151) Chapter 20, Scene - Naught but Hills
Caeda: "General Lorenz! My name is Caeda. I hail from Talys. My father has told me quite a bit about you."
Lorenz: "Princess Caeda! My, look what a lovely young woman you've grown into. Your father was a good friend to me, many years ago."
Caeda: "General, I heard you opposed Grust forming an alliance with Dolhr. Why didn't you try to stop it?"
Lorenz: "You think I did not try, Princess? Our king is meek, in the end, Dolhr proved better at cowing him than I did."
Caeda: "But, sir, surely you know that Dolhr intends to use the Manaketes to conquer humankind! You must act now-- for Grust's sake, if not the world's! Join us, General Lorenz. We can put an end to this battle right now."
Lorenz: "Hmm... What you say makes sense enough, but I serve Grust. I cannot simply betray my country."
Caeda: "Ah, but what makes a country?"
Lorenz: "Pardon?"
Caeda: "Is it one man-- your king? Or is it the countless innocent people who make their home here?"
Lorenz: "Well, that's-- Hmm..."
Caeda: "My father has a saying: 'A kingless country is a country still; but a king without subjects rules naught but hills.' If you disobey your king to ensure his subjects' safety, how is that a betrayal? You are protecting his reign."
Lorenz: "Protecting his reign? ...Aha ha ha, ha ha! Ahh, that mad logic! I feel as though I've shed twenty years and I'm talking to your father again. You win, Princess. I yield! I will join you, in the interests of king and country. Har!"
152) Chapter 20, Scene - Future in Sight
Marth: "General Lorenz, hold!"
Lorenz: "What? You are Marth, the Altean prince..."
Marth: "Yes, sir. The king of Talys told me much about you. He said you opposed Grust forming an alliance with Dolhr, right from the very start."
Lorenz: "That's right."
Marth: "Then fight with us! With your help, we can defeat Dolhr!"
Lorenz: "Forgive me, Prince Marth, but am I to just abandon my country, then?"
Marth: "......"
Lorenz: "I know yours is the just cause. Still, I wish to remain a Grustian general, right to the end. I am fighting here because that is the way for me to honor my kingdom."
Marth: "Forgive me, General, but... is it, really?"
Lorenz: "Pardon?"
Marth: "Since you are a Grustian general, then surely you fight for Grust's future first and foremost. But tell me... from where you are standing now, do you see any future for your country?"
Lorenz: "...I shall have to learn to mask my misgiving better, if you can pluck them from my heart so easily. You are quite correct. If I care what becomes of Grust, then I cannot continue to stand by Dolhr. So, I will stand by you instead, Prince-- and hope the future is a bit easier to spot from there."
153) Chapter 20, Scene - Caeda's Talent
Lorenz: "Prince Marth? I am General Lorenz of Grust. I have decided to join you, in the interest of my fellow Grustians."
Marth: "I am honored, General. Thank you. Caeda tells me you and her father were close."
Lorenz: "Yes. How the princess has grown, though! Sharp as a tack, that one. Such a change from when she was-- ...Now what am I saying? Caeda has always been clever. Even as a wee girl she knew how to wrap her elders about her little finger."
Marth: "You knew Caeda when she was little?"
Lorenz: "Oh, yes. The mischief she got into... Well, those are stories for another day. First, we've a battle to finish!"
Marth: "So we do, sir!"
154) Chapter 20, Ending - Nyna Grieves
Marth: "Forgive me, Nyna. I was unable to reunite you with your general."
Nyna: "No, Marth, I... I should not have made such a selfish request. I am sorry, so terribly sorry..."
Marth: "......"
Nyna: "The worst part, Marth... the worst part is, I knew it would come to this. Ever since I gave you the emblem, I just knew... Have you heard the story of Artemis' Curse?"
Marth: "No..."
Nyna: "The last time the Fire Emblem changed hands to save House Archanea, it was not without cost. There was a princess named Artemis who loved your ancestor, Anri, with all her heart. He loved her as well-- but when Medeus appeared, the two were parted forever. She cursed the Fire Emblem-- called it the end of war, but also the end of love. Not the emblem has changed hands again, and I am the one who is cursed..."
Marth: "Nyna..."
Nyna: "Look at me, so quick to fall apart... You lost loved ones in Altea and took it so bravely; but I cannot be so brave... Please... leave me for a moment. This is too much to bear. I need to... to comfort my feelings..."
Marth: "...Say no more, Nyna... Princess. I will step out. Send for me if you need anything."
Nyna: "Thank you, Marth..."
Marth left Nyna alone.
Nyna: "Ahh...! Camus, Camus... Ahh... no... Oh, why..."

The Earth Dragon
155) Chapter 20, Ending - Nyna's Hope
Marth: "Forgive me, Nyna. I was unable to reunite you with your general."
Nyna: "No, Marth, I... I should not have made such a selfish request. I am sorry, so terribly sorry..."
Marth: "......"
Nyna: "The worst part, Marth... the worst part is, I knew it would come to this. Ever since I gave you the emblem, I just knew... Have you heard the story of Artemis' Curse?"
Marth: "No..."
Nyna: "The last time the Fire Emblem changed hands to save House Archanea, it was not without cost. There was a princess named Artemis who loved your ancestor, Anri, with all her heart. He loved her as well-- but when Medeus appeared, the two were parted forever. She cursed the Fire Emblem-- called it the end of war, but also the end of love. Not the emblem has changed hands again, and I am the one who is cursed..."
Marth: "Nyna...Princess."
Nyna: "...I am told Camus has not been found. Perhaps he still lives. I know how selfish it is to wish it... But if he cannot be with me, then I must cling to the hope his life has not been cut short. It is all I have left."
156) Chapter 20x, Opening - Ymir's Struggle
Larissa: "Have the villagers given up struggling yet?"
Grust Soldier: "With that ogre on the loose? Hardly, sir. All of our soldiers together still can't contain him. The other villagers have fled into the caverns, out of reach."
Larissa: "What? Grr, enought of this! The League will be here soon. Take your positions! We'll deal with them first and cut that giant down to size later."
Meanwhile, in the cave where the villagers have been taking refuge...
Villager 1: "Ymir, you're hurt!"
Ymir: "Am I? I hardly feel it."
Elder: "Why would you try to take on an entire army just for our sake?"
Ymir: "Because you treat me like a human being. Do I need another reason?"
Villager 2: "Ymir... Thank you."
Ymir: "I'll be standing guard outside the cavern. Nobody will hurt you, I swear it."
157) Chapter 20x, Scene - Good Will Shown
Marth: "Who are you? You don't seem to be one of Grust's soldiers."
Ymir: "You just keep your distance. I'm not lettin' anybody near the villagers in here, and that includes you!"
Marth: "You wrong me, sir. I'm here to rout the last of Grust's army. To save you."
Ymir: "Yeah? Well, they said the same thing when they led us down here. And look where that got us. I'm not fallin' for the same lies twice!"
Marth: "I speak the truth. But, if my word is not good enough, so be it. Stand aside and watch us fight. Let the battle prove I mean what I say. Agreed? Either way, you are in danger here. Take the villagers and hide until this is over."
Ymir: "...So I'm supposed to just sit here, when I could be fightin'?"
Marth: "Just give me a chance to prove I'm here to protect you."
Ymir: "...Fine. I'll stay out of it. For now. But if I find out you're lyin' to me, I'll split you right down the middle."
158) Chapter 20x, Ending - Grust's Last Lie
Elder: "Prince Marth, thank you. Those soldiers told us they'd protect us when they led us down here... but they were just using us as leverage, hostages to keep you at bay! If you hadn't shown up, they might have just killed us outright in the end..."
159) Chapter 20x, Ending - Able Warrior
Ymir: "Prince Marth... Sorry I doubted you."
Marth: "Well, at least we've cleared up the misunderstanding."
Ymir: "Since you came to the villager's rescue, how 'bout I help you out as a way of sayin' thanks?"
Marth: "You mean... join our army?"
Ymir: "I'm strongest in the land! Well, second strongest, at least. I can hold my own in battle. But if you don't want a monster in your ranks, I understand..."
Marth: "Monster? You're a giant among men, to be sure, but a hero as well! Any warrior who can fend off an entire army is welcome among us!"
Ymir: "Then count me in! Let's see how many more armies break themselves against me, eh!"
160) Chapter 21, Opening - By My Hands
Marth: "Princess Minerva, we will soon reach the Macedonian border. Are you certain you wish to join the battle? If you've any reservations about fighting your own countrymen--"
Minerva: "If I did, Prince Marth, I would not have offered you my axe."
Marth: "But surely--"
Minerva: "You have the wrong idea. Perhaps you think I wish to spare my brother and former vassals, forgive them for seeing things differently?"
Marth: "...Don't you?"
Minerva: "I would be lying if I said I did not wish it were that simple. But history needs to remember that when Macedon went astray, it was a Macedonian who set things right."
Marth: "Even if it means your own brother may die?"
Minerva: "Since I was little, I followed in Michalis' footsteps. Whatever books her read, I read; whenever he practiced the sword, I was close by, watching, learning... He was always a step ahead: my hero, something to aspire to. Even now, some part of me loves him. ...I love him enough to spare him death on some stranger's sword, you see? Let him be punished by my hands."
161) Chapter 21, Opening - Clash in Macedon
Malledus: "Sire, we are nearing the Macedonian border."
Marth: "Did you send a messenger?"
Malledus: "Yes... but..."
Marth: "They will not yield."
Malledus: "No reply came, sire..."
Marth: "I knew they might not switch sides and join us, but I had at least hoped to avoid bloodshed... So be it. Macedon stands between us and Dolhr. And Gotoh is here somewhere as well. If the battle must be fought, I mean to fight it well."
162) Chapter 21, Ending - News of Elice
Gotoh: "...Prince Marth..."
Marth: "That voice! Lord Gotoh, is that you?"
Gotoh: "I see you have made it to Macedon. You will find me in a village north of the Macedonian aerie, their castle. If you possess the Lightsphere and Starsphere, have them in hand when you visit me here. ...Ah, yes. I also have good news. Your sister, Elice, is unharmed."
Marth: "What?! You are certain? Where is she now?"
Gotoh: "Thabes, city of illusion. Gharnef took her with him when he fled. I pray you rescue her soon."
Marth: "I will!"
Gotoh: "But first, bring me the two orbs. Without Starlight's mighty blast, Gharnef will only add your life to the list of things he has taken from you."
163) Chapter 22, Opening - A Knight-Filled Sky
Michalis: "Lord Gotoh, the League has begun its attack. I wish for you to move someplace safe until the fighting has ended."
Gotoh: "Why not just end this folly right now, Michalis?"
Michalis: "Folly? What folly?"
Gotoh: "You loved your younger sister so much. It pains me to see you quarrel. If you and Minerva had worked as one, Macedon might have become a great kingdom-- greater even than Archanea, perhaps. But instead, you let Gharnef trick you into destroying your family, and your kingdom with it."
Michalis: "...I cannot undo what is done. My father's blood will always be on my hands, just as Minerva's betrayal of her brother and country will be on hers. And Macedon has not been destroyed, not yet. So long as I carry Iote's Shield, the League's arrows cannot fell me."
Gotoh: "Very well. And if you win? What then?"
Michalis: "If I win, I will tell you. Right now, my only goal is to gut that Altean prince who leads the League. My pride as Macedonian king rests upon it."
Gotoh: "I see... Then we've nothing more to discuss, have we?"
Michalis left Gotoh alone.
Gotoh: "The weight of his father's murder threatens to crush him... Poor boy. ...Poor fool."
164) Chapter 22, Village - Starlight Complete
Gotoh: "You have the Lightsphere and Starsphere with you? Well done! Now I can create Starlight for you. ...There. It is finished. Take this with you; it is the only magic capable of breaking through Imhullu. Use it to stop that fiend Gharnef once and for all."

165) Chapter 22, Village - No Starlight
Gotoh: "Marth, Marth, why did you not heed me? Why did you not bring the two orbs? Without them, I cannot make Starlight for you. You will not be able to break through Gharnef's Imhullu magic, nor take Falchion from his clutches... Without Anri's sword, your battle with Medeus will be fraught with peril. If you still mean to face him, you will need all the strength you can muster, every advantage you can find. If you have weapons like the sword Mercurius or the lance Gradivus, the fight may not be lost... Hmm... I, too, may be able to help in some other way. Let me think on it. Regardless, your quest has just become more difficult than you realize. I hope you are ready."
166) Chapter 22, Ending - Spiral of Misery
Marth: "First General Camus of Grust... Now Prince Michalis of Macedon. Men of such promise... Had the times been different, the two might have led illustrious lives."
Malledus: "Yes, Prince Michalis was a brilliant man with great things ahead of him. But in the end, the rashness of youth did him in."
Marth: "Only because Gharnef found his weakness and exploited it. Until we stop that fiend, this spiral of misery will never cease."
Malledus: "Then shall we go to Thabes? Lord Gotoh said the city lies someplace far to the north of Khadein."
Marth: "Yes, in the heart of the desert..."
Malledus: "Thabes is an old city... None in recent memory have gone there and returned alive. Within its walls remain many powerful apparatus crafted of long-forgotten magic. Lord Gotoh believes Gharnef is harnessing their power, and that is why he wields such influence over the continent."
Marth: "And he has Imhullu as well... This will be a struggle. Still, Gharnef's reign must end. The world was so much more beautiful before he painted it red..."
167) Chapter 23, Opening - The Dark Pontifex
Marth: "The Temple of Thabes... He's here... somewhere..."
????: "Heh heh heh... Come to play, little Marth?"
Gharnef revealed himself in the presence of Marth.
Gharnef: "'Tis I, Gharnef. I have been waitin for you."
Marth: "Waiting?"
Gharnef: "Oh, yes. For you to dance around the continent, collecting powerful weapons and killing off my competition. Thanks to you, Camus and Michalis will trouble me no more. You have my gratitude, diligent prince."
Marth: "You... monster!"
Gharnef: "Tsk, tsk, don't spoil the moment, now. You're about to do me one last favor... Die, Prince. Heh heh heh!"
Marth: "That's what you think. I have something else in mind."
Gharnef: "Heh, is that a threat? If you mean to harm me, first you'll have to find me, boy."
Marth: "And what is that supposed to mean?"
Malledus: "My prince! Several sorcerers have been sighted throughout the temple! They're... They all seem to be Gharnef, sire!"
Gharnef: "Heh heh! Fight, boy, fight! Wear yourself thin fighting puppets and shadows! But the only way you'll claim Falchion is by defeating the real me. Heh heh, ha ha ha ha!"
168) Chapter 23, Scene - To Stop Gharnef
Malledus: "Sire, we've pinpointed where Gharnef is keeping the magical apparatus that gives him his power."
Marth: "Where?"
Malledus: "The Tower of Thabes atop this very temple."
Marth: "Then we don't need to fight Gharnef... If we find those apparatus..."
Malledus: "Gharnef's power-- a great deal of power-- will be sealed forever."
Marth: "Then let's hurry and seize the entrance to the tower!"
Malledus: "A word of caution, sire. Stopping the apparatus will not undo Imhullu's power-- only Gharnef's. He still has Falchion in his keeping; if you want the blade back, you must defeat him now, before seizing the tower."
169) Chapter 23, Ending - Gharnef Defeated
Marth: "At last... Gharnef is finished."
170) Chapter 23, Ending - Gharnef Flees
Marth: "Malledus! Quickly! Find the apparatus and shut them down!"
Malledus: "Right away, sire!"
Gharnef: "...Blast! How... how did they find the apparatus? All my power... Still, they are fools if they think they can defeat Medeus with such cheap tricks... Heh heh, ha ha ha!"
171) Chapter 23, Ending - Reunion
Altea Soldier: "Sire! We found Princess Elice up in the Tower of Thabes! She's on her way to see you right-- Ah, here she is!"
Marth: "Elice!!!"
Elice: "Marth! Oh, look at you. A man grown!"
Marth: "Sister, I was so worried. None had seen you since the castle fell. I... I feared the worst."
Elice: "I was prepared for the worst, if that was what it took to ensure your safety. But they did not kill me. Gharnef spared my life."
Marth: "Why would he spare you?"
Elice: "Marth, have you heard of the staff of Aum?"
Marth: "The staff that brings back the dead? It was lost to the world long ago, or so the legend goes."
Elice: "Yes, but Gharnef found it... in the Resurrectory."
Marth: "The Resurrectory? What was it doing in a temple in the middle of Dolhr?"
Elice: "I could not say. But that was why Gharnef kept me alive: he wished me to wield it. The staff of Aum's power can only be channeled by women of royal blood. Marth, you are going to Dolhr, are you not?"
Marth: "Yes. I must settle things with Medeus."
Elice: "Then take me to the Resurrectory along the way to claim the staff. Aum works but once, but I will use it to revive a lost comrade."
172) Chapter 24, Opening - Manakete Kingdom
Malledus: "There, sire. Up on the mountains to the south, you can see Dolhr Keep."
Marth: "And inside is Medeus, king of the earth dragons-- the one they call the Shadow Dragon. ...Why doesn't he leave the keep and face us?"
Malledus: "I recall Lord Gotoh saying his return is not yet complete; only within the keep's walls can he maintain dragon form."
Marth: "Really...? Then we have the advantage... To Dolhr Keep, then! Let us put a stop to this war!"
173) Chapter 24, Ending - The Earth Dragon
Dolhr Soldier: "Emperor! The enemy has broken through the gates!"
Medeus: "That impudent boy... Have the guards take their positions. The keep must be defended."
Dolhr Soldier: "At once!"
Medeus: "Hmph, you'll find an earth dragon like me harder to tame than Gharnef, brat. Come and face me. I'll tear the ground asunder and send you straight down to hell!"
174) Chapter 24, Ending - Unseen Dimension
????: "Marth... Can you hear me?"
Marth: "Lord Gotoh?"
Gotoh: "I know you mean to challenge Medeus. But you and your companions haven't the power to win."
Marth: "What? Why not? Because I failed to retrieve Falchion?"
Gotoh: "You also failed to save the divine-dragon girl."
Marth: "I... did not mean for anything to happen to her--"
Gotoh: "You can put your heart at ease. Tiki is not dead. She has merely returned to her slumber. Still, without her powers... We must take other steps. ...Select a handful of your best warriors. I must send you into an unseen dimension."
Marth: "An... unseen dimension, my lord?"
Gotoh: "A place outside the confines of our world. There you will find a tower; and once in the tower, you must pass its Keepers' test. If your strength and your need are great enough, the tower's master will answer... and then, perhaps, your fortunes will be changed for the better."
175) Chapter 24x, Opening - The Alterspire
Marth: "This must be the tower Lord Gotoh spoke of..."
Malledus: "Sire, it's teeming with soldiers... Who are they? They fly no recognizable banner."
Marth: "They are the Keepers whose test I must pass."
Malledus: "You mean to fight them, then?"
Marth: "Gotoh says we must prove ourselves. Very well; we'll seize the tower. Follow me!"
176) Chapter 24x, Ending - Deity Reborn
Malledus: "Sire, look! Stairs beneath the throne! Where could they lead?"
Later on, Marth and Malledus reached a mysterious room upstair...
Malledus: "...Do you think this is the coffin?"
Marth: "There are no others. And look: these markings around it are the same pattern we saw in the Fane of Roman..."
Malledus: "Hmm, you're right..."
Marth: "We found a dragon girl in the fane... I wonder if these symbols-- Huh?!"
Malledus: "Sire! The coffin... It's opening!"
Marth: "What? No! It must be some kind of trap, or... or some kind of... er..."
Suddenly, a woman aroused from the coffin...
Marth: "...woman? ...Could she be the master Gotoh spoke of?"
Nagi: "...Who are you?"

Anri versus Medeus
Marth: "My name is Marth, prince of Altea. And you, my lady?"
Nagi: "Me?! My name... is Nagi."
Marth: "Nagi... I was sent here to find you, by a man named Gotoh."
Nagi: "Gotoh... I know that name... But... from where? I cannot recall."
Marth: "You've lost your memory?"
Nagi: "I... cannot say for certain... But your voice... I heard you calling. Did you rouse me from my sleep?"
Marth: "I... er... Not on purpose?"
Nagi: "Your soul... called out to me... begging for my help. For this blade..."
Marth: "That... that's Falchion! How did you get it?!"
Nagi: "I cannot remember... But you need it; I know that. And you need my powers..."
Marth: "Your... powers, my lady?"
Nagi: "Take me with you. I must... finish what I started... I think. I must fight with you."
177) Chapter 25, Opening - Light of Tomorrow
Marth: "We made it. Now we just have to find Medeus..."
Malledus: "Sire! Lord Gotoh is here to see you."
Gotoh: "Marth, you have fought splendidly."
Marth: "Lord Gotoh?! What are you doing here?"
Gotoh: "I washed my hands of humankind and their foolish ways long ago. But you and your companions have convinced me that was a rash decision. Perhaps there is hope for you yet. Allow me to offer what help I can."
Marth: "You mean you'll fight with us?"
Gotoh: "Yes. I may lack the power to stop Medeus, but his minions are another story. Let this old man strike them down and clear a path for you. ...The gods have chosen you, Marth, prince of light. Go now, and win back a future for us all. Your family would be proud."
Marth: "......!"
After hearing such words from the old sage, Marth remembered the last words of his father...
- Flashback -
Cain: "His last words were as follows: 'Tell my son that I leave the future of Altea and our continent in his hands.'"
Malledus: "Your sister knows that you are the future of Altea-- nay, the whole land!"
Shortly after...
Marth: "Come, my friends! We have a dragon to tame! Help me confine Medeus to the shadows for all eternity and bring light back into the world!"
178) Chapter 25, Opening - Gotoh's Help
Marth: "We made it. Now we just have to find Medeus..."
Malledus: "Sire! Lord Gotoh is here to see you."
Gotoh: "Marth, you have fought splendidly."
Marth: "Lord Gotoh?! What are you doing here?"
Gotoh: "I washed my hands of humankind and their foolish ways long ago. But you and your companions have convinced me that was a rash decision. Perhaps there is hope for you yet. Allow me to offer what help I can."
Marth: "You mean you'll fight with us?"
Gotoh: "Yes. I may lack the power to stop Medeus, but his minions are another story. Let this old man strike them down and clear a path for you. ...The gods have chosen you, Marth, prince of light.
Marth: "Come, my friends! We have a dragon to tame! Help me confine Medeus to the shadows for all eternity and bring light back into the world!"
179) Chapter 25, Opening - A Sinister Will
Marth: "We made it. Now we just have to find Medeus..."
Nagi: "I can sense it... A sinister will is at work here..."
Marth: "Come, my friends! We have a dragon to tame! Help me confine Medeus to the shadows for all eternity and bring light back into the world!"
180) Chapter 25, Ending - Medeus' Demise
Medeus: "Nngh... Defeated again... by humans! Know this, Altean prince... That light which surrounds you is only a temporary respite. So long as the darkness in your hearts continues to sustain me... I cannot be... detroyed... Rrraaahhh!!!"
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