's been awhile... You haven't changed at all... I thought so..."
Meg: "Ah! McDohl!! Are you on an adventure too?? Oh yeah, this is..."
Pesmerga: "Heh..."
Sheena: "Yo, if it isn't McDohl. What are you doing here? Oh yeah, this is..."
Stallion: "Whoa, hey, it's McDohl!! Long time no see!! Oh, right, this is..."
Tai Ho: "Yo, if it isn't McDohl! Long time no see... how are ya? By the way, this is..."
Tengaar: "Ah, McDohl!!!! What are you doing here?! Oh yeah, this is..."
Valeria: "Lord McDohl, whatever are you doing here? The President is worried about you..."
Viki: "Ah!! McDohl!! G, good afternoon!!?????????? Oh, oh yeah, this is..."
Viktor: "? Yo, McDohl!! Long time no see! How are you?? Yup, I got out alive!! Oh yeah, this is..."
Vincent: "Ohh!! My dear, dear friend McDohl!! I've missed you..."
A: "Can I talk to you for a minute?"
B: "You're..."
II.A - Can I talk to you for a minute?
Riou and Tir Mcdohl had a long chat together.
Inside the inn, Riou and Tir were searching for Gremio. Shortly after, Gremio went inside, too.
Gremio: "Y, Young Master!! I've been looking everywhere for you!! Something terrible's happened!!"
II.B - You're...
Gremio suddenly arrived and interrupted their short introduction.
Gremio: "Y, young Master!! It's an emergency!! Please, come here!!"
III - Where is Ko?
Innkeeper: I told him... I told him never to go up into the hills..."
Fisherman: "With this war raging, the mountain bandits can't do their business... I wonder if thye've started kidnapping people...?"
Ellie: "N, no... It can't be..."
A: "Uh, are you SURE about that?"
B: "We have to save him..."
III.A - Uh, are you SURE about that?
Gremio: "Of, of course!! I saw it with my own eyes!!"
Gremio draw closer to Tir.
III.D - We have to save him...
Gremio: "Young Master!! Let's go!! Kidnapping children for money... That we cannot forgive!! Never!!!!"
Suddenly the Soul Eater Rune, one of the 27 True Runes, embedded on the right hand of Tir is emanating brightly. He tried to suppress the rune's devastating power which rendered him to fall on his knee.
Gremio: "Young Master... Ted and his grandfather both gave their lives to protect the Soul Eater... I don't think the Rune itself is evil... So please, Young Master, let's go."
Tir is back on his feet and approached his new found friend from the Allied Army. He gently tap his hand on Riou's right shoulder. Sending a message to do the right thing on such situation-- to rescue the boy.
C: "Yes, let's go!"
D: "I, I..."
III.C - Yes, let's go!
Tir once again tap Riou's shoulder hinting his approval.
Gremio: "Young Master!! I'm coming with you, you know!! Okay, then, uh..."
"Ah, Riou, is it? We meet again a bit more formally."
Tir and Gremio joined Riou's entourage for the search and rescue quest.
IV - Showdown with the Mountain Bandits
The whole party arrived in the forest's deeper area which is close to Toran Republic's border post. But they were blocked by a band of mountain bandits along the way.
Boss: "Whaa....?! Who the hell're you?! Wait a minute... you're not here to get the kid back, are you?! Ha ha ha ha ha!"
A: "Let Ko go!!"
B: "I didn't say that."
IV.A - Let Ko go!!
Boss: "Didja hear that? A kid's asking us to return a kid! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!"
IV.B - I didn't say that.
Boss: "Huh?! Then you'd better get back home to mommy, huh!? Say byes-byes!! Wah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!"
The boss is bewildered why his crew are so silent behind him. It's very strange to see his merry men in such a way.
Boss: "Huh? Hey, why aren't you guys laughing?"

Bandit 1: "B, boss... That guy... he's..."
Boss: "Huh? You know this guy?"
Bandit 1: "N, no, it's... he's..."
Bandit 2: "N, n, n, now that you mention it... I think I've seen that guy, too, he's..."
Boss: "What, what?! Am I missing something? Are they famous??? They're just brats, after all! Who are they?"
Bandit 1: "This guy's... he's the leader of the Allied Army..."
Bandit 2 stepped backward.
Bandit 2: "Huh? The Allied Army... Wait, you mean the guys that defeated Luca Blight...!?"
"And... and that guy was the leader of the Liberation Army from the Toran Republic..."
Bandit 1 stepped backward, too.
Bandit 1: "The Liberation Army... You mean the ones who took down the Scarlet Moon Empire...!?"
The bandit boss took a closer look to both Riou and Tir.
Boss: " can't be..."
Bandit 2 stepped back further.
Bandit 2: "Boss..."
Bandit 1 stepped back further, too.
Boss: "Wh, what are you fools waiting for... G, get 'em!!"
Bandit 2 stepped back once more.
Bandit 2: "B, but...."
Bandit 1 followed, too.
Bandit 1: "Eeeeyah...!!"
Bandit 1 stepped back once more.
Bandit 1: "We're outta here!!"
The bandits ran-off on separate ways while leaving their boss behind.
Gremio: "Well then, you've certainly regretted your words, haven't you? You can return Ko now."
Boss: "F, forgive me...!! The kid is... the kid is..."
Gremio: "What??"
Boss: "There's a monster just ahead... We ran from it and had to desert the kid... Damn it! Why did we have to turn to kidnapping...?"
Gremio: "Truly?! Now we've really got to hurry... Let's go, Young Master, Riou!"
The party rushed to were Ko is and leave the bandit boss behind.
Disclaimer: All Suikoden II's images, arts, logos, names and related characters are properties of Konami.
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