II.A - Taking A Turn
In Tigermouth Village, Nanami carried Riou on her back. Their friends volunteered to take her position.
Amada: "Let me carry him for you."
Anita: "Come on, let me take over. That's too much for you."
Ayda: "Nanami, are you OK?"
Badeaux: "Are you OK? I'll take a turn carrying him."
Bob: "Nanami!!! I'll carry Riou!!!"
Bolgan: "Are you OK, Nanami? I'm stronger than you?"
Camus: "I can't let a lady do that. Let me take over."
Chaco: "Nanami!!! I can take a turn. I'm not good at carrying, though."
Clive: "Are you OK?"
Eilie: "Are you OK, Nanami? I'll take a turn."
Freed: "Are you alright, Nanami?"
Futch: "Are you OK?"
Gabocha: "Are you alright?"
Gengen: "Are you OK, Nanami? Leave the rest to me, Captain Gengen!"
Hai Yo: "Nanami, are you really OK?"
Hanna: "Are you OK?"
Hix: "Is everything alright, Nanami?"
Hoi: "Hey Nanami, I'll carry Riou."
Humphrey: "Are you alright?"
Karen: "Are you... OK?"
Kasumi: "Nanami, are you alright?"
Killey: "Come on, he's heavy. I'll take a turn..."
Kinnison: "Are you alright, Nanami?"
L.C. Chan: "Howachaaaa!!! I have the fighting spirit!!! I'll carry HIM, Nanami!!!"
Lorelai: "Isn't he heavy?"
Luc: "Are you OK?"
Makumaku: "Mumumu!!!!!"

Riou and Jowy
Meg: "Are you alright, Nanami?"
Mekumeku: "Mu-mumumu...."
Miklotov: "Miss Nanami, let me help."
Mikumiku: "Munmumumu!!!!!"
Millie: "Are you OK? Want me to put him on Bonaparte?"
Mokumoku: "Mumumu..."
Mondo: "Are you alright, Nanami? Shall I take a turn?"
Mukumuku: "Mumu...!!!"
Nina: "Nanami, are you alright?"
Oulan: "I'll carry Riou on my back. Let me take over."
Rikimaru: "Is everything OK?"
Rina: "Nanami, are you OK?"
Sasuke: "Are you OK? I'll take a turn."
Sheena: "Are you OK, Nanami?"
Shilo: "Hey, are you alright? You're out of breath."
Shin: "Are you OK?"
Shiro: "Aaaooooooooo..."
Sid: "Nanami, is he heavy? Looks like it."
Simone: "Lord Riou is my friend. I'll carry him."
Stallion: "Look, it will be much faster if I carry him."
Tai Ho: "Are you OK? I'll take a turn if you want."
Tengaar: "Are you OK, Nanami?"
Tir McDohl: "Are you OK?"
Tomo: "Are you OK?"
Tsai: "Nanami, are you alright?"
Tuta: "Are you alright?"
Valeria: "Are you alright? I'll take a turn if he's too heavy?"
Viki: "Are you OK? Nanami?"
Wakaba: "Are you OK, Nanami? Would you like me to take a turn?"
Yoshino: "Nanami, are you alright?"
Zamza: "Hey, little girl. I'm stronger than you, so you can depend on me. I'll take over."
II.B - Never-Ending Chase
Suddenly a new horde of zombies lurks from the ground and hinders their path.
Amada: "Gees... This is really tough even for me..."
Anita: "Man, they never quit..."
Ayda: "Damn... What is it with these guys...?"
Badeaux: "This one... is a tough one..."
Bob: "Cut it out, damnit!!!!!"
Bolgan: "Puff.. pant... I'm tired, too..."
Camus: "Phew... This really is tough..."
Chaco: "Cut it out!!! You rotten corpses!!!"
Clive: "Is this the end of the line?"
Eilie: "Damn... We at least have to protect Riou."
Freed: "If things stay this bad..."
Futch: "Uh oh..."
Gabocha: "Gees... How many times..."
Gadget: "ENERGY LOW!"
Gengen: "This is tough... Knock one down and the next one comes..."
Hai Yo: "For God's sake, just cut it out!"
Hanna: "If things stay like this..."
Hix: "Whoa, with these numbers..."
Hoi: "Eeeee!!! This is the end!!!"
Humphrey: "........"
Karen: "With this many against us..."
Kasumi "Hmmm... Things don't look good..."
Killey: "How dare they..."
Kinnison: "Damn... Not again..."
L.C. Chan: "Achawww!! Are we surrounded?"

Fishing in Banner Village
Lorelai: "Damn... they just never give up..."
Luc: "These guys just never give up..."
Makumaku: "Mumu..."
Meg: "Oh no, not again?!"
Mekumeku: "Mumummu..."
Mklotov: "How many times do they have to show up before they're satisfied?!!!"
Mikumiku: "Mu..."
Millie: "Pant... pant... I'm tired and so is Bonaparte..."
Mokumoku: "Mun..."
Mondo: "Phew... Now we're in a tough spot..."
Mukumuku: "Mumu...!!!!!"
Nina: "What the heck... Damn!!!"
Oulan: "Just cut it out!!!"
Rikimaru: "If there are this many..."
Rina: "This is too many to handle..."
Sasuke: "Man... These guys never quit..."
Sheena: "Now we're in trouble..."
Shilo: "Come on, give me a break..."
Shin: "Damn..."
Shiro: "Grrrrr..."
Sid: "Now we're in a pinch. Ha ha ha ha ha..."
Simone: "I'll even risk my life if it's for my friends!"
Stallion: "Wow, even I can't escape this one..."
Tai Ho: "You'd think they'd get tired of this at some point..."
Tengaar: "Damn!! I hate Neclord!!!"
Tir McDohl: "If things stay this bad..."
Tomo: "Not again?!"
Tsai: "This has really turned out to be a nuisance..."
Tuta: "With the situation like this..."
Valeria: "If there are this many... They'll be tough to defeat..."
Viki: "Huh? What? Stay away..."
Wakaba: "Man... this is tough, but we can't give up at this point!"
Yoshino: "If things keep up like this..."
Zamza: "Phew... Even I have finally gotten tired."
II.C - Final Farewells
Shu, Apple and Flik persuaded them to return to the Allied Army and left shortly after. The other two allies also decided to leave them and bid farewell.
Amada: "Don't forget, I'm trusting you to come back."
Anita: "Bye. See you sometime..."
Ayda: "Lord Riou, come over here..."
Badeaux: "Come back, Riou..."
Bob: "Ooooh!!! You jerk!!! You'd better come back! We're friends, right?!"
Bolgan: "Bolgan wait for you.. Come back."
Camus: "Lord Riou, no matter where you go, protect her, please. That is the duty of a knight."
Chaco: "Riou! Riou!!! Come back to visit!!!!"
Clive: "Go ahead... Do as you like..."
Eilie: "Riou...... You wouldn't really just leave us like this would you?"
Freed: "Lord Riou..."
Futch: "Lord Riou..."
Gabocha: "Lord Riou...."
Gadget: "PLEASE RETURN..."
Gengen: "I, Captain Gengen... will be waiting..."
Hai Yo: "That's no good! Lord Riou, come back. You promise!"
Hanna: "Lord Riou... has the fighting tired you?"
Hix: "Lord Riou, I just know you'll come back, won't you?"
Hoi: "Bro, one of these days I'll have a big job for you. I know you'll be waiting for me."
Humphrey: "........"
Karen: "Lord Riou... We'll be waiting..."
Kasumi: "Lord Riou, you will, you will definitely come back, won't you..."
Killey: "Everyone will be sad..."
Kinnison: "Riou......."
L.C. Chan: "Lord Riou, some day our paths will cross again..."
Lorelai: "That's strange, I didn't think I'd misread you."
Luc: "Sure, running away is a good idea..."
Makumaku: "Mumumu..."
Meg: "Lord Riou, you're going off to find something important, aren't you..."
Mekumeku: "Mumumnmummumu..."

Luca Blight
Miklotov: "Lord Riou, the fight will go on, and we need your strength."
Mikumiku: "Mummu..."
Millie: "Don't give up. Take a rest and come back to us. Got it? It's a promise, right? Promise Bonaparte."
Mokumoku: "Mumunmummu..."
Mondo: "Lord Riou, it's OK if that's how you feel, but come back any time."
Mukumuku: "Mumu!!!"
Nina: "Hmph! What is this?! You're a big chicken!!!"
Oulan: "You'd better come back. My contract hasn't ended yet."
Rikimaru: "If you leave, the Allied Army will be destroyed, and that means we won't have a way to survive."
Rina: "Sir Riou..."
Sasuke:"Huh! go ahead, leave... We'll win against the Highland Army by ourselves!"
Sheena: "Lord Riou, you're not the kind of guy who would run out on us now, are you?"
Shilo: "Riou, come back to us..."
Shin: "Lord Riou..."
Shiro: "Grrr....."
Sid: "... What a loser."
Simone: "Good friend, I know your spirit well. I'll work for the same goal while you're gone."
Stallion: "That's right... You have other paths to choose besides being the leader of the Allied Army."
Tai Ho: "Go ahead and do what you please. It's your life."
Tengaar: "Lord Riou, you're not running away, are you?"
Tir McDohl: "..............."
Tomo: "Lord Riou..."
Tsai: "Riou..."
Tuta: "Mr. Riou... If you leave, we'll all..."
Valeria: "You're the man President Lepant trusted. I believe in you."
Viki: "Lord Riou. I know you'll come back. I have faith."
Wakaba: "Lord Riou..."
Yoshino: "Lord Riou..."
Zamza: "Lord Riou, you're a man I believed in. You're not the kind of man who would quit, are you?"
Disclaimer: All Suikoden II's images, arts, logos, names and related characters are properties of Konami.
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