91) Chapter 9, Opening - Dragon's Pyre
Mannu: "Interlopers! Barbarous filth! They dare dig their heels and hooves into this hallowed ground? I will kill them for this-- one by one-- then turn the crimson grass beneath them into their pyre!"
92) Chapter 9, Village - Patriotic Sniper
Jeorge: "Prince Marth, I am Jeorge, an Archanean sniper. I fought to defend our palace from Dolhr, but the enemy's strength was too great. We lost, and I was captured. Thankfully, they're not half as bright as they are strong, and I managed to slip away when they were not looking. I heard you were on your way to Pyrathi and that Princess Nyna was with you, so I came here to offer my help. Let me fight with you to save my land, and I will use this silver bow to show you marksmanship unlike any you've seen."
93) Chapter 9, Ending - Minerva's Dilemma
Catria: "Prince Marth. I am Catria, of the Whitewinged Order of Macedon. I have come with a request from our mistress, the princess Minerva. She is planning to lead us against Dolhr in rebellion; however, her hands are tied so long as the enemy holds her younger sister, the princess Maria, captive. Will you rescue Princess Maria from their clutches, that my Whitewing sisters and I might join in your fight?"
94) Chapter 10, Opening - Princess Minerva
Zharov: "Princess Minerva, what brins you here? You've left your post: not very wise. Might I remind you, poor conduct on your part could have repercussions on how... comfortable... your sister remains."
Minerva: "I am aware of my situation, thank you. ...I did not come to make trouble. Just let me see Maria for a little while. She's only a child, General. Think of what she must be going through--"
Zharov: "Impossible, I'm afraid. She is a hostage. If your sister's well-being concerns you, then start following orders."
Soldier: "General! Grave news! The rebel army has been sighted east of Castle Deil!"
Zharov: "What?! Why in creation would the rebels come here? Blast... Order the Dragoons to sortie! And don't forget to send word to the main army. We need reinforcements!"
Minerva: "Rebels...? Then Marth has arrived..."
95) Chapter 10, Scene - No Protesting!
Maria: "Oh! You must be Prince Marth! (My, he's so dashing!) ...Thank you for rescuing me. Please be sure to tell my sister I am free. She'll be grateful for the news. Now then. Shall we be off? I'm coming with you, of course. ...No protesting! I wish to help."
96) Chapter 10, Scene - Macedon's Honor
Minerva: "Greetings, Prince Marth. I am Minerva of Macedon. Thank you for saving my sister. Maria's plight forced me to treat you as an enemy when I knew you were not; suffice to say, I am deeply sorry for that. ...The whole world has gone mad. Most of Macedon fights for Dolhr now. My own brother, Michalis, leads them. And on their hands is the blood of their king, my father. They must be stopped; I must stop them. Still, I fear for my soldiers, whom I can no longer protect, especially the three Whitewing sisters: Palla, Catria, and Est. Dolhr worried we would rebel and forced us to separate. If they knew I was safe, they would join your ranks in a heartbeat. We are yours to command, sire. Let us help you defeat Dolhr and repay them for sullying Macedon's honor."
97) Chapter 10, Ending - Aura's Scion
Nyna: "Marth, have you ever heard of Pontifex Miloah?"
Marth: "The one who once defended Archanea with the power of Aura? Of course; he and his magic are famous! But... I read Miloah died in a battle with Gharnef, soon after the fiend sold his soul to Dolhr..."
Nyna: "Alas, Miloah did die... But his daughter, Linde, yet lives. I am told she inherited her father's skill with Aura magic-- but since the battle with Gharnef, none have seen her. Wherever she is, it cannot be pleasant. ...Marth, please. Find Linde. With her father gone, we are the only family the girl has left."
98) Chapter 11, Opening - That Vivid Picture
Marth: "Nyna, soon the palace will be in sight. I... know this can't be easy for you."
Nyna: "...... When the palace fell, many, many good Archaneans were killed. The royal family... My family were... Their bodies were hung before the gates as an example. I cannot unpaint that vivid picture, of my parents grotesquely... changed... I feel as though I should cry, Marth; or scream. But no tears come, and I cannot chase away the sadness and rage... ...I cannot change the past. I can only shape the future. Lead the way, Marth. I am ready. Take me home."
99) Chapter 11, Village - Miloah's Daughter
Ruffian: "Heh. Whadda you want? A broken nose?"
Marth: "I heard you are holding some Archaneans here against their will. Release them at once!"
Ruffian: "How 'bout I release my fist into yer-- Munchin' Manaketes! The Altean army?! Aieee! Get me outta here!!!"
Marth: "Is everyone all right? I know you've been through a lot. Go home to your families. ...Hm? What's wrong, lad? Why don't you go home?"

Boy: "Because... I have no home to go to."
The boy removed his hood which to Marth's surprise, he found out that...
Marth: "You... you're a girl! Why were you dressed as a boy?"
Linde: "To hide, sir. My name is Linde. My father is-- was-- Miloah, a pontifex. I donned men's garb to escape from Gharnef, but no sooner was I away than those ruffians grabbed me."
Marth: "So you're Linde... I'm glad you are safe. Princess Nyna was worried about you, you know... Well, we're all together now. I promise to keep you out of danger."
Linde: "No! Let me fight. With Princess Nyna's blessing and the tome my father left me, I can wield Aura magic. Let me use it to avenge him. I want to destroy Gharnef myself!"
100) Chapter 11, Scene - For Anna
Caeda: "Hail, ballistician of Grust! Are you the one they call Jake?"
Jake: "Hail yourself, sugar! What's a fetching lass like you doing out here on the battlefield? And how do you know my name?"
Caeda: "I am Caeda of Talys. An Archanean woman by the name of Anna told me about you."
Jake: "Really? Anna mentioned me? ...In a good way, right?"
Caeda: "She's very worried about you. She wants to know why such a good man is fighting for the wrong side."
Jake: "Wrong side? Hmm... Well, I have to admit, I'm not too keen on kicking Archanea while they're down..."
Caeda: "Then why not fight for Archanea instead? Help us defeat Grust and Dolhr, and set the world right."
Jake: "Well... I don't know. I don't think it's that simple... Hmm..."
Caeda: "Anna would love you for it, I'm sure."
Jake: "She would? Hmm... All right, you win. But I'm doin' it for Anna-- just to be clear!"
101) Chapter 11, Scene - Secret Shops
Jake: "Are you the Altean prince? The name's Jake. I just joined up."
Marth: "Many thanks, Jake."
Jake: "You know, I've been to Altea once. Have you, uh... ever paid a visit to the ecret-say op-shay there?"
Marth: "The what?"
Jake: "The secret shop! Sheesh... Didn't you know there are hidden shops all over the continent? Well, there's one in Altea, too."
Marth: "Oh, really? Where exactly?"
Jake: "If I told you, it wouldn't be much of a secret, now would it? The entrance is disguised so you can't find it."
Marth: "Disguised?!"
Jake: "And they don't let anybody in without a VIP card. So don't expect to waltz through the door by accident."
Marth: "But... how do they stay in business?"
Jake: "Who knows! Last I heard, they were desperate for customers."
Marth: "Then maybe they should reopen as a 'tell your friends' shop..."
Jake: "Ha! Very clever. Anyway, you should drop by when you're in the neighborhood."
Marth: "But I don't know-- Ugh. Never mind..."
102) Chapter 11, Ending - Palace Return
Marth: "Good news, Nyna! We've wrested control of the gates from the enemy."
Nyna: "Then... we've won!"
Marth: "Not quite yet. We can enter the palace, but Dolhr still holds strong inside her walls. Also, a number of knights are being held captive inside."
Nyna: "Loyal soldiers who fought for their kingdom and their people... Marth, I wish to free them as soon as possible."
Marth: "I understand. We should strike now, then, before enemy reinforcements can arrive. I believe we have a good chance."
Nyna: "Thank you, Marth. As always, I am counting on you."
Marth: "Worry no more."
103) Chapter 12, Opening - Captive Knights
Midia: "Bishop, what do you make of this? I hear shouting in the corridors."
Boah: "Hmm... Princess Nyna must have returned with an army in tow."
Midia: "An army?! Really? Then we are saved!"
Boah: "Saved, perhaps... or doomed. Surely the enemy realizes we are more trouble to them alive than dead now."
Midia: "You do not take my meaning, Bishop. By 'we' I mean Archanea. Archanea is saved. If Princess Nyna has truly come to chase the enemy from our halls, to free us... Then my death will have meaning."
Boah: "Ho ho... I admire your spirit, child. I always have. But think how Astram would grieve if you were to die."
Midia: "I... I had hoped to see him one last time-- to say goodbye. That alone I regret."
Boah: "Ah, but you have not died yet, Midia. Hang on to hope."
104) Chapter 12, Ending - The Three Regalia
Nyna: "Marth, thank you. Were it not for you, I may never have seen the halls of my house again."
Marth: "I could not have done it alone, Nyna. The whole Archanean League fought tooth and nail this day."
Nyna: "True, and yet all the same... I have little doubt your exploits are the ones that will live on in song. I have a gift for you, to celebrate your achievements here. This bow is called Parthia. It is one of the three regalia that have been passed down through House Archanea. The other two regalia-- the sword Mercurius and the lance Gradivus-- are not here. The enemy took them when they fled. I am sorry. I had hoped to give you all three and thus aid you in the battles to come..."
Marth: "Your concern for me is more than enough, Nyna. One day, I will get your family's treasures back and use them to crush Dolhr. I swear it on this emblem of fire!"
105) Chapter 12x, Opening - For His People
Dejanira: "Have you heard, Horace? I am told the rebels just recaptured the palace. That accursed Archanean wench! To hell with Camus's pleas. We should have put her to the sword with the rest of them..."
Horace: "......"
Dejanira: "Hm, something bothering you, now? Don't tell me you are toying with the idea of rejoining your motherland? Because if you do, I think you know exactly what will befall your people."
Horace: "Yes, you've made it quite clear! I am an Archanean knight no longer. I knew this day would come when I gave my lance to Dolhr. I will not flinch."
Dejanira: "Good. Then gather your soldiers and kill these rebels before they cause any more trouble."

106) Chapter 12x, Scene - Let Them Act
Dolhr Soldier: "Lord Horace, our soldiers are in position."
Horace: "Good."
Dolhr Soldier: "Shall we advance on the enemy?"
Horace: "...No. That won't be necessary. We'll lure them in close, then strike. No one attacks unless the enemy makes a move first. Is that clear?"
107) Chapter 12x, Scene - Horace's Choice
Marth: "Lord Horace! I am Marth of Altea I ask that you lay down your arms."
Horace: "...Is Princess Nyna safe?"
Marth: "She is-- and she's quite worried about you, sir."
Horace: "So Her Highness is alive... The soldiers who died protecting her can rest in peace. ...Now then, Prince Marth. Draw your sword."
Marth: "What? But... Lord Horace!"
Horace: "I chose to betray Archanea, and now I must abide by that choice. Princess Nyna has returned to the palace, and Archanea is restored. I have no regrets."
108) Chapter 12x, Village - Tarnished Name
Elder: "Lord Horace, who rules this land, used to be a knight of Archanea. After the palace fell, though, he bent the knee to the Dolhrian emperor and has been servin' him ever since. For that, folks call him a traitor and say he tarnished his knightly brethren's reputation. Well, that's a load of hogwash. He broke his knightly oaths to protect us! Not 'cause he's some traitor. Please, sire, you have to help clear his name. Here... Lord Horace's father, bless him, gave me this weapon as a gift long ago. I know he'd be glad to see it used to restore his son's honor."
109) Chapter 12x, Village - Save Our Lord
Villager: "Are you with the League? Please, sir, I'm beggin' ya... You have to help Lord Horace. He's always looked out for us small folk, before and after he inherited the land. He's a pillar of strength, he is. We'd be dead if he hadn't made the tough choices he did. The least we can do is rescue him from his plight now. Here, I've got this magic tome one of our villagers found after the last battle on our soil. You take it, and find some way to save him. Promise!"
110) Chapter 12x, Scene - After the Battle
Horace: "What? Dejanira's been killed?! Then... it's over. Soldiers! Lay down your weapons! No more Archanean blood shall be shed! ...Mine shall be the last."
111) Chapter 12x, Ending - Traitor's Worth
Horace: "Bravo, Prince Marth. I yield. Spare the lives of my soldiers and treat my people kindly, and you may do with me as you see fit."
Villager: "No! Wait, please! Lord Horace is a good man! Dolhr threatened him, said they'd raze the land corner to corner if he didn't comply. So you see--"
Horace: "Hush! You've said enough."
Marth: "But, Lord Horace..."
Horace: "I betrayed my fellow knights and besmirched their good name. I will not dress up my sins as kindness! I accept my punishment. Allow me to die a knight's death."
Nyna: "I will not!"
Horace: "......! Princess Nyna?"
Nyna: "Horace. I heard what you said. And you have it quite right. Your crimes deserve death, or worse."
Marth: "Nyna, what are you--"
Nyna: "But I shall give you no knight's death. I shall give you a traitor's life. You say you will not dress up your sins. I say you will not run from them either."
Horace: "Your Highness...! Are you saying you wish me to live?"
Nyna: "You did all in your power to protect these people. That was honorable, Horace. But if you die today, no one will remember you for anything but your one act of betrayal. Your soldiers will have to bear that shame in your stead. Do you call that justice?"
Horace: "......"
Nyna: "Starting today, you shall prove to the world there was value in your actions. Show us a traitor's worth. Show us what the soldiers who fought and died for you saw to be true."
Horace: "I... I do not know what to say."
Nyna: "I have claimed your life, Horace. You have no say. You shall fight for us... and you shall not die. I forbid it."
Horace: "Heh... Very well, Your Highness. As you command..."
112) Chapter 12x, Ending - Unspoken Worth
Marth: "Nyna, we have put down the western insurgence."
Nyna: "And Horace?"
Marth: "I am sorry..."
Nyna: "Poor Horace. Marth, in his heart, I do not think he truly wished to betray Archanea."
Marth: "Nor I. Dolhr must have threatened to do harm to his people."
Nyna: "So Horace capitulated, to keep them safe... He acted to save lives, yet the world will brand him a traitor. That one word will come to define him... and none will ever know the traitor's worth."
113) Chapter 13, Opening - Grust's Artillery
Nyna: "Grust's artillery... Our opponent is mighty."
Marth: "Nonetheless, we must face them head-on; they stand between us and Altea."
Nyna: "That hunger for danger worries me, Marth. Humanity's hope's rest on your shoulders. I would sooner not see them crushed. "
Marth: "Which? Humanity's hopes, or my shoulders? ...Have a little faith, Nyna. The enemy ballisticians can strike from afar, but they're powerless up close. All we need to do is move in and silence them before they do too much damage. Watch!"
114) Chapter 13, Village - Ballistician of Deil
Beck: "Prince Marth, I presume? The name's Beck. I fought in the battle at Castle Deil. After my shameful defeat there, see, I took refuge in this village. And when I heard your army was marchin' this way, I readied my ballista, hopin' for another taste of battle. So how 'bout it, Princey? Take me along! I'm packin' thunderbolts, see? The enemy ballisticians'll never know what hit 'em!"
115) Chapter 13, Scene - Crushing Dolhr?
Midia: "Hello, my lover."
Astram: "Midia...? Midia, my sweet! Can it really be you? I feared you were dead!"
Midia: "Oh, Astram! How could you not have heard? Archanea is free! The Altean came and liberated the palace along with all the hostages within! Now we fight as one. Come with us, Astram! You needn't dance to Dolhr's fiddle any longer."
Astram: "I've a mind to break their fiddle, for all the evils they have wrought..."
Midia: "Now you can. We can take them on together."
Astram: "That we can. ...Midia. I am sorry I letf you alone. I will not make that mistake again."
Midia: "No, you certainly won't. Now that I have you back... you'll find me exceedingly reluctant to let you go."
Astram: "Ooh... Yes, I can see that! Just take care you don't crush me instead of Dolhr!"
116) Chapter 13, Scene - Heads Will Roll
Astram: "You are Prince Marth?"
Marth: "Correct, Sir Astram."
Astram: "...Forgive my lack of courtesy, but you and I need to be clear on a certain point."

Gharnef and Tiki
Marth: "Oh?"
Astram: "While I have decided to lend you my sword, my allegiance lies with Princess Nyna-- not you, my lord. I will follow your orders, but should I learn you have been false to her, or that you are manipulating her... Heads will roll."
Marth: "Well, Sir Astram... in the interest of keeping my head atop my shoulders, let me suggest this: Fight with me. Watch me, and then judge for yourself whether I am worthy of your skill and of your help."
Astram: "......Hmm, very well. Your orders, then, Lord Marth."
117) Chapter 13, Ending - Not Just Hate
Nyna: "Spectacularly done, Marth. ...Does something ail you? I thought you would be happier."
Marth: "Today, there was this commoner... She mentioned Grust was divided about the war. Some of its people wanted to fight with Altea, she said... Ever since I lost my father and kingdom, I've held nothing but hate in my heart for Gra and Grust... but not once did I give any thought to what must have been through their heads."
Nyna: "And now you find your hate for them has been lessened?"
Marth: "No... The hate remains. I will never forget the pain they inflicted upon me, the rage I felt. Yet now, at least, I can tell you it's not just hate... Not anymore."
Nyna: "Not all evils are wrought for evil purposes. Perhaps this sounds naive, but... A true leader needs to look at his opponent and see more than just an enemy."
Marth: "......"
118) Chapter 14, Opening - Gra's Sun Sets
Gra Soldier: "King Jiol, they're 'ere! The League is outside the Bastion!"
Jiol: "League? How dare you call them that! I see naught but a prince of ghosts and his pack of rebels."
Gra Soldier: "B-beggin' your pardon, sire, but everybody calls 'em the League now. Altea and Aurelis and Archanea... The League of A's, you might say!"
Jiol: "Shut up, you idiot! Hmm... So the princeling has returned. And he leads all the might of Archanea, with the Fire Emblem in hand... Did you send to Dolhr for reinforcements like I asked?"
Gra Soldier: "Of course, sire. Macedon's pegasus knights are on their way."
Jiol: "Pegasus knights?! How am I supposed to stop the Lea-- those REBELS with a handful of... of winged ponies! Send another messenger! Tell them we need Camus' Sable Order, or ...or Michalis' Dragoons! Blast... I deserve the same protection as the rest of the empire! Betraying Altea was Gharnef's idea! Let... let him fight the brat! Don't just stand there, DO something! I don't want to die!"
119) Chapter 14, Village - Mysterious Knight
?????: "You must be Prince Marth of Altea. I have a favor to ask of you. This magic tome belongs to Bishop Boah of Archanea. General Volzhin of Dolhr had been keeping it stashed away, but it... found its way into my hands, you might say. I would appreciate it greatly if you could return it to the good bishop in my stead. One other thing... Please take care of Princess Nyna. I am counting on you to keep her safe. ...I must go now. But our paths will cross again; you can be certain of that."
120) Chapter 14, Scene - Catria the White
Catria: "Hail, Prince Marth! 'Tis me, Catria. We meet again. My elder sister and I heard our mistress, Princess Minerva, had joined your ranks... so we absconded from Macedon to come and look for you here. I will fight my hardest for you, sire. You need only give the command."
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