Battle Cry: Strike now!
Victory 1: Is everyone okay?
Victory 2: Whew, that went well.
Appreciation: Thank you so much.
Fury or Alert: Ah, ahhh!!!
Protect or Escape: What should I do…
Knockout: I’m… so, so sorry…
Battle Cry: Gotcha now!
Victory 1: Yes!
Victory 2: Talk about easy.
Appreciation: Th-thanks!
Fury or Alert: Haa!!!
Protect or Escape: No way!
Knockout: Hyaaaaaaaaa!!!
Battle Cry: Now!
Victory 1: Did you see that?!
Victory 2: Anything for Hero [heart]
Appreciation: Thanks!
Fury or Alert: I’ll do my best!
Protect or Escape: It’s okay! I’m not giving up!
Knockout: Hero… I’m sorry…
Battle Cry: I see an opening!
Victory 1: Are we done already?
Victory 2: How unlucky for you.
Ingratitude: I’ll get you for this!
Fury or Alert: Groooooooooooaahhh!!!
Protect or Escape: Not bad! Not bad at all!
Knockout: I’m… a disgrace…
Battle Cry: There!
Victory 1: Took a while to mop up there.
Victory 2: I fight for Her Highness.
Appreciation: I fight for Her Highness.
Fury or Alert: Hrrng!!!
Protect or Escape: Not a problem!
Knockout: Princess… Chrodechild…
Battle Cry: Everyone attack at once!
Victory 1: I’ll analyze your tactics later.
Victory 2: Had to put you in your place.
Appreciation: Thanks for helping.
Fury or Alert: Observe the skills of Belfar!
Protect or Escape: Hmph… troublesome child…
Knockout: Will I get compensated for this?
Battle Cry: Time to lay down the law!
Victory 1: We will dismantle the Order!
Victory 2: Long live Salsabil!
Appreciation: You have my thanks!
Fury or Alert: Immerse yourself in our fury!!!
Protect or Escape: We will not retreat!
Knockout: I-I must leave the front line!
Battle Cry: Let’s just end this already!
Victory 1: If Icas runs away, he might…
Victory 2: Why don’t we take a break?
Ingratitude: Are you expecting a thank you?
Fury or Alert: I’ll make you regret that!
Protect or Escape: Someone help me here!
Knockout: This… is all Icas’ fault…

Battle Cry: I see an opening!
Victory 1: “Legendary blademaster” my foot.
Victory 2: Sometimes we live by the sword.
Appreciation: Thanks.
Fury or Alert: Hrungh!
Protect or Escape: So you got the jump on me.
Knockout: So… it has come to an end…
Battle Cry: We’ve got the upper hand!
Victory 1: Easy for even a scholar.
Victory 2: I’m not accustomed to violence.
Appreciation: Thanks for taking the trouble.
Fury or Alert: Haaaaaaaa!!!
Protect or Escape: This is rough…
Knockout: I’m… terribly sorry…
Battle Cry: How clumsy of you.
Victory 1: It’s the only logical outcome.
Victory 2: Maybe someday I’ll understand.
Appreciation: You have my gratitude.
Fury or Alert: Lemme show you my red tattoo!
Protect or Escape: I guess I slipped up…
Knockout: I… I couldn’t keep up…
Battle Cry: Need muscle? I’m your man!
Victory 1: I’m still pumped here!
Victory 2: I’ve got confidence in my power.
Appreciation: You just gave me a boost!
Fury or Alert: Ready… AND…!
Protect or Escape: This isn’t looking good…
Knockout: I’m sorry…
Battle Cry: Now!
Victory 1: Whew! We pulled it off!
Victory 2: I’m better behind the scenes.
Appreciation: Thanks!
Fury or Alert: Haaa!!!
Protect or Escape: Yikes!
Knockout: I… shoulda stayed at the back.
Battle Cry: Ninulneda will protect us!
Victory 1: Praise be to Ninulneda!
Victory 2: I did this for Priestess Neira.
Appreciation: Oh, thank you!
Fury or Alert: Ninulneda! Give me strength!
Protect or Escape: O Ninulneda! Your will be done!
Knockout: I… was not devoted enough…
Battle Cry: Now I will prevail!
Victory 1: This was an act of Ninulneda.
Victory 2: Ninulneda is surely pleased.
Appreciation: Thank you very much.
Fury or Alert: O Ninulneda! Give me strength!
Protect or Escape: Is that all you’ve got?
Knockout: M-mighty… Ninulneda…
Battle Cry: It’s now or never [music]
Victory 1: Sing the song of victory [music]
Victory 2: Listen to my song [music]
Appreciation: I sing you my gratitude [music]
Fury or Alert: Got to get serious now [music]
Protect or Escape: This is no time for singing…
Knockout: How depressing…
Battle Cry: Wh-what’re you gonna do to me?!
Victory 1: I won! I won!
Victory 2: Woohoo!
Appreciation: Thanks!
Fury or Alert: You’ll pay for that!
Protect or Escape: Wh-what’re you gonna do to me?!
Knockout: Ugh… Ow….
Battle Cry: Time to clean house!
Victory 1: That was a piece of cake!
Victory 2: Megion! I’ve done it!
Appreciation: My thanks.
Fury or Alert: Grooooooaarrr!!!
Protect or Escape: Not good…
Knockout: M-Megion… Miss Eusmil…
Battle Cry: You’re mine!
Victory 1: This was an act of Ninulneda!
Victory 2: This is a major victory!
Appreciation: Thank you!
Fury or Alert: Waaaaaaaaaaa!!!
Protect or Escape: Maybe I should back off a bit…
Knockout: Ugh… I’m sorry…
Battle Cry: I hate picking on weaklings.
Victory 1: Grave diggin’s not my thing.
Victory 2: Whew, I oughta stick to diggin’.
Appreciation: I’ll dig you up something’ nice.
Fury or Alert: I’ll drill a hole in your gut!
Protect or Escape: Heh heh! Not bad at all!
Knockout: I just wanna… crawl in hole.
Battle Cry: Zzzzzzzz!
Victory 1: Zzzzzzzz [music]
Victory 2: Zzzzzzzz [music] Zzzzzzzz [music]
Appreciation: Zzzzzzzz [heart]
Fury or Alert: Zzzzzzzz!!!
Protect or Escape: Zzzzzzzz…
Knockout: …Zzzzzzzz…
Battle Cry: A chance at victory!
Victory 1: I’m really after someone else.
Victory 2: Sophia…
Ingratitude: I’ll get you for this!
Fury or Alert: Taste my blade, scoundrel!
Protect or Escape: I’m still tickin’!
Knockout: S-Sophia…
Battle Cry: I’ll tear you up!
Victory 1: Whew, I’m tired.
Victory 2: Yeehaw! We won!
Appreciation: Thanks! I love you guys!
Fury or Alert: Don’t even mess with me!!!
Protect or Escape: Oh! Someone help me!
Knockout: No way…
Battle Cry: A chance to end this!
Victory 1: Victory is mine!
Victory 2: The One King is next to fall!
Appreciation: I sincerely appreciate that!
Fury or Alert: Haaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
Protect or Escape: Still got some breath in me!
Knockout: Lost again…
Battle Cry: This is hardly worth the time.
Victory 1: Icas didn’t run away, did he?
Victory 2: This wasn’t worth the effort.
Ingratitude: I would’ve been fine anyway.
Fury or Alert: Time to get down to business!
Protect or Escape: I’ve been in worse situations.
Knockout: This… can’t be how it ends…
Battle Cry: Great! Now’s my chance!
Victory 1: I wanna be an official Blade.
Victory 2: Gimme someone stronger to fight!
Appreciation: Thank you!
Fury or Alert: Yaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!
Protect or Escape: Ugh… Come on!
Knockout: Brother…
Battle Cry: I can win this!
Victory 1: Looks like I’ve still got it!
Victory 2: I didn’t even work up a sweat!
Appreciation: I appreciate that.
Fury or Alert: Graaah!!!
Protect or Escape: Hmph! Won’t get me that easy!
Knockout: This… can’t be…
Battle Cry: Here goes!
Victory 1: Victory is ours!
Victory 2: I was hoping for a challenge.
Appreciation: I owe you one!
Fury or Alert: Haaa!!!
Protect or Escape: I messed up big time!
Knockout: V… aslof…
Battle Cry: I’m going in!
Victory 1: My blade still needs some work.
Victory 2: Chalk up a win for me!
Ingratitude: I never asked for your help!
Fury or Alert: See the Blades of Night’s Veil!
Protect or Escape: Can’t let ‘em beat me like this!
Knockout: Sheesh… Not like this…

Battle Cry: N-now’s the time, right?!
Victory 1: I guess we pulled it off.
Victory 2: The Order is mistaken.
Appreciation: I’m indebted to you.
Fury or Alert: You got me ticked!!!
Protect or Escape: I… I’m sorry to hold you back.
Knockout: No… Where are you Darrow…?
Battle Cry: I feel like a bully here!
Victory 1: You are way out of my league!
Victory 2: That about wraps it up!
Appreciation: Aww, how sweet!
Fury or Alert: I’ll fight for real this time!
Protect or Escape: Oopsy daisy!
Knockout: How could I lose like this…?
Battle Cry: Don’t delay the inevitable.
Victory 1: I was hoping for a bit of fun.
Victory 2: Hmph, pretty weak.
Appreciation: I owe you one for that.
Fury or Alert: Haaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
Protect or Escape: Ha ha! It’s getting interesting!
Knockout: I have… shamed King Diulf…
Battle Cry: The chance I was waiting for!
Victory 1: The Magedom fell! Never again!
Victory 2: We must beat the Order!
Appreciation: That’ll help!
Fury or Alert: Give me strength, my people!
Protect or Escape: I’m still in this!
Knockout: How could I lost this…?
Battle Cry: Looking good!
Victory 1: Mama fought her socks off!
Victory 2: Salt water’s great for wounds!
Appreciation: Aww, what a good kid.
Fury or Alert: Mama is furious!!!
Protect or Escape: I don’t like this.
Knockout: Sorry, I need a little break…
Battle Cry: Now’s the time!
Victory 1: I’m glad to be of some help.
Victory 2: This was my atonement…
Appreciation: Thank you.
Fury or Alert: Aaaaahhh!!!
Protect or Escape: This… isn’t going so well…
Knockout: Dad…
Battle Cry: Mmm… this’ll hit the spot.
Victory 1: Snow is great for fatigue!
Victory 2: Whew…
Appreciation: Wanna eat some snow?
Fury or Alert: Haiya!!!
Protect or Escape: Oh no…
Knockout: Ugh…
Battle Cry: I’ll put an end to this.
Victory 1: I fight for Shams.
Victory 2: Time to move on.
Appreciation: Thank you so much.
Fury or Alert: Haa!!!
Protect or Escape: I messed up there.
Knockout: Forgive me… Your Highness…
Battle Cry: Here’s my chance!
Victory 1: Looks like I’ve still got it!
Victory 2: That’s the Furious Roar for ya!
Appreciation: I appreciate that!
Fury or Alert: Goaaaaaaaaaaaahh!!!
Protect or Escape: Ugh! Got a little careless!
Knockout: King Diulf… I’ve failed you…
Battle Cry: You’re making this too easy.
Victory 1: That was hardly even a fight!
Victory 2: Thanks for the dance!
Appreciation: I’m grateful!
Fury or Alert: Time to get serious here!
Protect or Escape: Hey, not bad at all!
Knockout: Let me… take a little rest.
Battle Cry: I’ll give it a shot!
Victory 1: Fighting isn’t my strong point.
Victory 2: Whew, guess I’m still alive.
Appreciation: Th-thanks…
Fury or Alert: Hyaaaaa!!!
Protect or Escape: Guess I’m no good at fighting…
Knockout: M-Mom…
Battle Cry: Here I come!
Victory 1: Ha ha ha! Splendid battle!
Victory 2: Never underestimate the Auster!
Appreciation: Thank you!
Fury or Alert: Grrrrrraaaaaaa!!!
Protect or Escape: Hah! I’m impressed!
Knockout: W-why…?
Battle Cry: It’s my turn to strike!
Victory 1: Maybe I can cook ‘em up…
Victory 2: Chefs oughta cook, not fight.
Appreciation: I appreciate that.
Fury or Alert: You wanna get filleted?!
Protect or Escape: Ugh… Better get serious here.
Knockout: Just… pitiful of me…
Battle Cry: I can do this!
Victory 1: Victory was mine from the start.
Victory 2: Dromon Pirates forever!
Appreciation: Maybe I oughta thank you.
Fury or Alert: Haaa!!!
Protect or Escape: I let my guard down a little.
Knockout: What a disgrace I’ve been…
Battle Cry: Oh, here’s my chance!
Victory 1: I’m getting too old for this.
Victory 2: I’m better working the fields.
Appreciation: Much obliged.
Fury or Alert: Huraaaahhh!!!
Protect or Escape: Why’d that have to happen…
Knockout: Ugh… my back…
Battle Cry: Here I go!
Victory 1: My joints are working well!
Victory 2: I am my master’s best creation!
Appreciation: Thank you very much.
Fury or Alert: Unit at full power!
Protect or Escape: I seem to have malfunctioned!
Knockout: I have been… shut down…
Battle Cry: Now the tide is turning.
Victory 1: Did you enjoy my dance?
Victory 2: Quite heavy for an entertainer.
Appreciation: Your kindness is duly noted.
Fury or Alert: Observe my deadly dance.
Protect or Escape: I’ve been knocked off rhythm.
Knockout: Farewell…
Battle Cry: Comin’ at you!
Victory 1: It’s hard to breath in this.
Victory 2: Am I like Hero now?
Appreciation: Thanks!
Fury or Alert: Got problem with my mask?!
Protect or Escape: Morrin’s way more vicious!
Knockout: N-no…
Battle Cry: Inattention is the greatest foe.
Victory 1: It feels good to contribute.
Victory 2: That was quite invigorating.
Appreciation: Thank you very much.
Fury or Alert: I’m not easily beaten, you know.
Protect or Escape: It’s nothing to worry about.
Knockout: I’m… awfully sorry…
Battle Cry: The enemy is weakened!
Victory 1: Let me patch up those injuries!
Victory 2: Mind if I dissect you?
Appreciation: You deserve my thanks.
Fury or Alert: Don’t mess with the doctor!
Protect or Escape: Can’t exactly threat myself…
Knockout: How can a doctor fall…?
Battle Cry: Probability of victory-- high.
Victory 1: Target neutralized.
Victory 2: Battle complete. Next operation.
Appreciation: Help greatly appreciated.
Fury or Alert: Moving into full power.
Protect or Escape: Significant damage sustained.
Knockout: All systems down… Sleep mode--
Battle Cry: Hmph. What a disappointment.
Victory 1: Pretty obvious result, I’d say.
Victory 2: Thanks for the help.
Appreciation: Worked up a sweat for nothing.
Fury or Alert: Wanna real fight? No going back!
Protect or Escape: Time to get serious.
Knockout: It’s the Tenkai Star’s fault…
II - Starbearers: Supports
Battle Cry: Have I got news for you!
Battle Cry: I’ll crank up the unit.
Battle Cry: Take a short break, everyone.
Battle Cry: Time to take your medicine!
Battle Cry: Skill of the Black Blade.
Battle Cry: Grrraaahhh!!!
Battle Cry: Lucky! You get to see my magic!
Battle Cry: Dance! Dance to my music!
Battle Cry: I’ll turn a profit from this!
Battle Cry: Bye-bye!
Battle Cry: You just rolled snake eyes!

III - Allies and Special Characters
Battle Cry: Time to act!
Victory 1: We won. Nice work, people!
Victory 2: I wish my world could see this.
Appreciation: You’re always so helpful.
Fury or Alert: Haaa!!!
Protect or Escape: I’m OK. Nothing to worry about.
Knockout: I’m… sorry Hero…
Battle Cry: Comin’ at you!
Victory 1: I’ve got to return to my world!
Victory 2: Now that was a battle!
Appreciation: Thanks!
Fury or Alert: N/A
Protect or Escape: Nothin’ but a scratch!
Knockout: Urgh… Why now…?
Battle Cry: Time to strike!
Victory 1: Gotta keep mopping up like this.
Victory 2: You all did a fine job!
Appreciation: Thanks, that’ll help!
Fury or Alert: N/A
Protect or Escape: I’m still in this!
Knockout: This is… pitiful…!
Marica? (Other)
Battle Cry: Here I come!!!
Victory 1: I wonder who’s better.
Victory 2: Ha ha! Way to go, everyone!
Appreciation: Thanks!
Fury or Alert: N/A
Protect or Escape: Whoa!
Knockout: Ugh… I blew it…
IV - Enemies
Knockout: So this… is my determined fate.
Fury or Alert: Don’t get carried away, kiddies.
Knockout: Impossible…
Knockout: I… never would have thought…
Knockout: How… can this be…?
Disclaimer: All Suikoden Tierkreis' images, arts, logos, names and related characters are properties of Konami.
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