61) Chapter 4, Scene - Sister Knows Best
Lena: "Matthis! Is that you, Brother? It's me, Lena."
Matthis: "Lena?! What are you doing on a battlefield?"
Lena: "I was attacked by bandits in the Teeth while tending to the sick there, and these people saved me. The real question is, what are YOU doing on a battlefield-- least of all this one!"
Matthis: "I'm not here by choice, sister of mine. Since you left, Macedon has only gotten worse and worse. They forced me to enlist-- you know I hate warfare, but it was into the army or onto the chopping block."
Lena: "Shame on you, Matthis. If you're going to fight, then at least fight for something you believe in. Macedon has done terrible things: marrying their might to Dohlr, helping them torment people... Brother, it's not too late. You could join Altea's forces. They're good people, you know. Prince Marth would welcome you. They all would."
Matthis: "...All right, then. If I'm going to die, I'd rather die as one of the dashing than one of the dastardly. You know, Lena, you always were the reliable one. And now you're all grown up... I thought for sure you'd have already settled down with your one true love."
Lena: "T-true love? I've... I've met no such man, Matthis."
Matthis: "Hmm, is that so? I wonder... Well, you just be careful. There are plenty of thieves out there who would steal a girl's heart."
62) Chapter 4, Scene - Two Princes
Marth: "You must be Matthis, Sister Lena's--"
Matthis: "ACK! Y-you're Prince Marth! Aieee! S-s-stay your rapier, I beg you!"
Marth: "...What has gotten into you?"
Matthis: "You mean... you haven't come to stick me like a pig for fighting under the Macedon standard?"
Marth: "Er, no..."
Matthis: "Really?"
Marth: "Really and truly."
Matthis: "Oh! Uh, right then... Sorry about that little display. I guess Lena was right. Just goes to show not all princes are cut from the same cloth!"
Marth: "What do you mean?"
Matthis: "Oh, well, our prince-- Price Michalis of Macedon, that is-- he's strong, and proud... and an utter tyrant. They say he puts the soldiers who look the most scared in the front lines on purpose."
Marth: "Hmm... Prince Michalis of Macedon..."
Matthis: "Don't worry, sire, I won't mistake you for him again! Altean princes I can trust!"
63) Chapter 4, Ending - From the Elder
Villager: "Prince Marth, you have our thanks for liberating the south castle. You'll find Captain Hardin at a fortress in northern Aurelis, protecting the king and the lady Nyna. When you find him, please be sure to give him this silver sword."
64) Chapter 5, Opening - Altea has Come
Hardin: "Princess Nyna, I've spotted them! The Altean army is on the far side of the river."
Nyna: "They're here? At last! Prince Marth has come for us!"
Hardin: "So it seems. Now, what say you we turn this battle around? I'm going to take my men east to join our might with Marth's. Together we will retake the castle. Stay here, my lady, and wait for the good news."
65) Chapter 5, Village - Glowin' Red Rock
Villager: "Well g'day, there, son! ...Why the wide-eyed stare? Ain'cha never seen a country village before? You know, speakin' o' rare sights, I once went to Pyrathi, where I saw me a real live Manakete! Hooey, let me tell you what a shock THAT was! In a blink, this regular old feller turned into an enormous dragon! I mean, I ain't stupid. I'd heard of the dragonkin before. I'd just always assumed Manaketes looked somethin' like parakeets. Sheesh... ...What? Oh, this? I picked this stone up while I was there. Dunno what it is, but how often do you spy a glowin' red rock, ya know what I'm sayin'? But honestly, it's been kinda creepin' me out lately. You want it? Go on 'n' take it. Sheesh..."

Marth and Nyna
66) Chapter 5, Scene - Teacher and Pupil
Merric: "Oh... Master Wendell! Teacher!"
Wendell: "Well, hello, Merric! What a surprise! Good to see you haven't blown yourself up yet."
Merric: "Not yet, sir. But I did find Prince Marth, just like I said I would. I've joined the Altean army in the fight against Dolhr. ...Why are you here, Teacher?"
Wendell: "Hmm... It's Khadein, lad. The land is not as you remember it. That fiend Gharnef seized power, and now he's draped the city in darkness. I fear Khadein is doomed... I could not stay and serve him. So, I snuck out alone."
Merric: "Very brave of you, sir. Hmm... Why don't you join us, then? If Gharnef is helping Dolhr, then he's a bitter enemy of ours as much as he is yours and Khadein's. We couldn't possibly leave the city in his clutches. And I'm sure the prince would be pleased as pie to have magic as robust as yours in his arsenal."
Wendell: "Hmm, you know how to argue a point. I've no taste for war, but war is what I've been served. Come, Merric. We'll fight together. Tell your prince of Altea that Wendell is at his service."
67) Chapter 5, Scene - Pontifical Plea
Wendell: "Prince Marth, I am Wendell, a pontifex of Khadein, City of Magic. Our pleas for peace have failed, and Khadein has been taken over by one of the other pontifices. His name is Gharnef, and he and the many mages who swear allegiance to him have allied themselves with Dolhr. Prince Marth, I ask you now: please lend me your help in thwarting his vile ambitions."
68) Chapter 5, Scene - Pontifical Plea (Wendell is already an ally)
Wendell: "Prince Marth, I am Wendell, a pontifex of Khadein, City of Magic. Our pleas for peace have failed, and Khadein has been taken over by one of the other pontifices. His name is Gharnef, and he and the many mages who swear allegiance to him have joined Dolhr on the path of evil. Prince Marth, I ask you now: please lend me your help in thwarting his vile ambitions."
69) Chapter 5, Scene - Fast Friends
Marth: "Lord Hardin, I am Marth of Altea. I've come to offer what help I can."
Hardin: "And I very gratefully accept it. Stories of your exploits travel fast, young prince. I feel as though I've gained a thousand allies in one."
Marth: "I've heard a few stories about you as well, Coyote. It will be an honor to fight alongside such a courageous man."
Hardin: "I've left Princess Nyna someplace safe for now. We need to decide who will command here. I was hoping it would be you."
Marth: "Me? But, Sir Hardin, you are far more qualified--"
Hardin: "Tsk, Princess Nyna would not be pleased to hear us nitpicking over who will be listed in the history books. Take command, so we can oust this Macedonian scum and be done with it."
Marth: "You are sure?"
Hardin: "Make no mistake, Lord Marth. I consider myself an exceptionally good judge of character. If I thought you acted out of selfishness or ambition, I would not extend the offer I have. You have my trust."
Marth: "Lord Hardin, thank you. That is an honor. If you don't mind me saying so... I feel as though I've made a good friend. We share the same ideals, I think."
Hardin: "That we do. May our friendship be a long one."
70) Chapter 5, Ending - Into the Halls
Aurelis King: "Prince Marth, your arrival could not have been better timed. Please accept our gratitude. Princess Nyna of Archanea is en route from the fortress. I am sure she will wish to meet you. The battle is not won yet, though: many of the enemy continue to hold out within the castle's halls. Stay wary."
71) Chapter 6, Opening - Emereus Panics
Emereus: "What?! The rebels are inside the castle? Grrr... Very well! Armored units: intercept the intruders! Archers: defend the throne! Thieves, you go gather up the treasure while I make preparations to withdraw. You have your orders! Don't let those rebels anyhere near this chamber!"
72) Chapter 6, Scene - Missed Ya, Chief
Julian: "What the-- Rickard? What are you doin' in here?"
Rickard: "Oh, uh... hey there, Chief! Been a long time, huh? So, funny story: I decided to break in here and clean the place out-- and then I got caught. Hilarious, right? Comedy gold. OK, your turn. What are YOU doin' here?"
Julian: "Me? I've washed my hands of thievery and joined the forces of justice."
Rickard: "Ohhh really? Justice? So then this wouldn't have nothin' to do with some new lady friend? You always did have a soft spot for a pretty face and the right features--"
Julian: "Wha-- Can it, you little fink! I said it's about justice! I'm entitled to have a moral crisis now and then! ...You know what? Just for that, YOU are gonna work for me, startin' right now."
Rickard: "What? Do I have to...? Well, all right. You drive a hard bargain, but what can I say? I missed ya, Chief. Just make sure I get a cut of the haul!"
73) Chapter 6, Scene - Springing the Thief
Rickard: "...Wow! Really?! A prince, you say? Thanks for springin' me! I'm Rickard. Just a small-time thief, mind you, but I've got big aspirations! I broke in here to clean the place out, and instead it was me that got my clock cleaned... Since you saved my hide, I guess the least I can do is lend you my services in return."
74) Chapter 6, Scene - Small-Time Thief
Rickard: "So you're the prince of Altea, then? Hello. I'm Rickard. Just a small-time thief, mind you, but I've got big aspirations! Julian asked me to help you out, see, and what the chief says, goes! So here I am."
75) Chapter 6, Ending - The Fire Emblem
Nyna: "Prince Marth... At long last. I am Nyna of House Archanea. 'Tis Archanea's burden to protect the world in times of crisis-- a duty I have striven to fulfill. But Dolhr has laid waste to my kingdom, and now I find myself powerless to stop the world from falling into ruin... Marth... Please, pick up this banner where I have dropped it. Lead your might against Dolhr, and free us all."
Marth: "Of course, Princess Nyna. Altea swore fealty to Archanea long ago, a vow we have always kept. And, as you know, it is in my blood-- House Altea's blood-- to destroy Medeus just as Anri did before me."
Nyna: "Thank you, Marth. Then let me give you this. This crest is called the Fire Emblem. House Archanea bestows it only upon a true champion, one we believe has the power to save the world. With it, you gain the right to open treasure chests across the land and wield the precious items within. I know you will use them well. Never give up, Marth. Fight, until the day you restore light to our world."
76) Chapter 6x, Opening - Unselfish Creature
Elder: "Athena! My lady, wait! Where are you going all by yourself? This is madness!"
Athena: "Vy vould you vant to stop us? Your children vere taken by the pirates. Ve are offering to go get them back."
Elder: "But you're barely recovered! If you try to fight the pirates in that state, you'll only--"

Marth and Elice
Athena: "Only vat? Die? If your villagers had not pulled us from the sea, ve vould have been svallowed by the vaves anyway. This is the least ve can do. Vat sort of selfish creature do you take us for?"
Elder: "But there's no way you can stop them! There's only one of you-- er, yous. Look, please, just wait a little longer. I've sent our younger folk to find help. Give them a chance to return!"
Athena: "...Very vell. Ve vill vait for this 'help.' But if no vun comes, make no mistake: ve vill not sit idly by."
77) Chapter 6x, Village - Vun Voman!
Athena: "Vell, vell.. You must be the help. Ve vish to fight vith you."
Marth: "Ah, splendid. How many of you? Gather your men, and we'll be on our way at once."
Athena: "Men? Ve are a voman. Vun voman! Are you blind, stupid manchild?"
Marth: "Vat? ...Ahem, what? Oh. Right, pardon me. I, uh, I am Marth, prince of Altea. I heard pirates took the village children, so I brought my army straightaway."
Athena: "...If you say so. Ve are called Athena. The vee vuns have been visked away to a castle south of here. Come. Ve have a fair bit of skill vith a sword; hopefully the same can be said of you, Marth of Altea."
78) Chapter 6x, Ending - In War's Grip
Boy: "*Sniff* I wanna go home..."
Girl: "Thanks, mister."
Elder: "Prince Marth, bless you... I haven't the words to express our gratitude. We were ready to abandon all hope, but you came to ous aid when no one else would, when you did not have to. I know today's battle means little when the entire world is at war. History may not remember it-- but we will. Our village will speak of your feats for generations to come."
79) Chapter 6x, Ending - Grateful
Boy: "*Sniff* I wanna go home..."
Girl: "Thanks, mister."
Elder: "Prince Marth, bless you... I haven't the words to express our gratitude. We were ready to abandon all hope, but you came to our aid when no one else would, when you did not have to. I know today's battle means little when the entire world is at war. History may not remember it-- but we will. Our village will speak of your feats for generations to come."
Shortly after...
Athena: "Marth. Ve have decided to go vith you."
Marth: "You have?"
Athena: "It is the least ve can do. Vat sort of selfish creature do you take us for? Ve vill join you, and you vill be grateful. Do ve make ourselves clear?"
Marth: "P-perfectly clear, Athena. Your swordsmanship will turn the tides in many a battle to come."
80) Chapter 7, Opening - Lefcandith Gauntlet
Minerva: "General Harmein, I cannot abide by these tactics of yours. Let me attack the rebels head-on and keep my pride as a knight of Macedon."
Harmein: "Ah, you mean the same pride that cost us all those soldiers back in Aurelis? I think not, Princess. If we're to regroup, we need to buy time. My tactics are necessary. The emperor himself named me commander of this post. Either obey, or accept the consequences. Your little sister, Maria, is still our ward, is she not? What a shame it would be, if we decided we could no longer care for her..."
Minerva: "Enough! ...I will obey. But the Altean knights are smarter than you give them credit for. They will prevail here, and you will regret having acted so rashly, General."
81) Chapter 7, Scene - Minerva Withdraws
Minerva: "Fie, enough! I've no stomach for these cat-and-mouse tactics. Come, Whitewings! We fly! Hyah!"
82) Chapter 7, Scene - Palla Withdraws
Palla: "I serve Princess Minerva, not Grust. This battle is over."
83) Chapter 7, Scene - Catria Withdraws
Catria: "The commander left? Then I've no reason to stay."
84) Chapter 7, Scene - Est Withdraws
Est: "Sorry, General. My place is with the commander."
85) Chapter 7, Village - Aged Fire Dragon
Bantu: "You there. Have you come across a young girl, one by the name of Tiki? She must be found, boy! Tiki is the last of the Naga, the divine-dragon clan. Without her powers, we cannot challenge the Manaketes who serve Medeus... ...Me? I haven't the power. I am a fire dragon, yes... But in name alone, in name alone. I lost my firestone in Pyrathi. Without it, I cannot do battle. ...You will be traveling much, yes? I wish to go with you. Perhaps together we can find Tiki."
86) Chapter 7, Ending - The Manaketes
Malledus: "Prince Marth, I was wondering if we might talk about the Manaketes."
Marth: "Manaketes? You mean the dragonkin?"
Malledus: "Yes, sire. I was not sure how much knowledge you had of them. The Manaketes inhabited our continent long before the dawn of humanity. However, ordinarily their draconic disposition stayed suppressed; their power sealed within special stones. Thus rather than terrorizing humankind, they chose to live simple, peaceful lives in the quieter reaches of the world. However, a century ago, something changed. Medeus, the Shadow Dragon, surfaced in the Dolhr, region... and created what would become a great empire there. His forces invaded the human realm, and in the blink of an eye, he had subjugated all the land. It was then, in that darkest hour, that a young man named Anri appeared and rose against the Shadow Dragon. In his hand was a shining blade of light-- Falchion-- which he plunged into Medeus... and the tyrant was no more. Anri went on to found Altea-- and the rest, I believe, you know."
Marth: "Yes, Malledus... Is that what this was about? I do know my own kingdom's history. And I know what I must do, now that Medeus has revived and restored Dolhr to its former might."
Malledus: "You are Anri's last male descendant, the only one who can wield Falchion. You must find the blade that was taken and put an end to Dolhr and its misguided Manakete ruler."
Marth: "I will finish what my father started. I will avenge him and bring light back into our world."
87) Chapter 8, Opening - Help from Warren
Caesar: "Prince Marth, I am Caesar, and this is Radd. We are hired swords in the service of Port Warren. Grust has gathered its knights by the fortresses to the north. It's dangerous for you to stay here. Thankfully, the eastern castle has been left almost entirely unguarded; that's the place to strike. Please be careful, sire. We'll be fighting with you all the way."

88) Chapter 8, Scene - Love's Messenger?
Caeda: "Good day, sir."
Roger: "Ack!"
Caeda: "Peace, I've no wish to fight you. My name is Caeda. I hail from Talys."
Roger: "Wh-what are you talking to me for?! This is a battlefield!"
Caeda: "Might I trouble you by asking your name, good sir?"
Roger: "M-my name? That's-- It's Roger... Why?"
Caeda: "Hee hee, forgive me, Roger, it's just-- you looked so sweet and kind. I just had to stop and talk to you. Tell me: do you believe in love? Oh, listen to me. I'm sure you already have a sweetheart back in Grust."
Roger: "What?! No, no! I... I mean, er, I'm quite unattached at the moment."
Caeda: "Roger, think of the children-- the poor women and children who shed tears every day this war drags on. I joined the Archanean League to put an end to it, but I just... I just... *Sniff* Oh, Roger, doesn't it just break your heart?"
Roger: "Aye, miss. There, there. I, too, wish nothing more than for this needless war to end."
Caeda: "Then... would you consider fighting with us to end it?"
Roger: "What?! Oh, heavens, no... I'm sorry, but I could never betray my kingdom."
Caeda: "Ah, yes, I see. You must have family back in Grust who are counting on you."
Roger: "No, not especially. My parents are dead, and it's not as if I've a girl to call my own. But Grust is my home-- always has been I won't betray her."
Caeda: "And I cannot convince you to change your mind?"
Roger: "I'm afraid not, miss."
Caeda: "All right, sorry to bother you. But I'm glad we had this chance to talk, Roger. You're every bit the man I thought you were. Goodbye, then..."
Roger: "Wait-- you're leaving?!"
Caeda: "Well, yes, Roger, I must! Every moment I stay here, I put you at risk. What if your comrades thought you were conspiring with the enemy? No, I must go..."
Roger: "...You're very kind, Caeda. Dare I say, we don't have girls quite like you back in Grust. Um... perhaps... I suppose I could... ...Aw, heck, I'm going with you!"
89) Chapter 8, Scene - Red-Faced Roger
Roger: "Prince Marth? I'm Roger, a Grustian soldier. Well, at least I was. I'm through fighting against you. Let me join your League."
Marth: "Well, certainly. We need all the strong allies we can get. But why the sudden change of heart?"
Roger: "Well, er... There's this fetching girl named Caeda who asked me to, and, uh... What can I say? I think I'm in love. Try saying no to a girl who comes racing up to you in the heat of battle just to ask if you believe in love! Whew! I must've turned red as a strawberry! Heh heh..."
Marth: "......"
90) Chapter 8, Ending - Pyrathi Exodus
Malledus: "Sire, it's too dangerous to stay here. We must flee to Pyrathi. There are risks there, too-- the Pyrathi king, Mannu, is said to be a descendant of the dragonkin, a Manakete. Still, we've no other recourse. We'll just have to take our chances... Keep your wits about you, sire."
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