Secret #1:
Name: Gijimu
Age: 39
From: Tinto Principality
Position: Infantry Captain
Note: None
Secret #2:
"This 'Melee' ability of his increases his unit's attack power vs. archers and magic units."
Secret #3:
"This guy is a natural-born bandit. He mostly went after money-hungry traders though."
Secret #1:
Name: Gilbert
Age: 36
From: Zexen
Position: Infantry Captain
Note: None
Secret 2:
He was originally a mercenary in Zexen, west of the Grasslands, but he came here looking for a war to fight in."
Secret 3:
"He's got a wife and kids back in Zexen. He wrote them a letter."
Secret #1:
Name: Gordon
Age: 38
From: Rockland, Toran Republic
Position: Rearguard
Note: None
Secret #2:
"I found one of his secret trade memos. Umm.....
Flutes to Forest Village
Deer Antlers from Forest Village."
Secret #3:
"Secret Memo 2
Furs to South Window
Deer Antlers from Rokkaku
Soy Sauce from Rokkaku
Wine from Gregminster."
Secret #4:
"Secret Memo 3
Holly Berries to Crom
Pearls to Rockaxe
Peeing Boy to Rockaxe
Flutes to Rockaxe
Holly Berries to Rockaxe."
Hai Yo
Secret #1:
Name: Hai Yo
Age: 27
From: Black Dragon Island
Position: Rearguard
Note: None
Secret #2:
"I don't know the details, but he's on the run from something they call the 'Group'."
Secret #3:
"That secret 'Blue Moon Bird Recipe' of his is for some kind of food that will make anyone who eats it happy. But I'm not too sure how it works..."
Secret #4:
"It's pretty sad..... He was betrothed to a girl who was later killed. Before she died, he made her some kinda promise."
Secret #1:
Name: Hannah
Age: 29
From: Nameless Lands
Position: Infantry Captain
Note: None
Secret #2:
"Well, I don't know much about her. Just that she wandered all the way here from the Nameless Lands for no reason anyone knows about."
Secret #3:
"She's one wild child. She loves to eat meat, but why am I wasting my time investigating that?..."
Richmond: "Sorry....."
Secret #4:
"She doesn't talk much, but I think she'd get along well with Oulan the bodyguard."
Secret #1:
Name: Hans
Age: 33
From: Zexen
Position: Rearguard
Note: None
Secret #2:
"He was born in Zexen and his family wasn't exactly rich. He had just enough money to get himself established here in the City-State of Jowston."
Secret #3:
"That guy's saved up a hell of a lot of money! I have no idea where he's hiding it all though."
Secret #1:
Name: Hauser
Age: 43
From: Muse City
Position: General
Note: Former Commander of Muse City Army.
Secret #2:
"General Hauser was the best military commander in the City-State of Jowston. He's good, believe me."
Secret #3:
"Anabelle was the civic leader of Muse, while Hauser handled its military affairs. They were each excellent at their jobs and that's why Muse thrived."
Secret #4:
"Never seen anyone more devoted to his job. Tough sonofabitch never even cracks a smile."
Secret #1:
Name: Hilda
Age: 33
From: Muse City
Position: Rearguard
Note: None
Secret #2:
"Before she married Alex, she was a nurse who made house-calls. They say love is blind, but gimme a break."
Secret #3:
"She first met Alex at Muse's Harvest Festival. They married 6 months later. They're a very happy couple."
Secret #4:
"She's really worried about her son, Pete. He can't seem to make any friends. It's probably cause they were way out in the country and then they had to flee because of the war....."
Secret #1:
Name: Hix
Age: 20
From: Warrior's Village, Toran Republic
Position: Infantry Soldier
Note: Trying to become a warrior.
Secret #2:
"He left Warrior's Village to complete his journey of manhood, but it looks like he's not really too interested in becoming a warrior."
Secret #3:
"Tengaar sure pushes him around a lot. But for all that they're still a well-balanced couple."
Secret #4:
"Hix's sword is named Tengaar. It's an old custom in Warrior's Village to name your sword after the most important thing in your life."
Secret #1:
Name: Hoi
Age: 16
From: Kanakan
Position: Special Forces
Note: None
Secret #2:
"You better be careful. I saw him sneak into your room a couple of times."
Secret #3:
"He's an interesting guy. He spends most of his time just copying your attacks over and over again."
Secret #4:
"He was loitering around in front of the bathhouse. I wonder what he was doing....."

Secret #1:
Name: Huan
Age: 34
From: Muse City
Position: Rearguard
Note: None
Secret #2:
"During a war, Huan's 'Heal' ability will even let you heal a unit that's faraway. Use it wisely though."
Secret #3:
"Dr. Huan did his medical training in the Toran Republic. There was a guy there named Liukan the Healer who taught him everything he knows."
Humphrey Mintz
Secret #1:
Name: Humphrey
Age: 35
From: Toran Republic
Position: Infantry Captain
Note: Former Commander of Scarlet Moon Empire Elite Guard.
Secret #2:
"Thanks to the heavy armor that Humphrey wears in combat, he can take 1 more unit of damage than normal units. It would be a good idea to put him in a unit that takes damage easily."
Secret #3:
"He was captain of the Scarlet Moon Empire's Elite Guard, but he was forced out after trying to save a village from being massacred... He doesn't like to talk about it."
Secret #4:
"When he was in the Toran Liberation Army, he used to fight alongside Flik."
Secret #1:
Name: Jeane
Age: Unknown
From: Unknown
Position: Magic Unit
Note: None
Secret #2:
"Sorry, but she's a tough lady. Couldn't get past her guard...."
Richmond: "I, I'm sorry....."
Secret #3;
"Ugh..... I think... I think I'm in love... I'm sorry, Riou."
Richmond: "I, I'm sorry....."
Secret #4:
"I, I, I can't say anything.. F, forgive me.... This... this is all I can say... I... I'm sorry...."
Richmond: "She, she's one hell of a woman, she is...."
Secret #1:
Name: Jess
Age: 24
From: Muse City
Position: Strategist's retinue
Note: Vice-Mayor of Muse City
Secret #2:
Looks like Jess was pretty deeply in love with Anabelle. But as her chamberlain, he hid his true feelings."
Secret #3:
"All he eats for breakfast is a single croissant. He's a real weirdo, that one."
Secret #4:
"He's not too good with bugs. The other day, he walked under a tree and a bug dropped on him. I swear he screamed like a baby who just lost his bottle."
Secret #1:
Name: Jude
Age: 22
From: Forest Village, Greenhill Principality
Position: Special Forces
Note: None
Secret #2:
"You can find plans for sale in town, on wandering monsters and in rare finds too."
Secret #3:
"I wonder what'll happen when he's done making that Guardian Deity. What the hell is it anyway?"
Secret #4:
"Jude was researching who most often dealt the finishing blow in combat. Is he looking for a motif or something?"
Kahn Marley
Secret #1:
Name: Kahn
Age: 32
From: Crystal Valley
Position: Special Forces
Note: Vampire hunter.
Secret #2:
"The Marley Family has been hunting vampires for the past 300 years. It looks like Neclord has been their arch-nemesis since way back."
Secret #3:
"His family's been studying how to kill vampires for 300 years, but it doesn't looks like any of that'll work on Neclord."
Secret #4:
"Once his job as vampire hunter is finished, he says he wants to become a mineralogist. How weird!"
Secret #1:
Name: Karen
Age: 17
From: Kuskus
Position: Special Forces
Note: None
Secret #2:
"When she's dancing, she's a totally different person I tell ya. It's almost like she's got an identical twin that she trades place with..."
Secret #3:
"She learned her dancing in the Toran Republic. Her teacher was someone called Mina."
Secret #1:
Name: Kasumi
Age: 19
From: Rokkaku Hamlet
Position: Volunteer Army General
Note: Vice-Chancellor of Rokkaku Hamlet.
Secret #2:
With Kasumi in your unit, you can find out your chance of a successful attack against a unit by using her 'Scout' Ability.
Secret #3:
"Looks like she was born and raised in Rokkaku like the other ninjas. Maybe that's why she knows so little about the outside world."
Secret #4:
"Once in awhile, she heads for Banner Village. I wonder if she's got a boyfriend there."
Kiba Windamier
Secret #1:
Name: Kiba
Age: 37
From: Highland Kingdom
Position: General
Note: Former General of Highland's 3rd Army.
Secret #2:
"Sounds like although General Kiba had a high position in the military, he wasn't very well compensated if ya know what I mean."
Secret #3:
"General Kiba's first battle was for the defense of Fort Retto. He led a small force of 100 men and managed to repulse 3,000 hardened State veterans."
Secret #4:
"He swore fealty to Agares Blight, but when Agares was killed by his son, Luca, he came to us. He's a pretty complex guy."
Secret #1:
Name: Killey
Age: 30
From: Queendom of Falena
Position: Cavalry
Note: None
Secret #2:
"He's after the secrets of the Sindar, but it seems he was also a prisoner in the Queendom of Falena for several years before you met up with him."
Secret #3:
"Apparently that look of his is the custom where he was born. Something to do with the legendary 'Crimson Bird' from his native culture."
Secret #1:
Name: Kinnison
Age: 18
From: Forest near Ryube
Position: Archer Captain
Note: None
Secret #2:
"After living as hunters all alone in the forest, him and Shiro are having a hard time adjusting to life in the castle."
Secret #3:
"He fought alongside Shiro to protect the forest from Highland, but he wasn't able to do much by himself."
Klaus Windamier
Secret #1:
Name: Klaus
Age: 19
From: Highland Kingdom
Position: Vice-Strategist
Note: Former strategist of the Highland 3rd Army.
Secret #2:
"Klaus' 'Evade' ability gives his unit a good chance of avoiding an attack."
Secret #3:
"It looks like Klaus takes after his mother for the time being. But ya never know. Maybe when he gets a little older, he'll become more like his dad...."
Secret #4:
"He's worried that his dad drinks so much, he'll ruin his liver."

Secret #1:
Name: Koyu
Age: 16
From: Tinto Principality
Position: Infantry
Note: None
Secret #2:
"When he's with Gijimu and Lo Wen, he can use the 'Bandits Attack'."
Secret #3:
"He's good friends with Marlowe. They each have exactly what the other person wants."
Secret #4:
"His brother-in-law, Gijimu, and Lo Wen are his only relatives. It's the times we live in, eh."
Secret #1:
Name: Lebrante
Age: 40
From: Zexen
Position: Rearguard
Note: None
Secret #2:
"He's a prickly old bastard, but once he gets a couple of drinks of sake, he'll sing yer ear off... What a racket!"
Secret #3:
"He shaves that head of his cause he can't stand the idea of hair falling onto his antiques."
Secret #4:
"What the hell does he collect all those 'Celadon Urn' for anyway....."
Secret #1:
Name: Leona
Age: 32
From: Toto Village, Muse Principality
Position: Rearguard
Note: None
Secret #2:
She's originally from Toto. When it went up in flames, she was pretty broken up but didn't want to let it show in front of the customers."
Secret #3:
"She may complain, but that's just for show. The truth is she loves taking care of kids."
Long Chan-Chan
Secret #1:
Name: Long Chan-Chan
Age: 33
From: The Southlands
Position: Infantry
Note: None
Secret #2:
"Master and student are a potent force when fighting together. You should check it out."
Secret #3:
"He's the 'father' of the Dragon-style of fighting all right. He thought it all up himself. He's one tough little dude....."
Secret #4:
"Wakaba is his only pupil right now, but one day he wants to have a dojo with 1,000 students in it."
Secret #1:
Name: Lorelai
Age: 28
From: Queendom of Falena
Position: Archer
Note: None
Secret #2:
"Basically, she's searching for the secrets of the Sindar, but 3 years ago she took part in the Toran Liberation War. I heard she's only interested in strong men."
Secret #3:
"The Sindar are a mysterious tribe that came from the north and left ruins in every land they visited. They finally went south and just disappeared."
Secret #4:
"She's got lots of rivals who are trying to solve the riddle of the Sindar before her. Lemme tell ya though, she's crushed more than a few competitors in her time...."
Lo Wen
Secret #1:
Name: Lo Wen
Age: 28
From: Two River Principality
Position: Infantry
Note: None
Secret #2:
"She was embezzling money from one of the members of the 3 Houses of Parliament in Two River, but she was found out and had to leave town in a hurry."
Secret #3:
"She can be pretty tough on guys she really likes."
Secret #4:
"Her dream is to open up a little diner someday. If you ya ask me, it's hard to imagine."
Secret #1:
Name: Luc
Age: 17
From: Unknown
Position: Magic Unit Captain
Note: None
Secret #2:
"That sorceress, Leknaat, is the keeper of the 'Gate Rune', one of the 27 True Runes."
Secret #3:
"Luc is pretty secretive about his past. I'm pretty sure something happened to him in the Holy Kingdom of Harmonia."
Secret #4:
"10 years ago, he ran into some kinda trouble at the shrine. I don't know the details, but someone told him to keep his mouth shut about it."
Secret #1:
Name: Makumaku
Age: 6
From: Greenhill Forest
Position: Special Forces
Note: None
Secret #2:
"Number two in the tribe. He's cool on the outside, but ferocious on the inside."
Richmond: "What kind of report is that...?"
Secret #1:
Name: Marlowe
Age: 19
From: Crom, Tinto Principality
Position: Strategist's retinue
Note: None
Secret #2:
"The mayor of Tinto summoned him to tutor his daughter, but he was so impressed by you that he left to come here."
Secret #3:
"He really wants to finish your chronicles. I think he'll be with us for a while, though, judging by his progress."
Secret #1:
Name: Maximillian
Age: 65
From: Toran Republic
Position: Cavalry Captain
Note: Former commander of Maximillian Knights.
Secret #2:
"The Maximillian Knights were part of the Scarlet Moon Empire, but they were disbanded because they helped the City-State of Jowston in their war against the Highland Kingdom."
Secret #3:
"He's got a squire named Sancho, but he went back to his homeland. He heard there was a war and he went running."
Secret #1:
Name: Mazus
Age: 87
From: Unknown
Position: Magic Unit Captain
None: None
Secret #2:
"In Toran, he's got an arch-rival named Crowley who supposedly has over 100 runes embedded in his body."
Secret #3:
"A long time ago, Mazus and Crowley had a showdown on top of a mountain. They unleashed so much power between them that it rained for a whole week and the mountain was leveled."
Secret #4:
"Lately, the girls around here have been asking Mazus to make them love potions. Can you imagine a bad-eyed and loveless old goat like that making love potions?"
Secret #1:
Name: Meg
Age: 16
From: Lenankamp, Toran Republic
Position: Special Forces
Note: None
Secret #2:
"She set off on a journey to follow an old man named Juppo who was teaching her the lost art of gadgetry, but she lost track of him on the way. I guess he didn't really want to be followed."
Secret #3:
"I looked into her room the other day and saw Gadget all broken down into pieces. I can't believe she really put it back together."
Secret #4:
"This girl doesn't think before she does something. There's no good reason for her setting off after Juppo either it seems."
Secret #1:
Name: Mekumeku
Age: 6
From: Greenhill Forest
Position: Special Forces
Note: None
Secret #2:
"He jokes around a lot, but he's a hard worker."
Richmond: "What kind of report is that...?"
Secret #1:
Name: Miklotov
Age: 26
From: Rockaxe
Position: Cavalry Captain
Note: Former Captain of Blue Knights of Matilda.
Secret #2:
"This guy's got 'Cavalry Ability', so during a battle sequence, any unit you put him in will become a cavalry unit."
Secret #3:
"He's the type of guy that says whatever is on his mind. That's why he doesn't do too will in the lady's department."
Secret #4:
"He wakes up early every morning and trains for 3 hours before breakfast. That's why his 'Blue Knights' were such great fighters. Poor guys."
Secret #1:
Name: Mikumiku
Age: 6
From: Greenhill Forest
Position: Special Forces
Note: None
Secret #2:
"A tribute to her race. From what I can tell, she's kind and curious."
Richmond: "What kind of report is that...?"

Leon Silverburg
Secret #1:
Name: Millie
Age: 14
From: Unknown
Position: Special Forces
Note: None
Secret #2:
"She's always going around with that pet of hers, 'Bonaparte'. She seems to think it's cute, but I just don't see it..."
Secret #3:
"She calls that buggy-eyed mutant 'cute'? I tried, but I just don't get it..."
Secret #4:
"Y... you won't believe this... I saw Millie actually go 'inside' Bonaparte and take a nap in there!"
Secret #1:
Name: Mokumoku
Age: 6
From: Greenhill Forest
Position: Special Forces
Note: None
Secret #2:
"Very generous, but strong too. He loves curry."
Richmond: "What kind of report is that...?"
Secret #1:
Name: Mondo
Age: 35
From: Rokkaku Hamlet
Position: Infantry
Note: None
Secret #2:
"People say he used to practice special attacks a lot with Kasumi."
Secret #3:
"Every morning, he wraps a long cloth around his waist and runs around in circles. Is that some kind of training?"
Secret #4:
"He was planting some strange seeds in the courtyard and flying around. Is that some kinda training too?"
Secret #1:
Name: Mukumuku
Age: 6
From: Greenhill Forest
Position: Special Forces
Note: None
Secret #2:
"That cape's got nothing to do with him flying ya know.
B.... but.... Why do I gotta investigate a flying squirrel anyway....?"
Richmond: "..........."
Secret #3:
"Looks like he used to live in the forest around Greenhill, but he sometimes visits Kyaro Town in Highland."
Secret #4:
"He's the leader of his tribe. He's brave with a sense of honor too."
Richmond: "What kind of a report is that...?
Secret #1:
Name: Nanami
Age: 16
From: Kyaro, Highland Kingdom
Position: Royal Guard
Note: None
Secret #2:
"Wow. I feel sorry for you alright. You had to eat her cooking when you were growing up? Blech!....."
Richmond: "You should know better than me, right?"
Secret #3:
"It sounds like she really wants to back to Kyaro. She's got lots of memories from there...."
Richmond: "You should know better than me, right?"
Secret #4:
"Does she really have to train all night long? All the soldiers complain about the noise she makes."
Richmond: "You should know better than me, right?"
Secret #1:
Name: Nina
Age: 16
From: Greenhill City
Position: Strategist's retinue
Note: None
Secret #2:
"With the way she's been following Flik around, she could teach me a thing or two about investigation techniques."
Secret #3:
"She's a stubborn little fireplug all right. Ain't nothing gonna stand in her way."
Secret #4:
"She knows that Flik sometimes goes up on the roof at night. Looks like she's trying to get a chance to be alone with him."
Secret #1:
Name: Oulan
Age: 27
From: Holy Kingdom of Harmonia
Position: Royal Guard
Note: None
Secret #2:
"She's one tough bodyguard. That means even if the unit she's in is destroyed during a battle, there won't be any fatalities."
Secret #3:
"It looks like Oulan has a fan club of her own, but all the members are girls...."
Secret #4:
"I found a memo of hers. It said '90 60 89'. I wonder what it could mean? Some kinda code, I guess."
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