Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
1) Are there characters who have no participation on this event?
Yes. The huge monsters namely Sigfried and Feather. Unlike Abizboah and Rulodia, Sigfried and Feather can be recruited as early as before Tinto event will start. Unfortunately, both have no known participation on the event's conversaton.
2) Why I can't find these conversations in my gameplay?
This event can only be triggered if you chose the right answers to Nanami's questions. In short, the whole thing is optional. During the second night that Riou and Nanami stayed at Gustav's house in Tinto, the two will have a private talk. The answers that Riou will give determine the outcome of the succeeding events. Let him agree on Nanami's proposal of relinquishing his rank as the leader of the Allied Army and run away.
3) What part of the story will change if Riou will accept Nanami's proposal of relinquishing his leadership in the Allied Army and run away?
There are two significant changes that will happen. One is that General Ridley died in Tinto and his son Boris will replace him as one the Stars of Destiny later on. The other one enables you to get the third ending if Riou still insists to run away even after Shu beg him to return to the Allied Army. Exiting Drakemouth Village on the southern path will trigger this untimely ending.
4) What is Georg doing in Tigermouth Pass during this particular event?
Georg is travelling the lands to seek for wars where he can lend his strength. Why he was in Tinto is not clear, but it's probably that he's looking for some actions. The guy just love warfare and his skills in swordsmanship is astoundingly unmatched.
Before he was involved in Tinto events, Georg helped Dr. Huan escaped Muse City during the night it fell from Highland control. Afterwards, he helped defending Greenhill together with Teresa Wisemail, Shin, Nina, Jude, Jeane, Emilia, Connell, Stallion and Nash Clovis (Suikogaiden hero).
Tips and Tricks:
1) In Tinto events, there is an option that will totally change the outcome of the story. If you insist to leave the Allied Army and run away from the responsibility of being its leader, then you'll get the third ending. To get this you must first agree with Nanami's proposal of running away. Then, head to Crom Village and stay a night at the village chief's house. After which, proceed to Tigermouth Village all the way to Drakemouth Village. In there, Shu, Apple and Flik will try convince Riou to return to the Army. Refuse their propositions and leave Drakemouth Village from the south exit.
2) To see Tir's participation in Tinto event, it is necessary to finish his sidequest in Banner Village. Then head to Gregminster in Toran Republic and ask him to join your adventures.
3) Upon arriving in Tigermouth Village, the guard will rebuke the party why they are trying to escape when others are fighting hard to save the village. Never mind his call the result is still the same. You really don't need to fight and defend in the entrance at all.
Fun Facts:
1) Years after the Dunan Unification War ended, Tinto separate themselves from the Jowston Alliance and made into an independent nation. The country is now called the Tinto Republic.
2) Gijimu from Mt. Lampdragon Bandits was offered a position in Tinto Army which he gladly accepted. Gijimu became the captain of the army and fought several border skirmishes with Grasslands.
3) The Blue Moon Rune which Neclord stole from the Blue Moon Village is one of the 27 True Runes. It's power enables vampires to live without the necessity of drinking blood.
4) When Riou and Nanami are about to leave Tinto the night they planned to run away, most of their allies will ask "where are you going?" Stallion, on the other hand, asked them "where are you escaping to?" The fact that he said these words doesn't necessarily mean that he already knew Riou and Nanami are planning to leave the Allied Army for good. Stallion is probably fond of using the word "escaping" since he is the master of escape. His True Holy Rune enables him to run faster than normal person can do and gives 100% chance of escaping from battles except for enemy bosses though.
For the purpose of this guide, Riou is the given name for the main protagonist and Tir is for the young McDohl (Suikoden 1 hero). While Allied is the given name for the Army and Dunan for the castle.
Some translation errors and mispelled words were edited to avoid confusion. Names of characters are also arranged alphabetically for easy browsing and quick search.
Tinto Event: Character Conversations Script
I.A - Running Away
When Riou and Nanami are about to leave Gustav's house.
Amada: "Hey, Riou, where ya headed?"
Anita: "Where you headed, Riou?"
Ayda: "Riou, where are you headed?"
Badeaux: "Lord Riou, where are you going?"
Bob: "Where you headed, Riou?"
Bolgan: "Where Riou go?"
Camus: "Lord Riou, where are you going?"
Chaco: "Lord Riou, where are you going?"
Clive: "Riou, where are you going?"
Eilie: "Riou, where are you going?"
Freed: "Lord Riou, where are you going?"
Futch: "Lord Riou, where to..."

Viktor vs. Luca Blight
Gabocha: "Lord Riou, where are you going?"
Gengen: "Where to, Riou?"
Hai Yo: "Lord Riou, where are you going?"
Hanna: "Riou, where are you going?"
Hix: "Lord Riou, where are you going?"
Hoi: "Ah, my bro. Where are you going?"
Humphrey: "Lord Riou, where to..."
Karen: "Riou, where you headed?"
Kasumi: "Lord Riou, where are you going?"
Killey: "Riou, where are you headed?"
Kinnison: "Hey Riou, where ya goin?"
L.C. Chan: "Hey Riou, where ya headed?"
Lorelai: "Where are you going, Riou?"
Luc: "So you're running away..."
Makumaku: "Mumu?"
Meg: "Hey, Riou, where are you going?"
Mekumeku: "Mumu..?"
Miklotov: "Lord Riou, where are you going?"
Mikumiku: "Mumumu?"
Millie: "Hey, Riou, where are you going? Shall I go with you?"
Mokumoku: "Mumumu?"
Mondo: "Lord Riou, where are you going?"
Mukumuku: "Mu... mu..."
Nina: "Lord Riou, where are you going?"
Oulan: "Riou, where are you headed?"
Rikimaru: "Hey, Riou, where the heck are you going?"
Rina: "Riou, where are you going?"
Sasuke: "Hey Riou, where ya going?"
Sheena: "Where are you going, Riou?"
Shilo: "Hey Riou, where ya goin?"
Shin: "Where to, Lord Riou?"
Sid: "Riou, are you taking a walk somewhere?"
Simone: "Ah, my friend Riou, where are you headed?"
Stallion: "Riou, where are you escaping to?"
Tai Ho: "Where you headed, Riou?"
Tengaar: "Riou, where are you going?"
Tir McDohl: "Where are you going?"
Tomo: "Lord Riou, where are you going?"
Tsai: "Lord Riou, where might you be going?"
Tuta: "Mr. Riou, where are you going?"
Valeria: "Where ya headed, Riou?"
Viki: "Where are you going, Riou? Shall I teleport you, Riou?"
Wakaba: "Lord Riou, where are you going?"
Yoshino: "Lord Riou, where might you be going?"
Zamza: "Where you headed, Riou?"
I.B - Passing Through
Nanami asked if she and Riou can pass through the entrance where two members of the Allied Army are guarding.
Amada: "I know you want me to let you pass, but..."
Anita: "I know you want me to let you pass, but..."
Ayda: "I know you want me to let you pass, but..."
Badeaux: "...I know you want me to let you pass, but..."
Bob: "Don't get so worked up..."
Bolgan: "What? Hah?"
Camus: "I know you want me to let you pass, but..."
Chaco: "Well, what should we do?"
Clive: "......."
Eilie: "I know you want me to let you pass, but..."
Freed: "I know you want me to let you pass, but..."
Futch: "I know you want me to let you pass, but..."
Gabocha: "What? But..."
Gadget: "CANNOT PASS..."
Gengen: "Gengen can't let you pass..."
Hai Yo: "No!"
Hanna: "I know you want me to let you pass, but..."
Hix: "Huh? I know you're asking, but..."
Hoi: "Hee hee..."
Humphrey: "......."
Karen: "I know you want me to let you pass, but..."
Kasumi: "I know you want me to let you pass, but..."
Killey: ".........."
Kinnison: "I know you want me to let you pass, but..."
L.C. Chan: "Oachaaaaaa!!!"
Lorelai: "I know you want me to let you pass, but..."
Luc: "..............."
Makumaku: "Mu-mu..."
Meg: "What? No, it's not that..."
Mekumeku: "Mumu..."
Miklotov: "I know you want me to let you pass, but..."
Mikumiku: "Mu-mu-mu..."
Millie: "Ha ha ha... I'm going to block you using Bonaparte."
Mokumoku: "Mumumu..."
Mondo: "............."
Mukumuku: "Mu-mumu-..."
Nina: "Oh that Nanami..."
Oulan: "Hmmm, I know you want me to let you pass, but..."
Rikimaru: "I know you want me to let you pass, but... c'mon..."
Rina: "Ha ha ha..."
Sasuke: "Just a minute..."
Sheena: "I know you want me to let you pass, but..."
Shilo: "I know you want me to let you pass, but..."
Shin: "........"
Shiro: "AAOOOOOO..."
Sid: "Pass through? Thread through a needle? An order through the kitchen?"
Simone: "I know you want me to let you pass, but..."
Stallion: "No, I..."
Tai Ho: "I know you want me to let you pass, but..."
Tengaar: "Let you pass, huh..."
Tir McDohl: "......"
Tomo: "I know you want me to let you pass, but..."
Tsai: "I know you want me to let you pass, but..."
Tuta: "What? But..."
Valeria: "Ha ha..."
Viki: "Huh? Hmmm... What should I do..."
Wakaba: "Well, not that..."
Yoshino: "I know you want me to let you pass, but..."
Zamza: "I know you want me to let you pass, but..."
I.C - Forcing the Way Out
Nanami felt they won't let them be so she threatens to use brute force to pass through. One ally will stop her and offer their help instead.
Amada: "C'mon now, don't panic. I sure didn't come here to stop you."
Anita: "Wait. I didn't come here to stop you."
Ayda: "Wait... I'm not here to stop you..."
Badeaux: "Wait... I'm not here to stop you."
Bob: "Don't panic!!!!" I didn't say I wouldn't let you pass!!!"
Bolgan: "Wait, wait. No, I'm not trying to stop you."
Camus: "Young lady, please don't panic. I'm not here to stop you."
Chaco: "No, I'm not trying to stop you!!!"
Clive: "Don't panic..."
Eilie: "Don't panic, Nanami. I haven't come to stop you."
Freed: "Please wait. I'm not here to stop you."
Futch: "Don't panic, I didn't come to stop you."
Gabocha: "Wait. I didn't come to stop you."
Gengen: "You're wrong, Gengen not come to stop you."
Hai Yo: "Just a minute... I'm not here to stop you..."
Hanna: "Wait... I didn't come to stop you."
Hix: "No, you're wrong. I didn't come to stop you."

Riou Vs. Golden Wolf
Hoi: "Hey, wait wait!!! I'm not here to stop you!!!"
Humphrey: "Don't panic..."
Karen: "Wait, I'm not here to stop you."
Kasumi: "Please wait. I didn't come to stop you."
Killey: "I'm not here to stop you."
Kinnison: "Wait! I didn't come to stop you."
L.C. Chan: "Wachooo!!! Wait, girl. You'll get hurt. I didn't come to stop you."
Lorelai: "Don't panic. For God's sake..."
Luc: "Don't panic... I didn't come to stop you..."
Makumaku: "Mumu-mu-mu!!!"
Meg: "Wait. I'm not here to stop you."
Mekumeku: "Mu-mumu!!!"
Miklotov: "Please don't panic. I am not here to stop you."
Mikumiku: "Mu-mumu!!!"
Millie: "You're wrong. We didn't come to stop you. Right, Bonaparte?"
Mokumoku: "Mumumu-mu!!!"
Mondo: "I didn't come to stop you."
Mukumuku: "Mu, mumu-mu!!"
Nina: "For the god's sake, Nanami. I'm not here to stop you."
Oulan: "Don't panic. I'm not here to stop you."
Rikimaru: "Wait, wait. I didn't come to stop you."
Rina: "Don't panic... I didn't come to stop you..."
Sasuke: "You get yourself into such a panic, girl. I'm not here to stop you."
Sheena: "Don't panic, Nanami."
Shilo: "Hey, hey don't panic. I'm not here to stop you."
Shin: "Don't panic..."
Shiro: "AAAOOOOOOO!!!!"
Sid: "Stop panicking, idiot..."
Simone: "Please wait. I didn't come here to stop you, young lady."
Stallion: "Don't panic, don't panic. I'm not here to stop you."
Tai Ho: "Wait, wait. I'm not trying to stop you."
Tengaar: "Don't panic. I didn't come to stop you."
Tir McDohl: "I didn't come to stop you..."
Tomo: "Please wait. I didn't come to stop you."
Tsai: "Please don't panic. I didn't come to stop you."
Tuta: "I... I didn't come to stop you."
Valeria: "Don't panic. I didn't come to stop you."
Viki: "I didn't come to stop you. Don't be silly."
Wakaba: "Wait, wait. I'm not here to stop you."
Yoshino: "Please wait. I'm not here to stop you."
Zamza: "Wait, wait little girl. I wouldn't do anything that dumb."
I.D - Going Part Way
The other ally seconded the first one's offer to help.
Amada: "Heh heh heh heh, I'll go with you. You could have problems with just two of you, right?"
Anita: "I can't stand to see you two in danger. I'll go with you part way."
Ayda: "It will be dangerous... for just two of you... I'll go with you..."
Badeaux: "It will be dangerous with just two..."
Bob: "Just two of you will be dangerous!!! I'll go with you!!!"
Bolgan: "Riou, I'll go together with you."
Camus: "Just the two of you going? You want to put a lady in danger? I'll accompany you part way."
Chaco: "You think you can leave me behind... I can't forgive that!"
Clive: "This area is still dangerous... I'll go with you..."
Eilie: "You're mean, Riou. Just the two of you going. I understand, but I'll go part way with you."
Freed: "Lord Riou, just the two of you going would be dangerous!!! I'll go together!!!"
Futch: "Lord Riou, I'm coming with you."
Gabocha: "I'll go part way with you. It's dangerous..."
Gengen: "Don't worry!!! Depend on me, Riou!!! I, Captain Gengen, will accompany you!"
Hai Yo: "Just two of you very dangerous... I go too..."
Hanna: "Lord Riou... just two of you is dangerous, let me go part way with you..."
Hix: "Lord Riou, we're not with the Allied Army, we're with you. We'll come with you for a while. That's OK, isn't it?"
Hoi: "What on earth are you thinking?! I know, you found a good job, right? Okay, I'm going with you."
Humphrey: "It would be dangerous with just two of you."
Karen: "Just two of you is dangerous. I may not be of much help, but I'll come along."
Kasumi: "Lord Riou... Nanami... Just the two of you is dangerous. I'll go with you..."
Killey: "I can't let you go into a dangerous situation... I'll go with you..."
Kinnison: "Hey, Riou, I'll go with you part way. It's dangerous with just two."
L.C. Chan: "Howachaaaaa! I'll protect you until you reach a safe place using my dragon style martial arts."
Lorelai: "Lord Riou... If you go, I'll go part way. Just two of you is dangerous."
Luc: "What troublemakers... It's dangerous with just two. I'll go with you..."
Makumaku: "Mumu-mu....."
Meg: "You're going somewhere, aren't you? I'll go with you!!!!!"
Mekumeku: "Mun, mu-mumumu..."
Miklotov: "Lord Riou, protecting you is my duty. I'll go with you."
Mikumiku: "Mu-mumumu..."
Millie: "You know, Bonaparte says he'll go part way with you. So, you know, you'll be fine. We'll go together."
Mokumoku: "Mumumu...!!!"
Mondo: "It will be dangerous with just two of you. I'll go together with you."
Mukumuku: "Mu... mamu...!!!!!"
Nina: "I'll worry if just two of you go. I know, let me go with you."
Oulan: "Look, Riou, don't go change my contract on your own. I'm a pro. I'm going to protect you to the end."
Rikimaru: "That's cold, Riou. I'm not here with Allied. I came to be with you. It's dangerous with just you two. I'll stay with you until you're out of this country."
Rina: "Lord Riou... Just the two of you going... I'll go with you part way."
Sasuke: "Hmmm, I was told by Lord Hanzo to protect you. I'll go with you."
Sheena: "I don't care about Riou, but just one person may not be able to protect Nanami. I'll go with you."
Shilo: "What idiots!!! Look, I'll go with you part way."
Shin: "Lord Riou... I was told by Lady Teresa to protect you."
Shiro: "AAAOOOOOO!!!!"
Sid: "It will be fun... I'll go, too. I'll go even if you say you don't want me."
Simone: "Riou, my friend. That's unfriendly of you. If you're going, of course I'm going too."
Stallion: "It's dangerous with just you two. That's when I'll be handy for making a retreat."
Tai Ho: "I can understand being impetuous, but there's danger with just two of you. I'll go with you."
Tengaar: "You're wrong, Riou. We're not with Allied, we're here with you. It's dangerous with just two, so we'll come along."
Tir McDohl: "Just two of you is dangerous..."
Tomo: "It will be dangerous with just two of you. I'll go along."
Tsai: "Don't be idiots... It will be dangerous with two. I'll take you part way."
Tuta: "Lord Riou, I'll go with you part way. Just two of you is dangerous."
Valeria: "I'm here because President Lepant gave me orders to help you."
Viki: "Why are just you two going? Don't you trust us? I'll go with you."
Wakaba: "Just two of you is dangerous. I'll go part way with you. By the way, I'd like you to show me more of your tricks."
Yoshino: "Just two of you going will be dangerous. I'll go, too."
Zamza: "What the heck are you thinking! You're stupid if you don't take this strong, beautiful, useful me along with you."
I.E - Leaving Together
Nanami feels relieved by their friends' support.
Amada: "If I'm here you have the strength of 100 people. Don't worry anymore."
Anita: "Riou... Leave things to me. I'll take you to a safe place."
Ayda: "Riou... I'll go together with you, too..."
Badeaux: "I'll go along with you..."
Bob: "UOOOO!!! I, too!!! Will protect!!!!! You!!!!!"
Bolgan: "I like Nanami and Lord Riou. So I'll protect you two."
Camus: "Don't worry. I'll make sure you two get there safely."
Chaco: "Hey, hey Riou. Let's go!!!!!!!"

Shin and Teresa Wisemail
Clive: "I'll protect you... Here we go..."
Eilie: "That's right, I'll protect you. It would be dangerous with just the two of you."
Freed: "Lord Riou!! Allow me to protect you, Lord Riou!!!"
Futch: "Lord Riou, let me repay you for what you did for me."
Gabocha: "I'm going to protect Lord Riou and Nanami, too."
Gengen: "That's right, I'm going to protect Lord Riou and Nanami!!!"
Hai Yo: "Come on, let's go..."
Hanna: "I'll protect you... Here we go..."
Hix: "I, I'm going to protect everyone... don't worry."
Hoi: "Okay, here we go, bro."
Humphrey: "I'll take care of you..."
Karen: "I'm going together with you."
Kasumi: "I'll go with you until you reach safety... Lord Riou..."
Killey: "I'll go with you, too..."
Kinnison: "Riou... Nanami... I'm going to help you..."
L.C. Chan: "Oachooooo!!! Here we go!!! Don't be late!!!"
Lorelai: "Dont worry. I'll be protecting you."
Luc: "Oh, heck... OK, I'll go along with you..."
Makumaku: "Mumu...!!"
Meg: "Of course I'll go together with you. OK, here we go!"
Mekumeku: "Mumu-mumu..."
Miklotov: "Okay, let's go, Lord Riou."
Mikumiku: "Munmumu...!!!!"
Millie: "Leave things to me and Bonaparte. Don't worry."
Mokumoku: "Mu-mumumu..."
Mondo: "OK, here we go. I'll protect you both."
Mukumuku: "Mu mu mu mu....!!!"
Nina: "Hey, what's wrong? Why the long face? Come on, we're going, right?"
Oulan: "Protecting you is my job, remember."
Rikimaru: "OK, let's go. Let's forge ahead, now that I'm here you can relax!"
Rina: "Ha ha ha... Let's go... I'll go along with you."
Sasuke: "Come on, here we go. Don't worry. I'll protect you."
Sheena: "You can feel safe, Nanami. I'll protect you."
Shilo: "Hey, no brooding faces. Let's be cheerful as we go, cheerful!!!"
Shin: "The young lady told me, too... To protect you..."
Shiro: "AAAOOOOOOOO!!!!!"
Sid: "I'm going too... ha ha ha... Even if you say you don't want me..."
Simone: "My friend, Riou. For you, I would throw my life away any time. Come on, time to go."
Stallion: "Depend on me, no matter what enemy appears, I will help you to escape..."
Tai Ho: "Okay, shall we go Riou? You're in a hurry, aren't you?"
Tengaar: "Everything will be fine, just leave things up to me."
Tir McDohl: "Let's go..."
Tomo: "Ha ha, let's go. Eveything will be okay."
Tsai: "I'm going with you."
Tuta: "I'll do my very best to be help to you."
Valeria: "Don't worry. I have orders from President Lepant, so I'll take care of you."
Viki: "You can depend on me. I'm doing well now. Check out this teleport, hey!"
Wakaba: "Come on, let's go! Don't worry. I'll protect you."
Yoshino: "OK, let's get started, Lord Riou and Nanami."
Zamza: "Leave everything to me. Hey, hurry up. I'll leave you behind!!"
Disclaimer: All Suikoden II's images, arts, logos, names and related characters are properties of Konami.
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