Secret #1:
Name: Pesmerga
Age: Unknown
From: Unknown
Position: Infantry Captain
Note: None
Secret #2:
"I still don't know what this guy really is, but apparently no one in the castle has ever seen him either eating or sleeping."
Secret #3:
"He moves pretty damned quiet for a guy with all that armor, I tell ya. It's a little spooky."
Secret #4:
"I'm still not sure what kind of a creature he is. Some people say he's just a shadow from another plane of existence."
Secret #1:
Name: Pico
Age: 24
From: Muse City
Position: Special Forces
Note: None
Secret #2:
"He takes very good care of Annallee. It's a little different than how he 'takes care' of other girls."
Secret #3:
"He's broken a whole lot of hearts while he's been on the road with his travelling band. He doesn't mean to, it just happens that way."
Secret #1:
Name: Raura
Age: Unknown
From: Unknown
Position: Magic Unit
Note: Scroll Maker
Secret #2:
"Jeane and Raura seem like they know each other well, but I can't seem to find out where they met."
Secret #3:
"Scroll-making is mysterious all right. She takes the power of crystals and puts in onto vellum. It's really amazing."
Secret #1:
Name: Richmond
Age: 35
From: South Window
Position: Special Forces
Note: None
Secret #2:
"You want to know about me besides the fact that I'm handsome, wise, and brave? Don't get to close to the fire, kid, or you may get burned."
Ridley Wizen
Secret #1:
Name: Ridley
Age: 39
From: Two River City
Position: General
Note: Commander of Kobold Army of Two River City.
Secret #2:
"I've always wondered, so I took a look and it's true... No matter how famous he gets, he's still got a tail."
Secret #3:
"Ridley has a son named Boris who's the spitting image of him. Right now he's training in the Nameless Countries."
Secret #1:
Name: Rikimaru
Age: 25
From: Seika, Toran Republic
Position: Infantry Captain
Note: None
Secret #2:
"This guy is a big eater from way back. One time in Gregminster, he ate for 2 days straight, couldn't pay his bill and had to run off during the night."
Secret #3:
"His favorite activity is eating till he just about bursts and then sleeping for a whole day.... What a life!"
Secret #4:
"He says he's out for revenge, but I really don't know..."
Secret #1:
Name: Rina
Age: 18
From: Grasslands
Position: Royal Guard
Note: None
Secret #2:
"Rina and Eilie are sisters, but they're as different as dogs and cats. Rina is poised and sophisticated, a real adult. You'd never know they were only a year apart."
Secret #3:
"She says she's from the Grasslands, but the truth is, who can tell? She's been traveling ever since she was old enough to walk."
Secret #4:
"She can handle her liquor, lemme tell ya. She even beat Viktor in a drinking contest."
Secret #1:
Name: Rulodia
Age: 68
From: Mining cavern in Tinto
Position: Navy
Note: None
Secret #2:
"H, how the hell am I supposed to know.... Octopii... I'm sick of 'em!!!"
Richmond: "..........."
Secret #3:
"I thought.... I thought I saw a little baby octopus..."
Secret #1:
Name: Sasuke
Age: 13
From: Rokkaku Hamlet
Position: Infantry
Note: None
Secret #2:
"He used to be very close with Kasumi of Rokkaku, but he avoids her now. Well, that's how it is between men and women sometimes."
Secret #3:
"He says that he only came here cause he was ordered by Hanzo, but the truth is that he likes being out in the real world."

Long Chan-Chan
Secret 1:
Name: Sheena
Age: 19
From: Kouan, Toran Republic
Position: Royal Guard
Note: Son of President Lepant.
Secret #2:
"It looks like his womanizing has caused a lot of embarrassment for President Lepant too, but he'll never be able to change his ways as long as he lives."
Secret #3:
"It sounds like President Lepant was quite a playboy in his youth as well. That's why it's hard for him to be too tough on Sheena."
Secret #4:
"Sheena has a soft spot for his mother, Eileen. I'll bet she really babied him when he was a kid."
Secret #1:
Name: Shilo
Age: 24
From: Lakewest
Position: Special Forces
Note: None
Secret #2:
"Damn it!!! That guy must cheat! He's takin' all my bloody money!"
Richmond: "Damn..... Next time......"
Secret #3:
"Damn, damn, damn! I don't get it...... How does he do it..."
Richmond: "Damn..... Next time......"
Secret #4:
"I, I can't stand it anymore... I'm all out of gold.... This investigation is costing me a fortune!"
Richmond: "I lost..... Again....."
Secret #1:
Name: Shin
Age: 27
From: The Southlands
Position: Archer Captain
Note: Teresa's Bodyguard.
Secret #2:
"Sorry, I couldn't find out much. I thought he was sleeping, but all of a sudden he woke up and put his sword to my throat. Scared the livin' crap outta me..."
Richmond: "Sorry....."
Secret #3:
"I know he's from the south, but I can't find out any details. You know how that guy is...."
Secret #1:
Name: Shiro
Age: 9
From: Forest near Ryube
Position: Special Forces
Note: None
Secret #2:
"Well it looks like he's been with Kinnison for a long time.
But... an investigation of a dog?"
Richmond: ".........."
Secret #3:
"Shiro is a hybrid of dog and wolf. He's pretty smart for a mutt."
Secret #4:
"I saw him running around the other day with Gengen on his back."
Secret 1:
Name: Shu
Age: 26
From: Unknown
Position: Army strategist
Note: None
Secret 2:
"With Shu's 'Critical' ability, a successful hit in war sometimes causes double damage to the enemy unit."
Secret 3:
"Shu studied military tactics under Mathiu, but he was expelled for using his knowledge for selfish gain. He never saw Mathiu again after that day."
Secret 4:
"He thinks of Apple like a little sister. But he's such a cool customer, he never lets his true feelings show."
Secret #1:
Name: Sid
Age: 21
From: Two River City
Position: Infantry
Note: None
Secret #2:
"What's with this guy? When I peeked in on him, he was walking around on his hands upside-down. Is that some kinda training or what!?"
Secret #3:
"I saw him surrounded by a bunch of kids the other day. I thought he was playing with them, but it turns out he was telling them a super scary story. One of the kids even pooped in his pants."
Secret #4:
"What a weirdo. He makes graves for fish after he eats them. He's already got over 100 here."
Sierra Mikain
Secret #1:
Name: Sierra
Age: Unknown
From: Blue Moon Village
Position: Special Forces
Note: Inheritor of the "Moon Rune".
Secret #2:
"With the power of the "Moon Rune", the vampiress Sierra was able to become founder of an entire coven of lesser vampires."
Richmond: "She almost found me out and I got so scared, my blood just about froze..."
Secret #3:
"Although vampires live much longer than humans, even they die sometime. All of them except for the coven mistress, Sierra, that is...."
Richmond: "She almost found me out and I got so scared, my blood just about froze..."
Secret #4:
"Sounds like she's got no plans to go back to her village right away. There's no one left alive there anyway... only the undead."
Richmond: "She almost found me out and I got so scared, my blood just about froze..."
Secret #1:
Name: Sigfried
Age: 170
From: Two River City
Position: Special Forces
Note: None
Secret #2:
"Now I'm investigating mutated horses.....
Well anyway, deep in the forest, in between two trees, there's a place called Unicorn Village."
Richmond: "..........."
Secret #3:
"I gotta admit I like that beast's style. He's only interested in girls... He won't waste a minute with the guys."
Secret #4:
"The other day, he mistook Sierra for a 'maiden' and approached her. You shoulda seen him after he got a whiff of her."
Simone Verdricci
Secret #1:
Name: Simone Verdricci
Age: 32
From: Gregminster
Position: Cavalry
Note: Former Scarlet Moon Empire nobleman.
Secret #2:
"He used to be a member of the Scarlet Moon Empire nobility, but now he prefers to travel. A real classy guy....."
Secret #3:
"Where the hell did he buy those clothes anyway... Even I, Richmond, couldn't figure it out."
Secret #1:
Name: Stallion
Age: 28
From: Toran Republic
Position: Strategist's retinue
Note: Original member of the Toran Liberation Army.
Secret #2:
"He's originally from the Village of the Elves in Toran, but he left there to train to be the fastest man alive."
Secret #3:
"I wonder what that 'True Holy Rune' of his is anyway. He sure runs around outside the city pretty fast..."
Secret #4:
"From what I can see, he doesn't act much like an Elf at all...."

Tai Ho
Secret #1:
Name: Tai Ho
Age: 37
From: Kaku, Toran Republic
Position: Navy Captain
Note: Original member of Toran Liberation Army.
Secret #2:
"He used to be a fisherman living on Lake Toran, but he's got a lust for life and wanted to see more of the world if ya know what I mean."
Secret #3:
"He says he came to the City-State of Jowston to work for a guy name Kun Tze, but the truth is he was just trying to escape his wife."
Secret #4:
"He's Yam Koo's brother-in-law. But they've been friends ever since they were kids."
Secret #1:
Name: Taki
Age: 72
From: Lakewest
Position: Strategist's retinue
Note: None
Secret #2:
"She's certainly got lots of interesting stories to tell, but what was that about making cats sniff orange rinds....?"
Secret #3:
"Old lady Taki's got a couple of married sons living in Two River, but she couldn't leave Lakewest. She just loves that place. When this is all over, she's gonna go back there."
Secret #1:
Name: Templeton
Age: 14
From: Kanakan
Position: Strategist's retinue
Note: Phonologist
Secret #2:
"Templeton was born in Kanakan, far south of the Toran Republic. He worked his way north while making that map of his."
Secret #3:
"Templeton's special ability, 'Shortcut', allows the unit to move whether it's a forest or castle. It's very useful for getting inside a castle from the outside."
Secret #4:
"When this war is over, he plans to go back to Toran Castle for a while."
Secret #1:
Name: Tengaar
Age: 18
From: Warrior's Village, Toran Republic
Position: Infantry Soldier
Note: Travelling with Hix.
Secret #2:
"She's the daughter of the village chief of Warrior's Village. She and Hix have known each other since they were kids and now they're a couple. Also, it looks like she's had a run-in with Neclord in the past."
Secret #3:
"Well, she's a cute girl, but she worries too much. She thinks she's doing everything for Hix's sake."
Secret #4:
"After Hix's journey is over, she wants to go back to Warrior's Village and get married right away."
Secret #1:
Name: Tenkou
Age: 67
From: Crom, Tinto Principality
Position: Rearguard
Note: Windowmaker
Secret #2:
"According to rumor, someone on the mountain path to the Toran Republic picked up a Window Set."
Secret #3:
"He said if you see a 'Window Set' in Greenhill, please buy it for him. He sounded kinda desperate."
Teresa Wisemail
Secret #1:
Name: Teresa
Age: 27
From: Greenhill City
Position: General
Note: None
Secret #2:
"After her fathers Alec's death, the citizens wanted her to be mayor right then, but she was against it, so they created the position 'acting mayor' for her."
Secret #3:
"It was hard for her being the mayor's daughter when she was in school. Everybody talking about her, staring at her.... I know how she musta felt."
Secret #4:
"Everyone knows that she's really in love with Shin, but they're both so damned stubborn."
Secret #1:
Name: Tessai
Age: 37
From: Kuskus, South Window Principality
Position: Rearguard
Note: None
Secret #2:
"I heard a rumor that there's an Iron Hammer in Forest Village..."
Secret #3:
"If ya wanna get the Copper Hammer, you have to go to Gregminster."
Secret #4:
"From what I hear, the Silver Hammer is somewhere in Greenhill. There's a Golden Hammer somewhere too...."
Secret 1:
Name: Tetsu
Age: 42
From: Lakewest
Position: Infantry
Note: None
Secret #2:
Never met a guy who loved baths more. He heats 'em up by himself so he can always be the first one in, ya see."
Secret #3:
"He's really interested in bath design. He's come up with several different styles, I hear."
Secret #4:
"I don't know why, but the other day I saw him putting an 'Octopus Urn' in each of the 4 corners of the bath. I wonder what the hell that was for..."
Secret #1:
Name: Tomo
Age: 14
From: Ryube, Muse Principality
Position: Infantry Soldier
Note: Tsai's daughter.
Secret #2:
"Poor Tomo, she's working so hard to get her parents back together, but with that stubborn father of hers...."
Secret #3:
"Her dad taught her how to wield a spear, but she got her good looks from her mom."
Secret #1:
Name: Tony
Age: 19
From: Matilda Knights' Domain
Position: Rearguard
Note: None
Secret #2:
"That guy spends all his time on his farm. He must be some kind of a dirt fetishist."
Secret #3:
"He really hates moles! Well I can't blame him. They eat up all those vegetables he raised so carefully....."
Secret #1:
Name: Tsai
Age: 37
From: Ryube, Muse Principality
Position: Infantry Captain
Note: None
Secret #2:
"He's got one daughter and a wife he's separated from. I heard his daughter still goes to Ryube once in a while to meet friends..."
Secret #3:
"It looks like he's good with a spear, but not too good with women. His daughter wants him to reunite with his wife, but he's more interested in his work."
Secret #4:
"He once pierced a steel helmet with his spear. Ever since then, they've called him 'Tsai of the Divine Spear'."
Secret #1:
Name: Tuta
Age: 11
From: Muse City
Position: Rear Guard
Note: None
Secret #2:
"Tuta is the son of one of Dr. Huan's friends. At his age, he's still probably crying out for his momma when it gets dark out. Poor little kid..."
Secret #3:
"Tuta's 'Medicine Rune' automatically supplies medicine to members of the group when they need it. It's pretty useful."
Secret #1:
Name: Valeria
Age: 29
From: Toran Republic
Position: Volunteer Army General
Note: One of the 6 Generals of the Toran Republic.
Secret #2:
"She studied swordsmanship for 3 years from a famous swordmaster in the southlands. After that, she went back to the Scarlet Moon Empire, but her mind is still only on her swordsmanship..."
Secret #3:
"She got her 'Falcon Rune' from her swordmaster. Must be some kind of proof of her rank, I guess."
Secret #4:
"She was born in a poor village and worked hard to get where she is. Her village was burned to the ground while she was away and all her childhood friends were all killed."
Secret #1:
Name: Viki
Age: 16
From: Anywhere
Position: Magic Unit
Note: Watch out for her teleport!
Secret #2:
"It looks like this chick isn't even from this continent. I think she only wound up here cause of one of her crazy teleport mistakes."
Secret #3:
"Could it be teleport shock? She said that just before she came here, she was celebrating the birth of the Toran Republic. But that was 3 years ago."
Secret #4:
"She was talking in her sleep, I guess. What the hell could "Waffu" mean anyway?..."

Secret #1:
Name: Viktor
Age: 32
From: North Window
Position: Infantry Captain
Note: Seeking revenge on Neclord.
Secret #2:
"His hometown was destroyed by that Neclord guy. That's why he's always travelling. It seems he was on an errand in South Window when Neclord came, and so he was the only survivor."
Secret #3:
"When Viktor got back to his village, everyone had been turned into bloodthirsty zombies. They were all eating each other. Blech!"
Secret #4:
"I don't know exactly who that Daisy girl was. Maybe his little sister, maybe his lover... There's no one left to tell me and Viktor ain't talking either..."
Vincent de Boule
Secret #1:
Name: Vincent de Boule
Age: 39
From: Gregminster
Position: Cavalry
Note: Former Scarlet Moon Empire nobleman.
Secret #2:
"He used to be a member of the Scarlet Moon Empire nobility, but he doesn't stand on ceremony too much these days. He's got a strong sense of duty though."
Secret #3:
"I know he's friends with Simone, but even so, it seems like he's got an awful lot of 'dearest friends'."
Secret #4:
"He and Simone often take tea together in the flower garden. I swear those two are livin' in a world of their own making."
Secret #1:
Name: Wakaba
Age: 15
From: The Southlands
Position: Infantry
Note: None
Secret #2:
"Her love for the martial arts started at a local dojo in her neighborhood, and she's been in training ever since...."
Secret #3:
"Yesterday she did 200 squats, 50 pull-ups and then 200 sit-ups. And that was just before breakfast...."
Secret #4:
"She tries hard at everything she does. She borrowed a jigsaw puzzle from a friend and worked on it all night. She got so frustrated that she finally busted it up."
Yam Koo
Secret #1:
Name: Yam Koo
Age: 28
From: Seika, Toran Republic
Position: Navy
Note: None
Secret #2:
"They've been brothers-in-law for a long time now. They first met each other during a gambling brawl."
Secret #3:
"Tai Ho's wife, Kimberley, has got a secret crush on Yam Koo."
Yoshino Yamamoto
Secret #1:
Name: Yoshino
Age: 23
From: South Window
Position: Infantry
Note: Freed Y's wife.
Secret #2:
"She was introduced to Freed through Granmeyer. I don't know what she sees in him, but they've been married for 5 years now."
Secret #3:
"Her specialties are her 'Husband-Wife Attack' with Freed and her 'Meat and Potatoes'. I prefer the latter myself."
Secret #4:
"Looks like she make Freed promise that when the war is over, he'll go back to Radat and live a quiet life with her."
Richmond: "A lovely woman...."
Secret #1:
Name: Yuzu
Age: 10
From: Forest Village, Greenhill Principality
Position: Rearguard
Note: None
Secret #2:
"That sheep that travels with her is named Taro. That one sheep alone is not for eating."
Secret #3:
"When I took a peek, I saw her branding names on her animals. One of 'em said 'hamburger', one said 'pork cutlets', and another said 'Ghengis Khan'..."
Secret #4:
"As soon as I got close to that sheep of hers, 'Taro', she yelled at me: 'That one's not for eating! Back off!' I couldn't believe my ears."
Secret #1:
Name: Zamza
Age: 29
From: Unknown
Position: Magic Unit Captain
Note: None
Secret #2:
"What a pain! I went to go ask this guy some questions, and all he did was brag about himself. I couldn't even get in a word edgewise! 5 long hours....."
Richmond: "Sorry....."
Secret #3:
"If you could just fix it so that his 'Fire Dragon Rune' didn't cause him damage every time..."
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