Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
1) Are there Stars of Destiny who have no letters sent to the Suggestion Box?
Yes. They are Ayda, Badeaux, Bob, Camus, Clive, Feather, Flik, Gantetsu, Gijimu, Gordon, Hanna, Hans, Hauser, Humphrey, Jess, Kahn, Kiba, Killey, Kinnison, Leona, Luc, Pesmerga, Rina, Sasuke, Shin, Shiro, Shu, Sigfried, Tai Ho, Taki and Valeria. These characters comprised almost a quarter of the total number of available Stars of Destiny.
2) Are there non-Stars who have no letters too?
Yes. They are the Krakens Roludia and her baby Chuchara. Unlike other huge monsters such as Feather, Sigfried and Roludia, Abizboah surprisingly sent a letter to Riou. He asked the help of a fisherman named Gon, who translated his message to the leader of the Allied Army.
3) Why do these Stars of Destiny and Non-stars didn't bother to send letters to their leader?
Well, each may have his own reasons for not writing. Perhaps some of them are not so fond of interacting with others such as Humphrey and Badeaux who are known as reticent. While some are too secretive about their past and affiliations like Clive, Pesmerga and Luc.
4) The five flying squirrels have almost the same messages, it's just so hard to determine which one sent a letter. How do I figure things out?
The only solution is to read first all 3 letters of Mukumuku before recruiting the next flying squirrel, Makumaku, so on and so forth. In other words, don't recruit the next one until the currently recruited flying squirrel has not yet send all 3 letters. This method may take a lot of time but it's the only known option there is.
Tips and Tricks:
1) To receive Jeane's letter, commission Richmond an investigation about her. Finish all 4 investigations and Jeane will send a distress letter asking Riou to find out the person who keeps on sneaking and spying around her lately.
2) To recieve a letter from Abizboah you need to recruit Rulodia and Chuchara first.
3) Shilo will send a letter to Riou just after you made an investigation on him. He will ask the Allied Army leader to advise Richmond not to waste his money in Chinchirorin.
4) Wakaba will send you no letter unless Long Chan-Chan is recruited first.
Fun Facts:
1) Abizboah will send a letter to Riou with the help of a fisherman named "Gon." It's interesting to note that this guy had almost similar name with Amada's friend from Radat Town. The one they called "Gin" is the same person who guarded the sluice gate of the town. Another guy in Teien of Toran Republic is called "Gen." He is a shipwright revered for his great skills.
There is another Gon in Suikoden 1 who fights alongside Gen in the Liberation Army. This guy, however, is a Kobold and certainly not a fisherman nor had direct interest with fishing or affinity to water.
2) Barbara sent a letter to Riou asking him to do something about the rats that are infesting Dunan Castle's vault. If you're lucky enough, sometimes a rat is seen messing on the vault while you are doing business with Barbara.
3) In Mazus' letter to Riou, he asked the Allied Army leader's permission to let him do some experiments within castle grounds. However, he also stated that if he messed up the whole place will probably be destroyed. This words may seem a joke but his power as an arch-mage is indeed devastating. According to Richmond's investigation, Mazus and Crowley once had a fight that leveled a whole mountain and caused it to rain for a week.

For the purpose of this guide, Riou is the given name for the main protagonist of the game. While Allied is the given name for the Army and Dunan for the castle.
Some translation errors and misspelled words were edited to avoid confusion. Names of characters are also arranged alphabetically for easy browsing and quick search.
1) H, Help....
Please take care of my son.
(Written by Gon the fisherman)
P.S. Please do it or I'll pay for it.....
1) Thankless work
Considering how much people use my elevator, you would think I could get a 'thank you' once in a while. Don't you agree?
2) Really strange...
It's strange... Sometimes my inventions just seem to disappear. Very strange indeed...
1) Come by sometime
Please come and listen to us perform some time. It would make us very happy.
1) Exciting news...
I heard a new rumor about a buried treasure. When this war is over, let's find it together. We'll split it 50-50. Is it a deal?
1) Come on by
Sir Riou,
Hey there. Why don't ya come by. I'll tell ya all about the country I'm from.
1) Hee hee hee...
If you get lonely, come on by. I'll tell you all about what it takes to be a good man.
1) Thanks
Lord Riou,
Thank you. I'm so happy that you listened to my singing in South Window. I'll never forget you.
1) Thank you
Lord Riou,
I'll never forget how you helped me find the coin that day at the river. Thank you.
1) Rats
Lately the warehouse is full of rats. Please do something about it....
1) Picnic
We had a picnic today. It was fun. I ate lots of food.
2) Love!
Bolgan like Riou, but Eilie.... she LOVES Riou.
3) Studying hard
Bolgan has been studying very hard lately. Bolgan learn about all sorts of things from all different countries.
Boris Wizen
1) Vow
Although I'm no substitute for my father, I vow to aid you with all the strength in my worthless hands.
1) This place rules!!!
This castle is cool!!! Humans, Kobolds and Wingers all fighting together!!! It's great!!!
2) Help...
Please do something. Every night before I go to sleep, Sid tells me these scary stories so I can't sleep...
1) My father
I'm not as accomplished a phonologist as my father yet, but I hope to be someday.
2) In Radat Town...
There's a Sound Set in the rare finds in Radat Town.
3) My mistake
I'm sorry I came here without bringing even one Sound Set. I just forgot them at home.
1) Come by sometime
Why don't you come by and see us once in a while. I think Bolgan misses you.
2) Please come by #2
My sister taught me how to cook a little, so why don't you come over for dinner sometime. Please.
1) Library
I was so surprised to hear how few of your soldiers read books. Fortunately more people seem to be getting interested lately.
2) Encourage him
Bolgan has been coming a lot recently and studying very hard. If you see him, please tell him how proud you are of him.
3) Library #2
I hope that even when the war is over, people will continue to come to the library to study and learn....

1) A vacation?
How is my Lord Riou feeling? Why don't you take a vacation and rest your spirit for a bit?
Freed Yamamoto
1) My thoughts
Dear Sir:
I, Freed, am setting my pen to paper to make a humble suggestion to my lord, Riou. I wish to suggest that if it is possible....
2) My thoughts #2 order to create a bright, shining tomorrow in which we may all live happily amongst each other, we must set an example for the children as knights....
3) My thoughts #3 conclusion, I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness in allowing me, your humble servant, to serve you as I have.
Freed Yamamoto
1) Thanks
Thank you for saving Bright. I'll take good care of him. I promise.
1) Great captain
Captain Gengen showed me how to use a sword today. Captain Gengen is so strong!
2) Great captain #2
Today Captain Gengen taught me how to track enemies. You have to sort out the different smells.
3) Great captain #3
Captain Gengen taught me how to swim today. He can stay underwater for 15 minutes! The fisherman was so surprised, he jumped in too!
Somethingisnotright. Icannotseemtothinkstraightanymore.....
1) Are you good?
From Captain Gengen,
Are you good? Gengen is trying very hard to be good soldier. Me work hard as a bee.
2) Slow Down
From Captain Gengen,
Don't work too hard. You might hurt yourself. Come talk to Gengen if you feel sad, okay.
3) You strong
From Captain Gengen,
You are very strong now. Not as very strong as me, but strong enough. Me proud of you.
1) Strike with your mind
To strike truly with your sword, you must strike truly with your mind.
Georg Prime
1) How goes it?
This box is an interesting idea. How's it going? Any good messages?
1) My dearest family
Mary, Thomas, are you well? I'm in the Allied Army now. I hope to return in the spring.
2) Forgive me
Lord Riou, forgive me. I mistakenly put a letter to my family into this box.
Hai Yo
1) Please come!!!
Please come to the restaurant! I will make something special for you!!!
Hai Yo
1) Please visit us
You should come to the inn once in a while. Pete talks about you all the time. We'll make supper for you.
1) I don't think
Lord Riou,
I don't think I'm cut out to be a warrior. What do you think?
2) Warrior
Tengaar got really mad at me today. I guess it's really important to her that I become a "true warrior", huh?
1) Hey bro
Hey bro, hope your working hard. As for me, I'm giving it all I've got.
2) Clean up, bro
This room really needs a good going over. I moved the dresser and it was so dusty back there!
1) Health warning
Lord Riou, you've been looking tired lately. Please remember that your health comes first.
1) Strange happenings...
Someone has been sneaking around and watching me lately. If you find out who it is, please tell me.
1) Leave it to me
Lord Riou,
I will make you the greatest Guardian Deity the world has ever seen. Believe me.
1) Is it really okay
Is it really okay for me to be in the Allied Army? I feel so out of place.
2) I'm waiting
Hey Riou,
Why don't you come to visit me at the stage? I'll teach you a new dance if you come.
3) Kobold dance
The Kobolds have been practicing their dance on the stage lately. You should come see.

1) I beg of you
Forgive me, Lord Riou. I cannot tell you why, but I must go to Banner Village sometime soon.....
1) Weird...
Lately I've had the feeling that a flying squirrel in a pink cape has been following me. Have you noticed anything like that?
1) Needs exercise
That Marlowe guy is always reading books. I think I'll drag him to the dojo for some exercise.
1) My thanks
Thanks to the Celadon Urn you gave me, I now have 100 vases and my collection is complete.
I thank you.
Long Chan-Chan
1) Life lesson!
To live is to fight!!!
Long Chan-Chan
2) Life lesson #2
Life is war!!!!
Long Chan-Chan
3) Life lesson #3
Speak with your fists!!!
Long Chan-Chan
Disclaimer: All Suikoden II's images, arts, logos, names and related characters are properties of Konami.
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